From: mimi kennedy
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 1:15 AM
To: <>

Re: Governor Don Siegelman's prosecution by Bush's Justice Dept.

As a child, I heard about writers, artists and politicians in 
Communist Russia being imprisoned and hospitalized, careers ruined, 
for false reasons, because they were considered a threat to the 
government's Party.

It can and did happen here. Don Siegelman's second term win as 
governor of Alabama was mysteriously flipped in the wee hours by a 
"corrected" electronic opti-scan count in a single county behind 
closed doors.  His indictment, by Rove-friendly U.S. Attorneys for 
"crimes" never charged against Republicans who behaved similarly, was 
followed by conviction and humiliating treatment - strip search and 
solitary confinement. The press took little notice. Rove was 
successful in "disappearing" a popular southern Democrat he'd 
targeted, early on, as a threat to his GOP southern strategy. This 
case is one of the worst abuses in the U.S. Attorney scandal and 
Justice Dept corruption. It must be reviewed so nothing like it can 
ever happen again.

Mimi Kennedy
Chair, Progressive Democrats of America
Van Nuys, CA   91406

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