Response to Elizabeth de la Vega: Disagreement with a Friend and a Hero
By David Swanson

1. If we do not extend the statutes of limitations, the careful and 
considered delay will be immunity

2. The Senate as a whole will never ever approve any useful 
investigation except in committees, but
it might convict following an impeachment that changes public awareness

3. Congressional hearings produce relatively little

4. Congress should extend the statutes of limitations, bust the media 
monopolies to produce more reporting, and reissue and enforce the 
outstanding subpoenas into which lots of careful work went over the 
past 2 years

5. Leahy joined the DOJ in pushing a commission as a substitute, not 
as a first step, and anything
like that begun before a special prosecutor is begun will be treated 
as a substitute

6. Impeaching Bybee should begin at once

7. A House select committee looking into restoring Congressional 
power and restricting
presidential should begin at once or after a prosecution begins, but 
Conyers' or Leahy's proposal
for a commission created by both houses will not go anywhere.

8. House and Senate committees should hold hearings, including to 
reissue all the outstanding subpeonas.

9. I just don't want a hearing begun that is seen as a substitute for 
enforcing laws, and I don't see
an argument for delaying enforcing laws.

10. Betsy knows the law and means well and I'm open to being 
convinced by her, but haven't been yet. And I won't be unless the 
problem of statutes of limitations is addressed at a minimum.

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