Here is a terrific piece by my friend Vicky 
Lovegren, who has fought doggedly, for years, in 
Cuyahoga County to protect the vote.

This article will tell you what it's like under 
the sway of the Republican Boards of Elections
in Ohio--notwithstanding SoS Jean Brunner's 
efforts at reform--and also helps to
further point up the astonishing bad faith of 
those fierce partisans attacking ACORN.


Cuyahoga's Witch Hunt
by Victoria Lovegren

On Tuesday, Oct 7th, I attended a Cuyahoga County 
Board of Elections (CCBOE) meeting.  I wanted to 
make sure absentee-vote totals were going to be 
separated from election-day vote totals.  What I 
observed was a witch hunt.

This is what I, and many others, believe:

The GOP is applying pressure to the county board 
of elections to "sniff out" questionable 
voter-registration cards, especially those by 
very effective and successful voter-registration 
projects, and call it "Voter Fraud."  Probably 
like the pressure on 9 fired U.S. Attorneys 
(Google "Iglesias Voter Fraud"). 

ACORN, a highly respected community organizing 
agency, was called in to answer questions about 
"fishy" and duplicate voter-registration cards. 

During the increasingly hostile interrogation, 
ACORN admitted "we don't have the resources to 
catch every fraudulent voter-registration card". 
(Brings back memories of Bob Bennett's "No 
election is perfect!" as he and Vu pushed 
e-voting down our throats!)

The next day's Plain Dealer: "ACORN: Possible 
Fraud"--"ACORN admitted to the BOE they can't 
eliminate fraud from their operation."  

Fox News and the conveyor-belt media ran with it, 
adding to the "ACORN bonfire" being stoked around 
the country. 

Within minutes, blogs and GOP sites were linking 
Obama (e.g. "Obama ACORN Truths Proven") and Ohio 
Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner (e.g. 
"Activist Group Advising Brunner Admits to Ohio 
Election Fraud") to this "shady organization." 

The Truth

ACORN is required, by law, to turn in all 
registration forms, lest they be accused of 
partisan filtering. 

Of the tens of thousands (65,000 to 80,000) new 
registrations in Cuyahoga, the occurrence of 
duplications is marginal.

ACORN's quality control process involves calling 
voters, to try to assess the legitimacy of the 
cards.  They evaluate the cards, and group them 
into "verified", "unable to verify", and 
"problematic registrations".  ACORN employs many 
canvassers. They do not have a sophisticated 
voter-registration database that tracks change 
transactions, nor signature-recognition 

During the "interrogation", ACORN described the 
response from one man submitting multiple 
voter-registration cards: "I was only trying to 
help the kids!"  (At first I thought he meant the 
Iraq veterans who are fighting an unnecessary 
war, but later concluded that he was probably 
referring to the young canvassers who are 
engaging in a meaningful civic activity.)

I heard ACORN say numerous times that they wanted 
to work WITH the BOE--who HAS the resources, to 
catch questionable registration cards.  CCBOE's 
Diebold DIMS voter-registration is supposed to 
catch those duplicates!

The Irony

The hostile board members (not you, InaJo) 
demanded ACORN eliminate duplicate 
voter-registration cards and turn over suspect 
employees to the county prosecutor, without 
benefit of the board's resources.  Mr. Frost even 
suggested ACORN's attorney was "in contempt." It 
was extremely unsettling, given the "questionable 
things" CCBOE did, or important things they did 
NOT do over the past four years. 

Voter-registration/DIMS problems are documented 
in a slew of reports, by a number of people, 
including myself.  Researchers found "an error 
rate of 6.2%, 5.1% of which was due to apparent 
BOE clerical errors, and 1.1% to apparent voter 
error" and projected "19,000 voter registrations 
Š at low to high or absolute risk of 
disqualification, mostly due to BOE entry 
I recall DIMS permitted entry of bad addresses, 
e.g. misspelled street name, yet later, kicked 
out the voter as "fatal pending", thus unable to 

DIMS was implemented TWO MONTHS prior to that 
historic election of Nov 2004. Could that explain 
the hundreds of un-entered, "gone missing", 
erroneously entered registrations?  Or was it the 
people in the data-entry department that were 
RIF'd before that election?

