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Bush Six Likely to Be Indicted

Publicizing the indictment movement requires 
placing newspaper ads, organizing national 
call-in days to pressure Congressional 
representatives, intensive media work, teach-ins 
and educational forums. 
consider taking a moment right now to make a 
donation to this new movement for the indictment 
of Bush.
"Spanish prosecutors have decided to press 
forward with a criminal investigation targeting 
former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and 
five top associates over their role in the 
torture of five Spanish citizens held at 
Guantánamo," according to Scott Horton, law 
professor and writer for Harper's Magazine and 
The American Lawyer.

"We are expecting a decision this week," the 
Spanish prosecutor's office told the Associated 
Press on April 14.

In an extraordinary conclusion to a report by the 
International Committee of the Red Cross that was 
just released, the Red Cross recommended that:
"the US authorities investigate all allegations 
of ill-treatment and take steps to punish the 
perpetrators, where appropriate, and to prevent 
such abuses from happening again."

The Red Cross report outlines the capture and 
interrogation and torture of "high value" 
detainees at CIA "black sites.'" The report 
evidences criminal conduct carried out by the 
Bush Administration.

Coming from the Red Cross, this presents a major 
obstacle to those who would seek to block 
prosecution or suggest that the conduct carried 
out by Bush officials and the CIA could be 
considered lawful by any means.

This report presents direct evidence of the 
brutality and illegality of the Bush/Cheney 
Administration's torture regime. The officials' 
actions constitute violations of international 
law including the International Covenant on Civil 
and Political Rights (ICCPR), which the United 
States ratified in 1992, and the Convention 
against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or 
Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which the 
United States ratified in 1994. Article 17 of the 
Third Geneva Convention of 1949 prohibits torture 
of prisoners and Article 32 of the Fourth Geneva 
Convention similarly protects civilian detainees.

The Red Cross' demand for prosecution echoes the 
call from Ramsey Clark and the IndictBushNow 
movement: "Indiscriminate killing of civilians, 
summary execution, arbitrary seizures of people 
and property, secret unlimited detention and 
torture have been authorized and widely 

We have extraordinary momentum on our side right 
now and we must seize the moment to make 
indictment and prosecution a reality. We will be 
taking out newspaper ads in Europe and in the 
United States. 
consider taking a moment right now to make a 
donation to this new movement for the indictment 
of Bush.

You can also help spread the word by 
a IndictBushNow web button on your blog, website 
or social networking page, 
the petition and 
three friends to do so.

Please take action today,
-- All of us at IndictBushNow.org

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