This is but of the part of the Republicans' not-so-stealthy drive in 
preparation for the
next election. There are also the voter ID laws winning passage in 
state after state.
Through such measures they will do much better than expected (and, in 
fact, much
better than they really did).

The hideous irony of all this is that the champions of both 
Section 5 out of the Voting Rights Act, and passing voter ID laws--are using
the election of Barack Obama to justify their actions. After all, 
since America has
elected a black president, why do we need a Voting Rights Act, anyway? And the
advocates of voter ID legislations are contending, incredibly, that 
such laws actually
increased the turnout on Election Day. (Hans von Spakovsky actually made this
case, in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Jan. 30.)

The Democrats had better get their act together; and that means way 
more than the
Holt Bill, even if the latter could be much improved (about which 
more in a moment).


Wall Street Journal

MARCH 28, 2009

A Showdown on Voting Rights
In Texas Case, a Divide Over How Far Minorities Have Come


Blake Gordon for The Wall Street Journal


AUSTIN, Texas -- Don Zimmerman got elected to the local utility board 
in 2002. One of his goals was to move the polling station from a 
neighbor's inconveniently located garage to an elementary school 
three blocks away.

His effort barely registered among the 3,500 residents of Mr. 
Zimmerman's suburb, Canyon Creek. But it turned out to have much 
broader ramifications. It prompted a case now before the Supreme 
Court that could bring the biggest change in election law since 1965, 
when Congress passed the Voting Rights Act.

The case, which the high court will hear on April 29, focuses on 
Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. The clause requires state and 
local governments deemed to have historically suppressed minority 
votes to obtain Justice Department approval before altering election 
practices -- even something as minor as moving a polling station.

Conservative legal activists, looking to strike down Section 5, 
recruited Mr. Zimmerman's agency, the Northwest Austin Municipal 
Utility District No. 1, as plaintiff in a suit to challenge it.

They argue the era of Southern sheriffs attacking civil-rights 
marchers with bullwhips and billy clubs is long gone, and the 
Constitution no longer permits the extraordinary measures Congress 
adopted two generations ago to ensure minorities could take part in 
the democratic process.

The case is all the more resonant coming just months after the 
nation's election of Barack Obama as the first African-American 
president. "This law is basically stuck in the 1960s," says Greg 
Coleman, a conservative attorney whose Austin firm, Yetter Warden & 
Coleman, is representing the utility district free, thanks in part to 
financing from a foundation that opposes government programs favoring 
minorities. "The America that elected Obama is far different from the 
America in which Section 5 was originally enacted."
[Waiting to vote in Alabama in 1965, after the Voting Rights Act was 
passed.] Corbis

Waiting to vote in Alabama in 1965, after the Voting Rights Act was passed.

Liberal groups argue that the clause's protections are still needed. 
"Out of those states covered by Section 5, how many did Barack Obama 
win? He didn't win Texas," says Gary Bledsoe, president of the Texas 
State Conference of NAACP Branches, which is helping to defend 
Section 5. Nine states are fully under Section 5 supervision; of 
those, only Virginia supported Mr. Obama.

Certain cities and counties in seven other states also fall under 
Section 5, largely because of 1975 amendments that extended coverage 
to linguistic minorities. Some of those areas lie far outside the 
former Confederacy, from Monterey County, Calif., to the New York 
City boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx.

Court observers expect the vote to be close, with four solid 
conservatives inclined to void Section 5 while four liberals seem 
certain to uphold it. Justice Anthony Kennedy, who sometimes splits 
from his fellow conservatives but has been skeptical of 
race-conscious laws, is likely to cast the deciding vote. If the 
court voids Section 5, it will remove one of the most potent pieces 
of civil-rights legislation in the government's arsenal.

The 15th Amendment, ratified five years after the Civil War, 
guarantees the right to vote regardless of "race, color, or previous 
condition of servitude" and grants Congress enforcement power. For 
most of the following century, Washington did little as many Southern 
states deployed literacy tests, character requirements and other 
pretexts to prevent blacks from voting.

In the early 1960s, when the federal government began obtaining court 
orders against such practices, defiant Southern officials often would 
simply devise new barriers. By requiring certain state and local 
governments to "preclear" changes in election procedures, Section 5 
aimed to stop that practice. The Supreme Court upheld the provision 
in 1966.

