Without Paul Weyrich, there would surely be no place in our political 
theatrics for
Rick Warren and his cult, and all the other cults allied with it.

Conservative icon Paul Weyrich dies

By MIKE ALLEN | 12/18/08 11:08 AM EST 
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Paul M. Weyrich, 66, who helped found the Heritage Foundation and at 
one time was one of Washington's most visible conservatives, died 
this morning. At his death, he was president and CEO of the Free 
Congress Foundation.

Heritage announced this morning: "Paul M. Weyrich, chairman and CEO 
of the Free Congress Foundation and the first president of The 
Heritage Foundation, died this morning around 1 a.m. He was 66 years 
old. Weyrich was a good friend to many of us at Heritage, a true 
leader and a man of unbending principle. He won Heritage's 
prestigious Clare Boothe Luce Award in 2005. Weyrich will be deeply 
missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, including son 
Steve, who currently works at Heritage."

Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform wrote this tribute: "Paul 
Weyrich created institutions and networks that incubated new and old 
powerful policies and strategies to advance liberty. ... He brought 
leaders of various freedom impulses together. Most of the successes 
of the Conservative movement since the 1970s flowed from structures, 
organizations, and coalitions he started, created or nurtured. Paul 
also lived a balanced life with work, family and his faith. We will 
miss his puns and wisdom and hard work."

Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review Online, who had the first word 
of his passing, called Weyrich "a Washington conservative 
institution" and "a patriot who lived a long life serving his nation."
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