
Another brutal year for liberty

The good news is that it's clear what the Obama administration
must do to end the decade-long war on the Constitution.

By Glenn Greenwald

Jan. 01, 2009 |

Befitting an administration that has spent eight 
years obliterating America's core political 
values, its final year in power -- 2008 -- was 
yet another grim one for civil liberties and 
constitutional protections. Unlike the early 
years of the administration, when 
liberty-abridging policies were conceived of in 
secret and unilaterally implemented by the 
executive branch, many of the erosions of 2008 
were the dirty work of the U.S. Congress, fueled 
by the passive fear or active complicity of the 
Democratic Party that controlled it. The one 
silver lining is that the last 12 months have 
been brightly clarifying: It is clearer than ever 
what the Obama administration can and must do in 
order to arrest and reverse the decade-long war 
on the Constitution waged by our own government.

The most intensely fought civil liberties battle 
of 2008 -- the one waged over FISA and telecom 
immunity -- ended the way most similar battles of 
the last eight years have: with total defeat for 
civil libertarians. Even before Democrats were 
handed control of Congress at the beginning of 
Bush administration had been demanding 
legislation to legalize its illegal warrantless 
NSA eavesdropping program and to retroactively 
immunize the telecom industry for its 
participation in those programs. Yet even with 
Bill Frist and Denny Hastert in control of the 
Congress, the administration couldn't get its way.

Not even the most cynical political observer 
would have believed that it was the ascension of 
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi that would be the 
necessary catalyst for satisfying Bush's most 
audacious demands, concerning his most brazenly 
illegal actions. If anything, hopes were high 
that Democratic control of Congress would entail 
a legislative halt to warrantless eavesdropping 
or, at the very least, some meaningful 
investigation and disclosure -- what we once 
charmingly called "oversight" -- regarding what 
Bush's domestic spying had really entailed. After 
all, the NSA program was the purified embodiment 
of the most radical attributes of a radical 
regime -- pure lawlessness, absolute secrecy, a 
Stasi-like fixation on domestic surveillance. It 
was widely assumed, even among embittered cynics, 
that the new Democratic leadership in Congress 
would not use their newfound control to protect 
and endorse these abuses.

Yet in July 2008, there stood Pelosi and Reid, 
leading their caucuses as they 
their imprimatur of approval on Bush's spying 
programs. The so-called FISA Amendments Act of 
2008 passed with virtually unanimous GOP and 
Democratic support, including the entire 
level of the House Democratic leadership. It 
legalized vast new categories of warrantless 
eavesdropping and endowed telecoms with full 
immunity for prior surveillance lawbreaking. Most 
important, it ensured a permanent and harmless 
end to what appeared to be the devastating 
scandal that exploded in 2005 when the New York 
Times revealed to the country that the Bush 
administration was spying on Americans illegally, 
without warrants of any kind.

With passage of the Act, Democrats delivered to 
the Bush administration everything it wanted -- 
and more. GOP Sen. Kit Bond actually taunted the 
the Times for giving away the store: "I think the 
White House got a better deal than they even had 
hoped to get." Making matters much worse, by 
delivering this massive gift to the White House, 
the House undid one of its very few good deeds 
since taking over in 2006: its galvanizing 
February 2008 refusal to succumb to Bush's rank 
fear-mongering by allowing "The Protect America 
Act" to expire instead of following the Senate's 
lead in making it permanent.

Adding the final insult to this constitutional 
injury, Barack Obama infamously violated his 
pledge, made during the Democratic primary, to 
filibuster any bill containing telecom immunity. 
With the Democratic nomination fully secured, 
Obama blithely tossed that commitment aside, 
instead joining his party's leadership in voting 
for cloture on the bill -- the opposite of a 
filibuster -- and then in favor of the bill 
photographs of the celebratory, bipartisan 
signing ceremony that followed at the White House 
-- where an understandably jubilant George Bush 
and Dick Cheney were joined by a grinning Jay 
Rockefeller, Jane Harman and Steny Hoyer -- was 
the vivid, wretched symbol of what, in 2008, 
became the fully bipartisan assault on America's 
basic constitutional guarantees and form of 

The FISA fight was the destructive template that 
drove virtually every other civil liberties 
battle of the last year. Time and again, 
Democrats failed to deliver on a single promise. 
to overcome a GOP filibuster in the Senate to 
restore habeas corpus, which had been partially 
abolished in 2006 as a result of the Military 
Commissions Act that passed with substantial 
Democratic support and wholesale Democratic 
passivity. Notably, while Senate Democrats, when 
in the minority, never even considered a 
filibuster to block the Military Commissions Act, 
it was simply assumed that the GOP, when it was 
in the minority, would filibuster in order to 
prevent passage of the Habeas Restoration Act. 
And filibuster they did.

