> *For an excellent demonstration of how not to be a journalist, watch this
> unhinged*
> *attack by CNN's John Berman on Peter Navarro, White House trade advisor,
> for*
> *having the audacity to disagree with Dr. Fauci on the wisdom of treating
> COVID-19*
> *patients with hydroxychloroquine: *
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oLstAAhhww.
> *To say that Berman was "biased" rather understates the virulence with
> which he*
> *badgered, insulted, interrupted and misquoted Navarro, acting less like a
> reporter*
> *than like a Merck propagandist—which, of course, is what he is.*
> *You'll find the same ferocious deference to Il Fauci in "Trump Again
> Pushes Drug,*
> *Never Mind Expert Opinion," a brief screed that required the labor of
> three New*
> *York Times reporters—Michael Crowley, Katie Thomas and Maggie "Putin Ate
> My*
> *Homework" Haberman—who evidently needed one another's help to cut and*
> *paste what the Gray Lady has already published on hydroxychloroquine,
> the *
> *Bad Man who's said it "may help you to get better" if you have COVID-19,
> and *
    *the **Good Doctor who keeps saying that it may not, and may even do
you harm,*

> *so nobody should be taking it.*
> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/05/us/politics/trump-hydroxychloroquine-coronavirus.html
> *That narrative pervades the "liberal media," whose war-like partiality to
> Dr.*
    *Fauci's view has left their audience (trembling) in the dark. Let's
start by *

>  *start by noting that there's been a near-total blackout on the FDA's
> approval*
*of hydroxychloroquine for off-label use. That measure—announced a week*
> *ago—has been reported only by Fox News and the New York Post, while the*
> *New York Times and all the other "liberal media" have simply blacked it
> out,*
> *despite the FDA's explicit statement that, while not yet officially
> approved,*
> *hyrdoxychloroquine sulfate "may help you to get better" if you have the
> virus.*
> *(So it wasn't Trump who used those words, as I mischievously wrote above,*
> *but the FDA.) *
> https://www.fda.gov/media/136538/download
> https://nypost.com/2020/03/30/fda-approves-limited-use-of-malaria-drugs-for-coronavirus/
> https://www.foxnews.com/health/fda-oks-emergency-authorization-of-drugs-touted-by-trump-to-fight-coronavirus
> *The Times has been especially careful to avoid reporting the FDA's *
> *revised position. **On April 2, three days after the FDA released the*
> *"fact sheet" announcing its new stand, the TImes ran a teeny item*
> *at the bottom of p. A6, down in the lefthand corner of the page,*
> *entitled "Study Shows Benefit From Malaria Drug." That wee piece*
> *(barely) reported the results of a randomized clinical trial carried*
> *out in Wuhan, demonstrating that the drug "significantly shortened"*
> *recovery time for those with COVID-19. Rather than go into such*
> *detail, the Times piece did include an **an enthusiastic response *
> *from Dr. William **Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at*
> *Vanderbilt, **offering a view at striking variance with Dr. Fauci's *
> *categorical **insistence that there's nothing there: "It's going to *
> *send a ripple **of excitement out through the treating community"*
> *—a "ripple" **that the Times et al. have taken great pains to deny. *
> https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.22.20040758v2
> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/01/health/hydroxychloroquine-coronavirus-malaria.html
> *The day **after imperceptibly reporting that new Wuhan study,  *
> *and **as if in atonement for it, the Times ran "Touting Cure Brings*
> *'Simple Country Doctor' Cheers, and Doubts," a long, chilly*
> *profile of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who claims to have **used *
    *hydrooxychloroquine, axithromycin and zinc sulfate to cure*

> *hundreds of COVID-19 patients in Kryas Joel, a New **York *
    *village with a Hasidic population. Rather than use that **story *
*    to suggest that maybe there is something to the promise of*

> *hydroxychloroquine after all—which is to say, that maybe *
> *Dr. **Fauci has it wrong—the Times' Kevin Roose and Matthew*
> *Rosenberg, just following orders, use every grounds to*
> *cast the doctor's story as a "parable" of how, within "our*
> *fragile information ecosystem," we're all at risk if we don't*
> *listen only to the likes of Dr. Fauci, "Bill and Melinda Gates," *
> *and the **reporters at the Times: i.e., Those Who Know enough*
> *to save us from the toxic "jumble of facts, falsehoods and*
> *viral rumors" swirling miasmatically online. (The Times'*
> *own online title to that piece is blunter than the paper version: *
    *"Touting Virus **Cure, 'Simple Country Doctor' Becomes a Right-Wing

> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/02/technology/doctor-zelenko-coronavirus-drugs.html
> *All that poisoned tripe from "our free press" is based squarely *
> *not **on science, but on propaganda—especially Dr. Fauci's lie,*
> *which he repeats hypnotically (as winning propaganda always *
> *does), that there has been no proper scientific study of *
> *hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, that all the claims of*
> *its success are purely "anecdotal." The watchdogs of our*
> *media believe that line because that's what they're paid to do,*
> *not because they've had their teams look into it and see if*
> *Dr. Fauci's right. Doing so would weaken his authority, on*
> *which (let me speak bluntly) scumbags like John Berman*
> *are dependent—totally and abjectly dependent—for their *
> *belligerent certitude in shouting down whoever knows*
> *what Dr. Fauci doesn't want the world to know about *

> *And so, if they were journalists, John Berman and the rest*
> *of them would know that, as long ago as Feb. 4, a team*
> *of Chinese doctors reported, in a letter to the editors of*
> *Cell Research, that hydroxychloroquine—and the anti-*
> *viral drug remdesevir—showed great effectiveness against*
> *the new coronavirus in vitro. (The letter also ran in Nature.)*
> https://www.nature.com/articles/s41422-020-0282-0
> *And on Feb. 20, the International Journal of Antimicrobial*
> *Agents published the results of an open-label, non-randomized*
> *clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the*
> *treatment of COVID-19 patients—the work of 18 specialists,*
> *headed by Didier Raoult, the eminent French specialist whom*
> *Macron's government has been vigorously smearing, in*
> *deference to Big Pharma—as is much of "our free press,"*
> *Slate lately calling him "the Trumpian French doctor behind*
> *the chloroquine hype." This despite Dr. Raoult's golden *
> *reputation: "According to the Thomson Reuters source*
> *'Highly Cited Researchers List,' Raoult is among the most*
> *influential researchers in his field [infectious diseases]*
> *and his publications are among the 1% most consulted in*
> *academic journals," we learn from Wikipedia. That Dr.*
> *Raoult is not only a far more prolific researcher than*
> *Dr. Fauci, but one whose latest research could obstruct*
> *Big Pharma's plans, explains why "our free press" reveres*
> *the latter, and either slanders or blacks out the former*
> *(whose work has not been mentioned by the New York Times).*
> h
> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924857920300996?via%3Dihub
> https://asiatimes.com/2020/03/why-france-is-hiding-a-cheap-and-tested-virus-cure/
> https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/03/didier-raoult-hydroxychloroquine-plaquenil.html
> *And so the evidence that this drug shows effectiveness against the*
> *virus isn't "anecdotal" after all—which means that Dr. Fauci can't be *
> *trusted, and neither can the Western press that treats him as a sage, *
> *and not **an instrument **of the huge industry that owns them all. That*
> *danger is severe—and one that we can only overcome by breaking*
> *out of house arrest, and gathering again, as soon as possible.*
> *MCM*

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