"In plain English, one of the most powerful men in the world states clearly
that he expects vaccines
to be used to reduce population growth."
                         —F. William Engdahl, "Bill Gates and Neo-Eugenics:
Vaccines to Reduce Population,"
                         *Financial Sense *(a version that's been scrubbed
online), March 5, 2010


*Tracking the eugenic efforts of the almighty Gates Foundation isn't easy,
as Bill Gates owns*
*the Internet, figuratively speaking, and has largely cleansed it of
disquieting information on *
*on **himself, his parents, Bill and Mary (both zealous eugenicists), and
his "philanthropic" *
*doings **across the planet. *

*Look for anything concerning** his notorious speech about the need to
down the global *
*population to a "Golden Billion"—a long-term project that would mean **somehow
exterminating *
*well over six billion people—and you will come up empty. (I have, **anyway.)
Similarly, do a Google *
*search for something on the polio vaccine that the foundation **sent to
India **in 2012, **and that *
*caused the paralysis of over 47,000 children there, and you'll **find just
two pieces, buried in *
*an avalanche of paeans to the multi-billionaire's miraculous benevolence.
(You'll have better*
*luck on DuckDuckGo.)*

*With that in mind, let's turn to some news that (barely) broke six years
ago: the claim by *
*several Kenyan doctors that a seeming tetanus vaccine provided by the WHO
was actually*
*a means of involuntary birth control. **Having sent six samples of
the **vaccine
to laboratories *
*in South Africa, **the doctors learned that the vaccine was "laced with
HCG," an antigen that *
*causes miscarriages.* *"This proved right our worst fears: that this WHO
campaign is not *
*about eradicating neonatal **tetanus but a well-coordinated, forceful
population control*
*mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility-regulating vaccine."*

*Thus Dr. Muhame Ngare, of the Mercy Medical Center in Nairobi, told
*one **of several Christian outlets that appear to be the only ones that
ran that news *
*without **"debunking" it. A Google search on "Muhame Ngare Nairobi tetanus
vaccine *
*2014" **brings up "A Resurrected Vaccine Fear Puts Kenyan Infants At
Risk" **(Forbes), *
*"Kenya Catholic Church vaccine fears 'unfounded'" (BBC), and—at the very
*Snopes' take: "Is Tetanus Vaccine Spiked with Sterilization Chemicals?"
The *
*answer to that troubling question is, Snopes tells us, **"False." Click on
the red*
*icon next to that "rating," and you find it means the "claim" is
*false"—although Snopes' David Mikkelson fails to "demonstrate" exactly

*The reason for Snopes' failure to explain how that disturbing claim was
* is that the claim—like countless others Snopes has groundlessly
*over the years—**was true, as a quartet of academic researchers** noted *
*three *
*years later, **having carefully reviewed the episode: "Given that hCG was *
*found **in at least half of the WHO vaccine samples known by the doctors
involved *
*in **administering the vaccines to have been used in Kenya, our opinion is
*the Kenya 'anti-tetanus' campaign was reasonably called into question by
*Kenya Catholic Doctors Association as a front for population growth

*What ties Bill Gates to that appalling—and, no doubt, successful—stab at*
*"population growth reduction" by the World Health Organization is that*
*his foundation had become one of WHO's major funders: "It provides 10*
*percent of the World Health Organization's overall budget," notes Linsey*
*McGoey in her incisive study of Bill Gates' philanthropy.** "In 2013, it *
*emerged as as the largest single donor to the UN health agency, donating *
*more than the US government" (emphasis added).*
*quote in on p. 8.)*

*That Gates, an avid—some might say obsessive—champion of vaccination*
*as a means of "population control," became WHO's "largest single donor"*
*just the year before WHO granted Kenya what appeared to be a generous *
*supply of tetanus vaccine that was **covertly "laced with hCG"—an antigen*
*that, in combination with tetanus toxoid, "causes pregnancy hormones to*
*be attacked by the immune system," as those four researchers noted—is,*
*to say the least, suggestive, and, on its face, newsworthy enough to move*
*"our free press" to look into it, especially now that Gates is out there *
*hollering for a new vaccine to save us all from COVID-19.*

