So there's no way he could not have overruled them, and allowed Paul 
Minor to attend his
wife's funeral.


From: Jill Simpson []

I wanted your readers to know that the DOJ chain of command directly 
places AG Holder over
the head of the Bureau of Prisons.  You can check this out at the DOJ website.

Folks don't buy that Mr Holder couldn't have picked up the telephone 
and let Mr Minor go to the funeral. He could have, and that is why he 
remained silent. In fact, the buck stops with him.

I discovered the DOJ chain of command chart when they were jerking 
Don Siegelman around,
flying him from here to there. AG Holder just needs to come out and 
admit he ain't going to do anything to help Paul Minor, Gov. 
Siegelman,  Mr Teal or Mr. Scrushy. He should admit that
the only folks he has helped has been Republican phone-jammer James 
Tobin and Republican Senator Ted Stevens.

Amazingly, Holder found the time to respond to their pleas for help 
but not to answer calls from
Democrats who put his boss in office.   One has to wonder what kind 
of file Karl Rove has on Holder, since it was recently reported by 
the press that Karl keeps files even on his GOP allies.


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