A great step forward by the Times. Let's use it to push Holder toward 
proper treatment
of Don's case. (Throwing out the case, and starting an investigation 
of all those who
forced it, would be proper treatment.)

And let's also use it to induce the Times to call for "a thorough 
investigation" of the hundreds
of selective prosecutions by Rove's DoJ.


The Siegelman Case

The New York Times
April 25, 2009


Attorney General Eric Holder's recent decision to drop all of the 
charges against Ted Stevens,
the former Republican senator from Alaska, because of prosecutorial 
misconduct raises an
important question: What about Don Siegelman? A bipartisan group of 
75 former state attorneys general has written to Mr. Holder asking 
him to take a fresh look at the former Alabama
governor's case. He should do so right away.

Mr. Siegelman was convicted in 2006 on dubious corruption charges. He 
spent nine months in
prison before being released on appeal, and he faces years more 
behind bars. He has long insisted
that the case against him was politically motivated and that 
prosecutors engaged in an array of professional and ethical 

Many aspects of the case require further scrutiny. United States 
Attorney Leura Canary is the
wife of a prominent Republican political operative who was a strong 
opponent of Mr. Siegelman.
Her office prosecuted Mr. Siegelman. Ms. Canary said that she recused 
herself from the
prosecution, but questions have been raised about whether she actually did.

Mr. Siegelman's supporters have long argued that he was targeted by 
the Justice Department
because he was Alabama's leading Democratic politician and stood a 
good chance of once again being elected governor [as he had been in 
2002: a victory that was stolen from him--MCM.]
A Republican lawyer in Alabama, Jill Simpson, has said that she heard 
Ms. Canary's husband, William Canary, say that he had discussed the 
prosecution with Karl Rove, the senior White
House political adviser.

In the case of Mr. Stevens, who was convicted of felony charges for 
failing to disclose gifts
and services, Mr. Holder was so troubled by the way the prosecution 
was carried out that he
decided to drop the case entirely.

According to the Siegelman camp, at least three of the same officials 
who have been accused
of prosecutorial misconduct in the Stevens case were involved in Mr. 
Siegelman's prosecution.
If true, this alone would seem to justify a thorough investigation of the case.
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