Today, the Justice Department describes the Voting Rights Act as "the 
most successful piece of civil-rights legislation ever adopted." In 
Alabama, for instance, black-voter registration soared to 73% in 2006 
from 19% in 1965.

Although originally set to expire after five years, Section 5 has 
been renewed repeatedly, most recently in 2006, when President George 
W. Bush signed legislation extending it to 2031.

Although thousands of government agencies are covered by Section 5, 
none joined the Canyon Creek board's lawsuit. State or local 
governments in eight affected states, including Louisiana, 
Mississippi and North Carolina, have filed briefs arguing that the 
law be upheld. Among them is Travis County, Texas, which now 
administers the utility board's elections.

Renea Hicks, an attorney representing Travis County, says Texas has a 
long history of voting discrimination. The state maintained 
whites-only primaries until the Supreme Court found them 
unconstitutional in 1944. In the 1950s, after the local NAACP 
president nearly won a city council seat, Austin adopted at-large 
elections to ensure black voters would be outnumbered by whites.

"It isn't as though racism magically disappears," Mr. Hicks says. 
"You can never predict what's going to trigger it again."

The law, however, was a surprise to Mr. Zimmerman, a computer 
engineer who moved to Austin to take a job during the Internet bubble 
and eventually decided to run for the utility district board. The 
district conducted its elections apart from those of other agencies. 
In March 2002, it put its single ballot box on a card table in the 
garage of a local man, Jack Stueber.

Jess Bravin for the Wall Street Journal

Jack Stueber's garage, where the polling station used to be.

"We had a lot of complaints about people having to walk to different 
places in order to vote," says Mr. Stueber, a retired oil-company 
accountant. The county clerk's office ran the elections for other 
offices, putting its polling station at Canyon Creek Elementary 

Mr. Zimmerman spent that election day outside the school, handing out 
maps to the garage, so residents could walk over and vote for him. 
When he later proposed consolidating utility board elections with the 
others, the district's lawyer explained that Justice Department 
permission was required. The department quickly approved the request, 
but the process galled Mr. Zimmerman.

"The whole thing is utterly ridiculous," he says. "We've never had 
any voting problems in our neighborhood. Why are you imposing it on 

Mr. Zimmerman, 48 years old, grew up in San Antonio, where his 
parents were active Republicans. "I went to integrated high schools," 
he adds.

Mr. Zimmerman says his political idol is Rep. Ron Paul, the Texas 
Republican known for libertarian leanings. Over recent years, Mr. 
Zimmerman says, he came to realize that politics is his calling, too. 
In Canyon Creek, he found a receptive outlet for his activism.

Austin is a college city known for its freewheeling music scene, Wild 
West architecture and relatively liberal politics. The Canyon Creek 
suburb is a quieter place. Built on former ranchland in the late 
1980s, it is a development of gated communities and cul-de-sac 

Many residents work in the high-tech industry, and median income, 
according to 2000 census data, is $103,200, nearly twice that of the 
city. Its population is 80% white, compared with 53% citywide. Last 
November, John McCain edged Barack Obama in Canyon Creek, 50% to 48%. 
Travis County as a whole went for Mr. Obama, 64% to 35%.

The Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District No. 1 doesn't provide 
electric service. Canyon Creek's developer arranged the district's 
creation as a mechanism to float bonds to pay for infrastructure. 
Beyond collecting a tax to pay off the bonds, the district's sole 
function is managing a community park. An elected board -- whose 
members each receive $100 for attending the monthly meeting -- 
oversees these responsibilities.

View Full Image
Canyon Creek Elementary School, the new polling location.
Jess Bravin for the Wall Street Journal

Like many homeowners here, Mr. Zimmerman grumbled about having to pay 
a tax to the city of Austin in addition to that of the utility 
district. After joining the board, he looked for a lawyer willing to 
challenge the city tax. A friend introduced him to Mr. Coleman, who 
agreed to take the case.

"I always like to have one or two public-interest cases, and it 
sounded like there people were being cheated by the city," says Mr. 
Coleman, 45, who clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas and later served 
as the Texas solicitor general.

Messrs. Coleman and Zimmerman, who both attended Texas A&M 
University, became allies. When Mr. Zimmerman unsuccessfully ran in 
the 2006 Republican primary for state representative, Mr. Coleman 
contributed $1,000.