A similar scenario played out with the attempt in 
February to redress America's torture crisis by 
enacting an amendment to the Defense 
Authorization Act compelling all government 
agencies, including the CIA, to comply with the 
Army Field Manual when interrogating detainees. 
The most immediate effect of such a law would 
have been to impose an absolute ban on the use of 
waterboarding, along with any other coercive 
tactics -- torture techniques -- which the Manual 
does not explicitly authorize.

that the president would veto the bill, the GOP 
allowed a floor vote on the Army Field Manual 
amendment. Signaling what would be his year-long, 
soul-selling captivity to the far right of his 
party, John McCain -- despite years of parading 
around as a righteous opponent of torture -- 
against the torture ban. The bill passed both 
houses largely along party lines, President Bush 
vetoed it as promised, and 
House then failed to override the veto. The path 
taken was slightly different, but the outcome was 
the same: total failure in reining in Bush's 
abuses. Indeed, by the end of 2008, civil 
libertarians could point to many defeats suffered 
in the Democratic-controlled Congress, but not a 
single victory.

The fate of civil liberties in the judiciary was 
much more mixed, punctuated with several 
significant victories. Undoubtedly the most 
important win was the Supreme Court's June 
decision in the Boumediene case, 
struck down as unconstitutional one of the worst 
constitutional assaults of the Bush era: Section 
7 of the Military Commissions Act, which had 
purported to abolish habeas corpus for Guantánamo 
detainees and prohibited them from challenging 
their detention in a federal court.

The Court ruled, by a precarious 5-4 margin, that 
Guantánamo detainees could not constitutionally 
be denied the right to have their detentions 
reviewed by an American federal court. That 
seminal ruling paid quick dividends for some of 
the detainees. Last month, a Bush 43 federal 
judge -- the same jurist who had originally 
upheld the Act's abolition of habeas review for 
Guantánamo detainees and was ultimately reversed 
by the Boumediene court -- conducted a habeas 
hearing for six Algerian-Bosnian detainees 
imprisoned without charges at Guantánamo for the 
last six years.

The judge concluded that the Bush administration 
had no credible evidence to justify the detention 
of five out of the six detainees and 
ordered them released immediately. Four of the 
five are now 
in Bosnia, while the fifth awaits release. 
Without the Boumediene ruling, the truly heinous 
provisions of the Military Commissions Act would 
still be operative and would continue to empower 
the government to hold those detainees -- along 
with dozens if not hundreds of others -- 
indefinitely and without charges. Boumediene is 
one of the few civil liberties bright spots of 
this decade.

The Bush administration, also earlier this year, 
suffered another judicial defeat at the hands of 
a very conservative, Bush 43-appointed federal 
judge, when that judge 
rejected the administration's claim that Bush 
aides Harriet Miers (former White House counsel) 
and Josh Bolten (former White House chief of 
staff) are entitled to absolute immunity from 
Congressional subpoenas. That dispute, which 
arose from the House Judiciary Committee's 
efforts to investigate the notorious firing of 
nine U.S. attorneys, dispensed with one of the 
administration's most radical tools -- a claim of 
absolute, unconstitutional executive privilege -- 
for shielding itself from accountability.

One of the most potentially damaging judicial 
developments of the year was a 
ruling issued in July by the conservative Fourth 
Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Ali Saleh 
Kahlah al-Marri. The al-Marri court actually 
upheld the president's claimed authority to 
detain legal residents and even U.S. citizens in 
a military prison as "enemy combatants," rather 
than charge them in a civilian court with a 
crime. But the damage done by that ruling was 
mitigated substantially when the U.S. Supreme 
just two weeks ago that it has agreed to review 
the al-Marri ruling, and civil libertarians are 
cautiously optimistic that the Court will likely 
reverse it.

For the last seven years, Democrats have 
repeatedly cited GOP political dominance to 
excuse their wholesale failures to limit, let 
alone reverse, the devastating war waged by the 
Bush administration on America's core liberties 
and form of government. With a new Democratic 
president and large majorities in both 
Congressional houses, those excuses will no 
longer be so expedient. As dark and depressing as 
these last seven years have been for civil 
libertarians, culminating in an almost entirely 
grim 2008, there is no question that the Obama 
administration and the Democrats generally 
possess the power to reverse these abuses and 
restore our national political values. But as the 
events of the last 12 months conclusively 
demonstrate, there are substantial questions as 
to whether they have the will to do so.

-- By Glenn Greenwald
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