All the more reason to demand a new--that is to say, a 
real--investigation. (See below.)


From: AJ <><>
Subject: [9-11-290] Petitions
To: <>
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 7:28 AM

If you will be in or near New York anytime between now and July 3rd, 
its your responsibility to help get people to sign the petition for a 
new investigation of 9/11.  We currently have just over 35,000 
signatures and need 75,000 (40,000 more) in order to guarantee a spot 
on the ballot for voters to choose whether or not they'd like a new 
investigation.  This amounts to getting a bit over 600 petitions a 
day!  This will be difficult, but NOT impossible. 

Only people who are registered NYC voters can sign it, so tell 
anybody and everybody you know that could sign it.  Go to 
<> for more details.

Need more motivation?  If you go to Union Square in Manhattan and get 
at least 12 people per hour to sign the petition, you will make 
$15/hour.  I've already gotten one friend to do it just for the money 
even though he has no interest in 9/11 truth.  Try to get as many 
people involved as possible!

If there are 150 or so people in this group (I believe there are), 
and each one of us works for just 22 total hours, we'll hit 75,000 by 
July 3rd.  I realize this is a Boston list, but I'm sure not all of 
us will be in Boston for the summer.

I plan on getting at least 1,000 sigs during the month of June by 
both working in Union Square and going door-to-door in other boroughs 
like Queens and Brooklyn.  We should all try to make this sort of 
commitment if we can.  If everybody pitches in, we can really make a 
HUGE difference.

Thanks, and sorry for the lengthy message.

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