"He has a strong interest in public service," Mr. Coleman says of Mr. 

Mr. Zimmerman, likewise, admires Mr. Coleman.

"He practically walks on water for me," he says.

During their conversations in 2002 or 2003, the utility board's 
experience with Section 5 came up. "I mentioned this to Greg as an 
annoyance, but no way was I asking him to take that on," Mr. 
Zimmerman says.

Mr. Coleman considers Section 5 an overreach of federal power. "It's 
a scarlet letter, a badge of shame," he says. "You have people in 
Boston or Detroit who pretend that they're free of these kind of 
[discrimination] issues and point the finger at areas covered by the 
preclearance regime."

When it became clear that Congress would renew Section 5 in 2006, 
some conservative groups began planning a lawsuit. "For months, I 
tried unsuccessfully to recruit a plaintiff to challenge the 
reauthorized act," says Edward Blum, director of the Project on Fair 
Representation, a Washington advocacy group. Mr. Coleman, who knew 
Mr. Blum through previous lawsuits against affirmative action and 
school-integration programs in Houston, suggested the Canyon Creek 

Mr. Coleman approached Mr. Zimmerman. "He said, 'Hey, remember that 
Department of Justice issue you had?' " Mr. Zimmerman recalls. At a 
utility board meeting, Mr. Coleman -- assured of financial support 
from Mr. Blum's group -- offered to challenge Section 5 at no charge.

"I told them there was no way that I would vote to spend taxpayer 
dollars on the case because it's such an expensive thing," Mr. 
Zimmerman says. "You can't afford to fight every cause, but we can 
afford this one, because it's free."

The all-white board voted unanimously to authorize the lawsuit. 
Meeting minutes report that two residents were in attendance.

"I was unaware of the law until he explained it," says board member 
Rob Ratcliff, a software consultant who has lived in Canyon Creek 
since 2001. "I didn't like the fact that they stigmatize the South," 
he says. "The Bible Belt states, specifically."

The utility board treated Mr. Coleman's proposal as a typical agenda 
item, providing no special notice or opportunities for residents to 
discuss the issue.

Mr. Zimmerman says the legal issues were too complex for lay persons 
to contribute to the debate. Besides, "apathy is the rule of the day 
in my neighborhood," he says. "If we called a forum, there'd be a 
handful of radicals pouring in" to oppose the suit, but "there's no 
handful of people on my side" certain to attend.

Some residents, though, were disturbed to discover that their utility 
board had filed suit to invalidate part of the Voting Rights Act. "No 
one knew about it. It was a stealth action," says Chris Bowers, 40, a 
computer-engineering manager who has lived in Canyon Creek for eight 
years. He began attending board meetings to question members about 
the decision.

"The response was very much, 'We were elected and this is what we're 
doing, so too bad,' " Mr. Bowers says. Concerned that publicity about 
the case could damage property values, Mr. Bowers, a Democrat, 
decided to run for the utility board on an anti-lawsuit platform. In 
the May 2008 election, he got 179 votes -- first place among the 
three candidates vying for two seats.

Later that month, a federal court in Washington rejected the 
district's suit. Minorities "have made significant progress," U.S 
Circuit Judge David Tatel wrote, but "racial discrimination in voting 
continues throughout covered jurisdictions -- on some measures, at a 
higher rate than in noncovered jurisdictions despite section 5's 
deterrent effects." Congress, the court found, had acted within its 
15th Amendment powers.

The board's next meeting, in June, drew an outsize crowd -- seven 
residents showed up, according to the sign-in sheet.

Mr. Coleman was eager to appeal to the Supreme Court. Chief Justice 
John Roberts, as a Reagan administration attorney in the 1980s, had 
raised concerns about aspects of the Voting Rights Act.

After agenda items on trail maintenance, a tennis-court proposal and 
efforts to eradicate feral hogs, Mr. Bowers moved to drop the appeal 
to the Supreme Court. He displayed PowerPoint slides outlining the 
history of voting discrimination and questioning the board's 
rationale for going forward.

The motion failed, 4 to 1. Messrs. Zimmerman and Bowers both say 
they'll attend the April arguments at the Supreme Court.

Write to Jess Bravin at <>
Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A1

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