And Rummy signed off on 15 torture techniques c. three months later.
(See the NYTimes piece below.)


Rice gave early approval for CIA waterboarding, Senate report reveals

* Go-ahead in July 2002 is first known official approval
* Finding suggests greater Rice role than she admitted

MacAskill in 
Washington, <>Stephen 
Bates and agencies
Thursday 23 April 2009 12.27 BST

Condoleezza Rice: gave the first known official 
approval of waterboarding, Senate report claims. 
Photograph: Stefan Zaklin/EPA

Condoleezza Rice gave permission for the CIA to 
use waterboarding techniques on the alleged 
al-Qaida terrorist Abu Zubaydah as early as July 
2002, the first known official approval for the 
technique, according to a report released by the 
Senate intelligence committee yesterday.

The revelation indicates that Rice, who at the 
time was national security adviser and went on to 
be secretary of state, played a greater role than 
she admitted in written testimony last autumn.

report (pdf) also shows that dissenting legal 
views about the interrogation methods were 
brushed aside repeatedly. The mood within the 
Bush administration at the time is caught in a 
handwritten note attached to a December 2002 memo 
from Donald Rumsfeld, the then defence secretary, 
on the use of stress positions. "I stand for 8-10 
hours a day. Why is standing limited to 4 hours?" 
he asked.

The intelligence committee's timeline comes a day 
after the Senate armed services 
an exhaustive report detailing direct links 
between the harsh interrogation programme of the 
CIA and abuses of prisoners at the US prison 
at <>Guantánamo 
Bay in Cuba, in Afghanistan and at Iraq's Abu 
Ghraib prison.

The latest report, which compiles legal advice 
provided by the Bush administration to the CIA, 
indicates that Rice personally conveyed the 
administration's approval for waterboarding 
Zubaydah to the then CIA director, George Tenet, 
in July 2002.

Last autumn, Rice acknowledged to the armed 
services committee only that she had attended 
meetings where the CIA interrogation request was 
discussed. She said she did not recall details. 
Within days, the justice department secretly 
approved the use of waterboarding. Zubaydah 
underwent waterboarding at least 83 times in 
August 2002.

In the years that followed, according to 
yesterday's report, there were numerous internal 
legal reviews, suggesting government lawyers were 
concerned that methods such as waterboarding 
might violate federal laws 
against <>torture and 
the US constitution. Bush administration lawyers 
continued to validate the programme, but the CIA 
voluntarily dropped the use of waterboarding 
after 2005.

The 232-page armed services committee report, the 
most detailed investigation yet into the 
background of torture, undercut the claim of the 
then deputy defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, 
that the abuse of prisoners in Iraq was the work 
of "a few bad apples".

Its release yesterday added to the debate raging 
within the US after President Barack Obama, who 
regards the techniques as 
the way for possible prosecution of members of 
the Bush administration.

Carl Levin, the Democratic chairman of the 
committee, said: "The paper trail on abuse leads 
to top civilian leaders, and our report connects 
the dots." The report shows a paper trail going 
from Rumsfeld to Guantánamo to Afghanistan and to 

The report says: "The abuse of detainees in US 
custody cannot simply be attributed to the 
actions of "a few bad apples" acting on their 
own. The fact is that senior officials in 
the <>United 
States government solicited information on how to 
use aggressive techniques, redefined the law to 
create the appearance of their legality, and 
authorised their use against detainees."

The report, the result of an 18-month inquiry, 
revealed that the administration rejected advice 
from various branches of the armed services 
against using more aggressive techniques. The 
military questioned the morality and the 
reliability of information gained.

The report condemned the techniques adopted, 
saying: "Those efforts damaged our ability to 
collect accurate intelligence that could save 
lives, strengthened the hand of our enemies, and 
compromised our moral authority."

The report disclosed that waterboarding and other 
techniques used were based on a faulty premise. 
The methods were lifted from a military programme 
known as Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape, 
but the armed forces pointed out this was 
intended to train troops in resisting torture 
during the Korean war, rather than establishing 
whether these were useful interrogation methods.

A <>New 
York Times report says that, even then, it was 
appreciated that the techniques induced false 
confessions from the American personnel on which 
it was tried. The paper adds that the US 
prosecuted torturers who employed waterboarding 
in war crimes trials following the second world 
war and that it was a technique known to have 
been used by despots including Pol Pot in 

The New York Times says administration officials 
briefed by Tenet were not aware that the former 
military psychologist who played a central role 
in persuading the CIA to use waterboarding had 
never conducted a real interrogation and that the 
justice department lawyer most responsible for 
declaring the method legal had "idiosyncratic 
ideas" that the department would later renounce.

Bush administration 
by Obama last week were confined to 
interrogations at Guantánamo and CIA secret 
prisons around the world, but the Senate report 
goes wider, including prisons run by the US 
military in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Report Gives New Detail on Approval of Brutal Techniques


WASHINGTON - A newly declassified Congressional 
report released Tuesday outlined the most 
detailed evidence yet that the military's use of 
methods on terrorism suspects was approved at 
high levels of the Bush administration.

The report focused solely on interrogations 
carried out by the military, not those conducted 
by the 
Intelligence Agency at its secret prisons 
overseas. It rejected claims by former Defense 
H. Rumsfeld and others that Pentagon policies 
played no role in harsh treatment
of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq or other military facilities.

The 232-page report, the product of an 18-month 
inquiry, was approved on Nov. 20 by the Senate 
Armed Services Committee, but has since been 
under Pentagon review for declassification. Some
of the findings were made public in a 
12 article in The New York Times; a spokesman for 
Mr. Rumsfeld dismissed the report at the time as 
"unfounded allegations against those who have 
served our nation."

The Senate report documented how some of the 
techniques used by the military at prisons in 
Afghanistan and at the naval base in Guantánamo 
Bay, Cuba, as well as in Iraq - stripping 
detainees, placing them in "stress positions" or 
depriving them of sleep - originated in a 
military program known as Survival Evasion 
Resistance and Escape, or SERE, intended to train 
American troops to resist abusive enemy 

According to the Senate investigation, a military 
behavioral scientist and a colleague who had 
witnessed SERE training proposed its use at 
Guantánamo in October 2002, as pressure was rising
"to get 'tougher' with detainee interrogations." 
Officers there sought authorization, and Mr.
Rumsfeld approved 15 interrogation techniques.

The report showed that Mr. Rumsfeld's 
authorization was cited by a United States 
military special-operations lawyer in Afghanistan 
as "an analogy and basis for use of these 
and that, in February 2003, a special-operations 
unit in Iraq obtained a copy of the policy from 
Afghanistan "that included aggressive techniques, 
changed the letterhead, and adopted the policy 

Months later, the report said, the interrogation 
officer in charge at Abu Ghraib obtained a copy 
of that policy "and submitted it, virtually 
unchanged, through her chain of command." This 
ultimately led to authorization by Lt. Gen. 
Ricardo Sanchez of the use of stress positions, 
"sleep management" and military dogs to exploit 
detainees' fears, the report said.

"The paper trail on abuse leads to top civilian 
leaders, and our report connects the dots," 
Levin, Democrat of Michigan, the chairman of the 
Armed Services Committee, said on Tuesday in a 
conference call with reporters. "This report, in 
great detail, shows a paper trail going from that 
authorization" by Mr. Rumsfeld "to Guantánamo to 
Afghanistan and to Iraq," Mr. Levin said.
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