*But our press is no freer now that it was when those brave Kenyan doctors*
*sounded that quite justified alarm (which Kenya's government
pooh-poohed); *
*and since Bill Gates, and Big **Pharma, have jointly gagged the Western
press *
*as tightly as Xi **Jinping's regime has gagged the press in China, about*
*Bill Gates there's nothing—nothing—in our media but sycophantic praise, *
*and rapt **attention to his every outburst of misinformation, as if he
were *
*some kind **of medical authority, and a man of rare benevolence, when he's*
*had no medical training, made his billions through sheer ruthlessness*
*(just as Carnegie and Rockefeller made their fortunes), and—crucially—*
*is "demonstrably" obsessed not with the welfare of the human beings*
*on this planet, but with killing off as many of us as he can. *

*That obsession should have moved the watchdogs of the media to*
*some appropriate investigation—and would have, if Gates weren't*
*obscenely rich. Thus there's been no follow-up to the revelation*
*that "Gates met with Jeffrey Epstein many times, despite **his
[Epstein's] *
*past," as the New York Times reported last October—**a revelation highly *
*pertinent to Gates' passion for eugenics, which **Epstein shared (nor is *
*that all they shared, apparently). What with **the endless war waged by *
*"our free press" on Roman Polanski and **Woody Allen, you'd think that *
*Bill Gates' frequent travels on Epstein's **"Lolita Express," as well as *
*their combined eugenic interests, would **get some press; but since *
*the press is only adulating Gates, they **wouldn't touch that doubly *
*ugly **subject with a ten-foot pole.*


*Instead of raising any question about Gates' eugenic mission, *
*or **even noting it, they treat his lethal urgings as humanitarian*
*wisdom: i.e., his loud demands for the rushed deployment of *
*a new **vaccine for COVID-19, for universal mandatory *
*vaccination, and for ID-chipping the whole human race. *
*While raising no objections to that crackpot program, the*
*press has also merely nodded at Gates' recent call for an *
*even more protracted lockdown of the entire USA–a lockdown*
*for "ten weeks or more." For Bill Gates, with his hundred *
*billion dollars, and his zeal for "population control," that such*
*a move would kill off the US economy, bringing on a second*
*Great Depression that in turn would kill off millions of *
*Americans, are not bad things, but actually a plus.*

*With "our free press" revering such a man, and nodding in*
*agreement at his lunatic **pronouncements, instead of *
*properly investigating him, and properly subjecting them*
*to skeptical analysis, we clearly need to do our own **research—*
*but that's not all. Let's face up to what's really happening here.*
*How are Bill Gates and Big Pharma, **among **other **mighty *
*interests, actually exploiting with this unprecedented crisis? *
*They're using COVID-19 **as either a pretext or distraction, **with *
*the intention **of destroying **us. We therefore need to (somehow) *
*get together, **take all **proper steps to save ourselves, then carry *
*out **the necessary **second **revolution that will junk this rotten *
*system for all time, **and **make one **that will finally serve us all. *

*MCM  *

‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent
in UN tetanus vaccine
'This WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a
well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise
using a proven fertility regulating vaccine.'

Thu Nov 6, 2014 - 2:29 pm EST



By Steve Weatherbe

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*UPDATE (Nov. 12): Kenya's government has launched an investigation into
the Catholic Church's allegations. See follow up article here

Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with
sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus
inoculation program sponsored by the Kenyan government.

According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya Catholic Doctors
Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages
in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World
Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly are
advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine.

“We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa.
They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy
Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. “They were all laced with HCG.”

Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, stated in
a bulletin released November 4, “This proved right our worst fears; that
this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a
well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise
using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to
the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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