Tempo of Audits Drops for Wealthy

March 23, 2009


While the number of wealthy Americans swelled in the last couple of 
years, they faced less scrutiny from tax authorities, according to a 
study of government data by outside researchers.

Revenue Service audited only about four of every 100 Americans' 
returns with income of at least $1 million in the fiscal year ended 
October 2008, according to the Transactional Records Access 
Clearinghouse, a research organization affiliated with 

The I.R.S. acknowledged that it had audited a smaller portion of 
these returns than in years past, but disputed the group's 
interpretation of the data. The government calculated the audit rate 
at 5.6 percent among millionaires, compared with 4.4 percent by 

The government estimated that the chance of a millionaire being 
audited declined last year by 19 percent - significant, but less 
severe than the 36 percent drop claimed by T.R.A.C.

"We essentially audited as many millionaires as in the previous year, 
but there were more returns," said Terry Lemons, an I.R.S. spokesman. 
The I.R.S. said it audited just over 23,000 returns of the nearly 
340,000 filed by millionaires in 2007. That compares with just over 
21,800 returns filed by 398,000 millionaires in 2008.

While the number of millionaires was growing, the I.R.S. had to shift 
its focus last year to processing tax rebate checks related to the 
first economic 
package, from the Bush administration last summer.

Mr. Lemons added that wealthy Americans with at least $10 million in 
income still stood the highest chance of any income group of being 
audited - about 10 percent.

T.R.A.C., which has a long-running dispute with the I.R.S. over how 
to interpret data, said an agency official told it on Friday that 
audit rates for previous years had been misreported, leading to a 
discrepancy between the two organizations on the size of the decline 
for audits of millionaires.

Because it takes years to conduct audits, scrutiny last year almost 
certainly involved those tax returns filed while the economy was 
still booming, before the subprime 
collapse, stock market plunge and federal bailout of the financial 

"Given the lag between the year that income is received, a return is 
filed, and then becomes subject to audit, the drop in the audits 
occurred for those returns with income earned at the height of the 
real estate boom, just before the economy turned sour," the T.R.A.C. 
report said.

The income of the 400 wealthiest Americans swelled in 2006, to an 
average of $263 million, according to I.R.S. data. Since 1996, this 
group's share of the nation's total wealth has nearly doubled to more 
than 22 percent.

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