So it's also official:

Barack Obama is no Lincoln. He's a Ford.


It's official: No U.S. prosecution of Bush officials

Bad news for anyone hoping that President Obama might still be open 
to the possibility of prosecution of high-level Bush officials: It 
ain't gonna happen.

That much was close to being certain before the torture memos were 
released Thursday. But the statement from Obama released with those 
shocking memos included this sentence: "In releasing these memos, it 
is our intention to assure those who carried out their duties relying 
in good faith upon legal advice from the Department of Justice that 
they will not be subject to prosecution."

By singling out CIA interrogators to assure them they will not be 
subject to federal prosecution, I thought perhaps he was leaving room 
for future prosecution of higher ups. Given that he released such 
explosive materials almost without redactions, I thought perhaps he 
might allow himself to be influenced by shifting popular sentiment.

Nope: Obama's right-hand man, chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, explicitly 
rejected that possibility this morning on ABC's This Week. Emanuel 
said that the president believes Bush officials "should not be 
prosecuted either and that's not the place that we go." Not that that 
should surprise anyone: Obama said as much from almost his first day 
in office, when he told reporters he wasn't interested in a proposed 
Capitol Hill "truth commission."

That commission, of course, still hasn't happened, as our elected 
representatives reach across the aisle to block any prosecution 

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina: "I think it would 
be disaster to go back and try to prosecute a lawyer for giving legal 
advice that you disagreed with to a former president."

Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri: "I don't think we want 
to look in the rearview mirror."
It ain't gonna happen.

-Jeremy Gantz
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