Dear Mark,

The American Antitrust Institute completed its transition report for 
the next administration on competition policy. 

Allen Grunes and I have also completed a new working paper titled, 
Toward a Better Competition Policy for the Media: The Challenge of 
Developing Antitrust Policies that Support the Media Sector's Unique 
Role in Our Democracy.

The paper is available at SSRN: 
It discusses the role of competition policy with respect to the media 
industry, which we thought would interest you. We have always found 
your analysis of the media insightful, and admire your dedication in 
promoting a viobrant market place of ideas.

All the best in the New Year.

Best regards,

Maurice E. Stucke
Associate Professor of Law
University of Tennessee College of Law
1505 W. Cumberland Ave.
Knoxville, TN  37996-1810

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