Can anyone remember the bogus "Recount of 2004", 
in which hundreds of people, many coming in from 
other states, THOUGHT they were participating in 
Does anyone remember the recent primary election, 
March 2008, in which hundreds of Republicans 
"crossed over" to vote against Dennis Kucinich 
and Hillary Clinton?  Apparently, 
Limbaugh-sanctioned tomfoolery is okay.

Does it bother people that Bob Bennett and 
Michael Vu are walking the streets after clearly 
committing fraud, orders of magnitude more 
serious than some poor kind-hearted guy, trying 
to "help out the kids!"   

Does anyone remember the mocking tone exhibited 
by the board when concerned citizens, trying to 
make sense of the strange happenings at the 
board, brought issue after issue to the board's 

Will the Real Fraud stand up!

Just think about it.  Who, in their right mind, 
would vote twice, risking severe punishment, to 
change the election outcome by one?  

The more likely possibility, one that voters do 
worry about, is one programmer, without 
detection, changing the outcome of an entire 
election through e-voting technology. Why 
wouldn't they?  People "get it", but some 
organizations:  both political parties and 
virtually all of the media, even the "left" 
media, are in denial.
(See http://www.rovecybergate.)

There are OVERT and serious efforts to subvert 
the will of the people: voter purging, caging, 
and suppression abound. 
(  If for no other 
reason, these REAL problems will serve as 
rational for another middle-of-the-night 

Shock Doctrine and Ohio House Bill 3

Those familiar with Naomi Klein's book, The Shock 
Doctrine and Ohio's "infamous" House Bill 3, know 
how "Voter Fraud" hysteria was used to usher in 
draconian regulations, most notably, Ohio's 
restrictive Voter ID Laws.  The LWV letter to 
Republican legislative leaders stated "the 
purported purpose (of House Bill 3) of preventing 
voting fraud is based on the fallacy that there 
was widespread fraud perpetrated by voters in 
Ohio.  In fact, the fraud was committed against 
Ohio voters by inadequate preparation that 
suppressed the votes of those whose registrations 
were not recorded correctly, those who could not 
wait for hours to vote or those whose votes were 
not counted because of misdirection or 

Kevin Coughlin, the main proponent of H.B. 3, 
could only cite a few cartoon characters and 
celebrities on voting registration forms' that 
were easily weeded out by county election boards, 
as the reason for his repressive legislation. 
(In fact, several "fake" voting rights 
organizations, including the American Center for 
Voting Rights (ACVR), were created specifically 
to spread the disinformation about the extent of 
voter fraud.) 

I was there on that sad day, and, though I was 
forbidden from bringing into the chamber hall my 
camera, I did take a picture of a sign placed in 
the rotunda saying, simply, "Democracy Died 

Do your own research

Check out "The Politics of Voter Fraud" (

"[A]t the federal level, records show that only 
24 people were convicted of or pleaded guilty to 
illegal voting between 2002 and 2005. Š The 
available state-level evidence of voter fraud, 
culled from interviews, reviews of newspaper 
coverage and court proceedings, while not 
definitive, is also negligible."


"There is a long history in America of elites 
using voter fraud allegations to restrict and 
shape the electorateŠ.Today, the success of voter 
registration drives among minorities and low 
income people in recent years threatens 
Republicans.  Consequently, the use of baseless 
voter fraud allegations for partisan advantage 
has become the exclusive domain of Republican 
party activists."

Cuyahoga Stamping out "Fraud"

Today, the board interrogated several young black 
men, shaming them publicly for trying to "help 
the kids".  I'm sure they will be smeared, along 
with ACORN.   And along with meŠfor I had the 
nerve to follow the first "victim" out into the 
hall and tell him, "Don't worry.  This is a witch 
hunt.  They're going after ACORN", while a white 
man told him not to listen to me.  The restŠwell 
you'll see on Fox News, I'm sure.   I'll tell my 
son to "brace himself" when he walks in the door 

I think the only thing being held in contempt here is our democracy!

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