Alastair Thompson takes his seven years of observing how we do things 
to give us his suggestions on how to achieve healthy elections over 


Joan Brunwasser, OpEdNews

Original Content at 

July 14, 2009

Alastair's Prescription for Healthy Elections

By Joan Brunwasser

Interview with Scoop's Alastair Thompson, part four

We resume our conversation with Scoop's Alastair Thompson. You may be 
far away [New Zealand] but you get it about election fraud, stolen 
elections, and broken election systems. We in America who are working 
towards meaningful election reform feel like we've essentially been 
banging our heads against the wall for the last five years. Any 
advice for us?

Having watched this process now for seven years, I have some strong 
views on this.

Okay, Alastair. Take it away.

Firstly, there is the question of what you should be seeking.

Since the beginning of this debate, there have been arguments about 
what technology is acceptable. In particular voter verified paper 
ballots [vvpb], paper trails and optical scan systems. And then there 
are arguments about audits and recounts.

We now know that none of these systems can protect actual election integrity.

Optical scanning machines are hackable - Harri Hursti showed that 
conclusively. Paper supplements to voting machines simply do not work 
- the printing machines jam, the paper records get lost and most 
importantly it is impossible to get a proper recount performed.

For the same reason - the human and legal problem of recounting - I 
have no confidence in audit systems used around optical scan ballots 
though this would be much better than what you have now.

Basically, in order to function an election system must deliver a 
reliable result on the night or shortly thereafter. The result should 
not be capable of being manipulated except through a massive 
conspiracy. If you set the bar high for the fraudsters then they will 

In terms of understanding the solution to the problem, you need to 
also consider the problem from a cautionary perspective.meaning, the 
solution to the problem needs to deter an active criminal conspiracy 
from its evil ways. If you simply assume that the system is 
vulnerable but not actually under attack you will find the wrong 

On the basis of this analysis, I have come to the conclusion that the 
only method of voting and vote counting that works is: hand counted 
paper ballots, counted at the place of voting on the night of voting.

Yes, this requires thousands of poll workers but it works perfectly 
well everywhere else in the world - why not the USA?

And to make it easier to vote I would also suggest you make election 
day a public holiday.

So that is where I think you need to go - next question is how to get 
there. And here is where it gets horribly difficult.

The first problem: Not understanding the enemy.

Because there are so many people who do not believe elections have 
been hacked, and perhaps simply as a defense mechanism against the 
enormity of realization that democracy is being attacked at its very 
core, even staunch election integrity activists sometimes miss the 
wood for the trees.

The ability to control who is elected at a micro level is the 
ultimate form of political control. It makes Jim Crow, ballot 
stuffing intimidation and other forms of election fraud pale into 

It is an enormously profitable venture and one which will be being 
extremely well organized and it will have its tentacles into 
everything. It will be growing more powerful and more sophisticated 
with every electoral cycle and it will be growing ever harder to 

The solution:

Do not buy into the bullshit about whether this is a real or 
imaginary threat. If the system is as vulnerable, as we know it to be 
- and if we have criminal conspiracies of the kind that occurred in 
Ohio in 2004 preventing recounts then you know that this is real. Act 
on that knowledge. Assume that everything you do is being actively 
undermined by sophisticated vested interests - a criminal conspiracy 
- and be very determined about sticking to your game and ignoring 
distractions and disruptions. Defeating this enemy will be hard and 
it will require a massive political will from the grassroots up; the 
political superstructure is already unreliable.

The second problem: Lack of common purpose

Meanwhile what we actually have is an election reform movement is 
unfortunately somewhat riven with internal arguments - many of them 
around the issues raised above. And people have dug themselves into 
trenches around these points. Hand counted paper ballots are 
impractical and impossible. Auditing is the answer, etc.

As long as there is no clarity of demand from the public it is 
astonishingly easy for the politicians and corporate cowards to dodge 
the issue. Recall what happened with the Holt Bill.

Clearly some kind of unity of purpose is required. This means 
discipline and compromise.

The solution:

Hold a national meet-up of election reform outfits and hammer out a 
consensus - it may not be one everybody agrees to but that's what 
politics is about. And progress is better than no progress.

The third problem: A cycle of interest

We have all seen what happens in this movement. Around an election, 
and especially in the weeks immediately after it, everybody gets 
upset and excited.

Months pass and interest wanes people get frustrated and by the time 
the next election comes around it is too late to do anything about it.

The solution:

As a movement, aim for a realistic timetable for change and then 
pursue that doggedly. 2010 is probably too early for real change to 
be implemented, so aim for 2012; aim to pass a bill which fixes the 
2012 presidential election in 2010. That way, the "there is not 
enough time" tossers can jump in a lake.

And I have more thoughts, but those are the biggies.

Well, this certainly gives us a lot to think about. When we return 
for the last installment of our interview, Alastair will talk about 
the fourth estate, and the role of independent online media.
Correction to part one (later amended online), as pointed out by Bev 
Harris: "Each instance of in part one should be replaced 
with Bev Harris - I owned, but it was a publicity site 
that had nothing to do with the voting issue." Thank you, Bev.

One of my interview with Alastair
Two of my interview with Alastair
Three of my interview with Alastair

Author's Bio: Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of 
for Election Reform (CER) which exists for the sole purpose of 
raising the public awareness of the critical need for election 
reform. We aim to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure 
elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. 
Electronic (computerized) voting systems are simply antithetical to 
democratic principles.

CER set up a lending library to achieve the widespread distribution 
of the DVD Invisible Ballots: A temptation for electronic vote fraud. 
Within eighteen months, the project had distributed over 3200 copies 
across the country and beyond. CER now concentrates on group 
showings, OpEd pieces, articles, reviews, interviews, discussion 
sessions, networking, conferences, anything that promotes awareness 
of this critical problem. Joan has been Election Integrity Editor for 
OpEdNews since December, 2005. Her articles also appear at 
RepublicMedia.TV and <>

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