in Ian Tomlinson G20 death case was reprimanded over conduct

* G20 pathologist reprimanded over conduct 
* MP asks why first post mortem was held so quickly, and calls for 
public inquiry

<http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/paullewis>Paul Lewis
<http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian>The Guardian,     Saturday 11 April 2009

The initial post mortem examination of the man who died at 
the <http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/g20>G20protests after being 
attacked by 
a <http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/police>police officer, which 
found he had died of a heart attack, was conducted by a forensic 
pathologist once reprimanded about his professional conduct by the 
General Medical Council.

Ian Tomlinson, a 47-year-old newspaper seller, died on April 1 after 
being assaulted at least once by officers policing the G20 
demonstrations. He had been trying to walk home from work when he was 
confronted by police, hit with a baton and thrown to the ground.

Two days later Home Office pathologist Dr Freddy Patel concluded 
Tomlinson had died of a heart attack. He has previously been 
reprimanded by the GMC, after he released medical details about a man 
who died controversially in police custody.

In a second case, which raised questions about Dr Patel's findings, 
police dropped a criminal investigation after the pathologist gave it 
as his opinion that the victim, a woman, had died of natural causes. 
A man who lived in the flat where the body was found went on to 
murder two other women and mutilate their bodies.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission 
(<http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/ipcc>IPCC) launched a criminal 
inquiry into Tomlinson's death after footage obtained by the Guardian 
showed he had been attacked from behind. Tomlinson had had his hands 
in his pockets and was walking away from police lines.

Last night a second post mortem examination, intitiated by 
Tomlinson's family and the IPCC, was being carried out by Dr Nat Cary.

A source with detailed knowledge of the IPCC investigation expressed 
surprise that the initial post mortem was referred to Dr Patel rather 
than the Forensic Pathology Services, a body of nine independent 
forensic pathologists, including Dr Cary, which usually deals with 
suspicious deaths in London and the home counties.

The selection of Dr Patel could have been a jurisdictional issue 
relating to City of London authorities, the source said.

"Who chose the first pathologist and how?" said David Howarth MP, the 
Liberal Democrats' justice spokesman. "When the first post mortem 
came out saying natural causes so soon after his death, I thought 
that was too quick." He added: "At the very least, there now needs to 
be a full and independent public inquiry into the Tomlinson case, and 
the actions of the public authorities in the days after his death. 
Who knew what - and when?"

The IPCC took over the criminal investigation into the death of Ian 
Tomlinson on Wednesday, after the Guardian published footage showing 
he had been hit with a baton and thrown to the ground by an officer 
in an apparently unprovoked assault. The Guardian included the video 
in a dossier of evidence handed to the IPCC that also contained 
statements from witnesses who alleged Tomlinson was assaulted by 
police at least once before he died.

Dr Patel is on a Home Office register of accredited forensic 
pathologists, which is managed on behalf of all police forces by the 
National Policing Improvement Agency. Questions have twice been asked 
about his handling of suspicious death cases. In 1999 Dr Patel was 
disciplined by the GMC after he discussed the medical history of 
Roger Sylvester, a 30-year-old black man who died in police custody, 
outside an inquest hearing.

He told reporters: "I am aware from the medical records held at 
Whittington hospital that Mr Sylvester was a user of crack cocaine." 
Sylvester's family were devastated by the suggestion and contested 
that he been a user.

Asked about the GMC reprimand last night by telephone, Dr Patel said: 
"That is right. It happened a long time ago."

In a separate case in January 2002, Dr Patel found that Sally White, 
38, died of a natural causes resulting from heart disease. Her body 
was found locked in a bedroom in the Camden flat of Anthony Hardy, a 
52-year-old psychiatrically-disturbed alcoholic.

White's death was treated as suspicious until Dr Patel detailed the 
cause of her death as a heart attack. Hardy went on to kill two 
women, Elizabeth Valad, 29, and Brigette MacClennan, 34, and place 
their body parts in bin bags.

Last night, Dr Patel said: "As far as I know, my findings [in the 
Sally White case] stand as they were, and I wasn't criticised." He 
declined to comment on whether he was the correct person to conduct 
the first post mortem examination into Tomlinson's death, referring 
questions to the coroner. The City of London coroner in the case, 
Paul Matthews, was yesterday not contactable.

Last night a spokesperson for the City of London said they did not 
have the necessary information to comment on Dr Patel's involvement 
in Tomlinson's post mortem. An IPCC spokesperson said: "Again, we are 
not willing to give a running commentary of an ongoing criminal 
investigation as we wish to maintain the integrity of the 
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