*The Times (UK) and Daily Mail have both come out with hit-pieces on me and
*academics who have questioned the Official Narrative of COVID-19, both
pieces *
*calling us (of course) "conspiracy theorists," putting everyone in mortal
danger: *

*"Your conduct risks undermining morale during the crisis and reducing the
public’s resolve to stick to the rules put in place to reduce the spread of
the disease. Your 'News From Underground' website has promoted numerous
conspiracies [sic] including that [the] coronavirus 'may be an artificially
created bioweapon,' that this was planned by Bill Gates to increase his
power, and that there is a Gates/Big Pharma/CDC/WHO complex promoting
vaccines." *

*A few observations:*

*Although they're owned by different **oligarchic clans—the
"downscale" Mail by *
*the Rothermeres, the "upscale" Times **by Murdoch (whose **Australian has
now *
*recycled the Times piece)—both outlets **have acted jointly here, as the
Mail *
*piece claims that I was "approached for comment," though it was not the
*reporter, but the Times reporter who "approached" me, with the
*email that you'll find below, and that had gone to spam, so that I didn't
see it*
*until now.*

*If I had seen it, I would have first asked where exactly I had ever
written that*
*COVID-19 "may be an artificially created bioweapon," as those are not my*
*words, but were contrived by the reporter. I have sent to this list, and
*on the website for News from Underground, some pieces* *arguing that this*
*new coronavirus seems to have been engineered for biowarfare purposes. *
*Rather than "approach" **their authors (such as Francis Boyle), the Times *
*scribe chose to cast me **as the source of that malevolent speculation, so*
*as to make it easier to link me with my friend Piers Robinson and his*
*malevolent views on 9/11 as a state-run pretext for the "war on terror"*
*(views that I do share).  *

*Leaving aside the question as to where I've ever said that "this was
planned *
*by **Bill Gates to increase his power" (a charge too idiotic even to
discuss), I also *
*would have asked the Times' **amanuensis is he's ever actually read
anything *
*about the "Gates/Big Pharma/**CDC/WHO complex **promoting vaccines"—a *
*juggernaut as incontestable **as the US military-industrial complex, the
global *
*oil cartel, or Hollywood; **and yet this animal from Rupert Murdoch's
stable *
*writes to me as if that **vast **machine (which advertises heavily
throughout *
*Murdoch's commercial **media) were just a figment of the warped
imaginations *
*of some "academics" **murderously intent on "undermining morale during
the *
*crisis," as if we were **a pack of Kremlin agents.   *

*I also would have told the Times' man that he was—is—quite clearly*
*following the old CIA playbook by using the phrase "conspiracy theory"*
*as a tactic to smear anyone who dares to question the state's "truth," *
*whether that Big Lie concerns JFK/Dallas (Oswald did it), 9/11 (Osama*
*bin Laden did it), US elections (never stolen), "Russia-gate" (Putin did*
*it), 5G (perfectly safe), vaccines (all perfectly safe), or—as now, *
*inescapably—COVID-19, the "Chinese virus" that naturally arose out *
*of **that foul "wet market" in Wuhan, and that will kill us all unless we*
*(a) close our minds to all dissenting views or inconvenient information *
*on **that subject, and (b) bend over and get vaccinated. *

*That's what I would have told the Times reporter—adding that the new*
*coronavirus isn't half as dangerous as his attempt to help keep *
*everybody *
*in the dark about it.*


Senior British academics share coronavirus conspiracy theories online -
including speculation it ...
Daily Mail
... Academics include Profs Tim Hayward and *Mark Crispin Miller*, both of
the OPS; Dr Robinson is accused of whitewashing the Syrian and Russian ...
[image: Facebook]
as irrelevant
The Times views on academics sharing coronavirus conspiracy theories:
Spreading Falsehoods
The Times
Another director of OPS, *Mark Crispin Miller*, a professor at New York
University, has written that the coronavirus “may be an artificially
created ...

*Dear Professor Mark Crispin Miller*
*I hope you and your family are well.*
*The Times is preparing an article looking at your involvement in promoting
conspiracy theories about the coronavirus.*
*Would you like to comment?*

*Your conduct risks undermining morale during the crisis and reducing the
public’s resolve to stick to the rules put in place to reduce the spread of
the disease.Your "News From Underground" website has promoted numerous
conspiracies including that coronavirus "may be an artificially created
bioweapon", that this was planned by Bill Gates to increase his power, and
that there is a Gates/Big Pharma/CDC/WHO complex promoting vaccines. Also,
you are a director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies.Your
organisation the OPS has tweeted a link to your colleague Piers Robinson's
interview to Empire & Geopolitics broadcast in the past week in which he
suggested the coronavirus might be part of hybrid warfare.He said of the
World Trade Centre attacks that it was “pretty obvious now that the
official story is incorrect. The question is who was involved in
influencing, arranging, and which states including from within the US
political system. And if that's the case with 9/11 it’s perfectly possible
there are actors at play with regard to this. Some people have talked about
bioweapons and so on. All of that is possible.“The US has been building
facilities and so on. This is one of the things which we need to keep our
eye on through all of this, the fact that especially if we are in a hybrid
warfare situation, are there actors who might be using technologies in
order to create modified viruses and so on and use them in a strategic way.
It’s a possibility. I wouldn’t rule it out especially given concerns that
we now have in relation to 9/11. We live in a world where people do dark
deeds.”He described covid-19 as “a low fatality virus. … There’s no
indication that it’s significantly different with what we see from major
flu outbreaks every year across the West” but “propagandistic information
pouring through the mainstream media” had created “so much hype around it,
there is so much fear”.He said the public was “very malleable” and that
“not to believe everything is more important than it has ever been at this
critical moment for the West.”His interviewer Hrvoje Morić, calling the
virus “covid-1984”, claimed there had been evidence that 9/11 was known in
advance and queried why the US war-gamed a pandemic in the months before
coronavirus appeared.The channel’s previous broadcast, which also suggested
coronavirus was a biological weapon originating from North America, was
deleted by YouTube after being watched by 300,000 viewers.If you wish to
respond, please do so by 14.00 BST, 09.00 New York time tomorrow
(Thursday).Thank youDominic KennedyThe Times(+44) 7860 926275*


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