This was "Grose" indeed.


Mayor To Resign After Watermelon Email Outrage


The mayor of a small Orange County city says he 
will resign after being criticized for sharing an 
e-mail picture depicting the White House lawn 
planted with watermelons under the title "No 
Easter egg hunt this year."

Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose issued a statement 
Thursday saying he is sorry and will step down as 
mayor at the City Council meeting on March 2.

Grose came under fire for sending the picture to 
what he called "a small group of friends." One of 
the recipients, a local businesswoman and city 
volunteer, publicly scolded the mayor for his 

Grose says he accepts that the e-mail was in poor 
taste and has affected his ability to lead the 

Los Alamitos is a 2 1/4-square-mile city of around 12,000 people.

(© 2009 The Associated Press. All Rights 
Reserved. This material may not be published, 
broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)
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