>From Susan Adelman:

Dear Friends

Below is the news release from Physicians for 
Human Rights-Israel on the release of the report 
they did jointly with the Palestinian Medical 
Relief Society (PMRS) about the recent Israeli 
offensive in Gaza.  It includes a link to a site 
where you can download both the whole report and 
an abbreviated version. I believe that human 
rights have no nationality. All crimes against 
civilians must be condemned and I condemn the 
launching for rockets from Gaza into the southern 
portion of Israel. That, however, is not the 
subject of this report. The scientific evidence, 
the first-person accounts and the conclusions are 
chilling. Please read it.

Peace and lift the siege of Gaza (now!!), Susan

From: <<>t...@phr.org.il>
Date: 2009/4/6
Subject: Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and 
the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) 
published today its special report on the Israeli 
offensive in the Gaza Strip, 27.12.2008 - 

Independent fact-finding mission of medical 
experts commissioned by Physicians for Human 
Rights-Israel and the Palestinian Medical Relief 
Society (PMRS) published today its special report 
on the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip, 
27.12.2008 - 18.01.2009

In their report, the experts detail 44 
testimonies by civilians who came under attack 
and by medical staff who were prevented from 
evacuating the wounded. The report provides 
first-hand evidence regarding the broader effects 
of the attacks on a civilian population that was 
already vulnerable on the eve of the offensive.

To download the Report click here 

The experts collected samples of human tissue 
earth, water, grass and mud suspected to be 
contaminated by unidentified chemicals. These 
were sent by the team to laboratories in the UK 
and South Africa for analysis.

During the military operation in January, 
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel called for an 
external independent investigation into the 
events, for the rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip 
and for the opening of the Crossings.

Five independent experts in the fields of 
forensic medicine, burns, medical response to 
crises and public health, from Germany, Denmark, 
South Africa and Spain, immediately answered the 
call and traveled to Gaza between 29 January and 
5 February 2009 for their first fact-finding 
investigation, and then to hospitals in Egypt, 
where some of the most seriously wounded were 
being treated.

The medical experts are:Professor Jorgen Thomsen 
from Denmark, expert in Forensic pathology; Dr. 
Ralf Syring from Germany, an expert in Public 
Health in crisis regions; Professor Shabbir Ahmed 
Wadee from South Africa, an expert in Forensic 
pathology;Professor Sebastian Van As from South 
Africa, an expert in Trauma surgeryand Ms. Alicia 
Vacas Moro from Spain, an expert in International 

>From the conclusion of the report:

"...Besides the large-scale, largely impersonal 
destruction that the team witnessed and heard of, 
it was especially distressing to hear of 
individual cases in which soldiers had been 
within seeing, hearing and speaking distance of 
their victims for significant stretches of time, 
but despite the opportunity for 'humanisation', 
had denied wounded people access to lifesaving 
medical care, or even shot at civilians at short 

One of the testimonies in the report describes 
the aftermath of an attack. Muhammad Saad Abu 
Halima had lost two brothers and a young sister; 
his wife and daughter were wounded. He told the 
delegation his experience of evacuation:

"ŠWe were going down the street Kamal Adwan, and 
we had almost reached the school when the 
soldiers halted us. A tank appeared on the street 
and stopped close to the school. The soldiers 
were occupying the second floor of a building 
which was only 20 meters away from the street. 
They could see that we were all wounded and dirty 
from the explosions, because the tractor was open 
at the back. They shot at us, killing my cousins 
Matar Saad Abu Halima and Muhammad Hikma Abu 
Halima, who were driving us to the hospital. The 
soldiers ordered us to get out of the tractor, 
and they asked me to take off my clothes. I did 
it and they checked all my body. I think they 
were looking for explosives, but we were all 
injured and in pitiful conditions. How could we 
think of carrying explosives when my younger 
siblings and my own children were dying? Then, 
when I was almost expecting death, they shouted 
at me: "you can get dressed and go". They did not 
allow us to use the tractor.
I held my sister Shahed in my arms Š but the 
soldiers said that the baby was already dead, so 
they forced me to leave her in the car. I tried 
to help my wife Ghada, who was completely burned, 
and they forced us to walk to the hospital. For 
about 300 meters the soldiers were shooting at 
our feet as we walked, raising so much dust that 
the wounds of my wife became full of dirt. After 
a while we saw a lorry on the road. It was 
overcrowded with people going to the hospital 
after the heavy attacks, but they made us room 
and we arrived at Shifa' HospitalŠ."

Another testimony in the report tells the story 
of the Abed Rabbo family. Souad Abed Rabbo, 54, 
told the team that the soldiers called to the 
family to exit their house. She, her 
daughter-in-law and her three granddaughters 
exited the house holding white flags:

  "Outside the house there was an Israeli tank. It 
had come from the west towards the house that was 
facing north. It was 11.30 - 12.00. The tank was 
in the garden about ten meters from her, when she 
stopped to receive permission to leave unharmed. 
On her right side were the three girls; behind 
her was the daughter in law close to the door of 
the house. The soldier on the tank never replied. 
They were looking into each others´ eyes for 7-10 
minutes, when suddenly a soldier opened fire and 
shot the granddaughter of the witness, Souad, in 
the neck and chest. She died immediately. They 
also shot Amal. She was hit in the chest and 
abdomen, and the interviewee saw her intestines 
come out. Amal died a little later. The daughter 
in law ran immediately into the house and was not 
hurt. The witness Souad Abed Rabbo was hit twice, 
as she turned around in a clockwise movement. She 
was hit in the left arm and in the left buttock. 
She did not see who shot. She assumed that the 
shots were fired from gun(s) not from the tank, 
but she was not certain. She saw three soldiers 
on top of the tanks holding weaponsŠSamar was hit 
in the chest with the bullet coming out of the 
backŠat the time of the interview she was in a 
hospital in Belgium suffering paralysis." 

In their concluding remarks, the experts say: 
  "The underlying meaning of the attack on the 
Gaza Strip, or at least its final consequence, 
appears to be one of creating terror without 
mercy to anyone. Nearly all the people we spoke 
to slept cuddled together with the other members 
of their family in a central room of the house 
during the three weeks of attack. No one knew 
where or when the next bomb or explosion would 
occur. It appears that the wide range of attacks 
with sophisticated weaponry was predominantly 
focussed on terrorising the population. ..."

Hadas Ziv, Executive Director of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel:
The military was well aware that such an attack 
on a densely populated area would exert a 
terrible toll on the civilian population. It was 
the Israeli Army's responsibility to secure a way 
for the civilian population to flee the zone of 
At the moment, three things need to be done:

A rigorous, transparent, and independent 
investigation should be conducted, one in which 
the victims' voices will be heard. The newly 
appointed investigative committee of the Human 
Rights Council is an important step in this 
direction. We hope Israel will fully cooperate 
with it.
There is also an urgent need to open the 
Crossings and to allow the rehabilitation of Gaza.
Israeli society needs to understand and assert 
its responsibility to end the culture of impunity 
so that such severe violations of international 
law and medical ethics will not occur in the 

For further information please contact:
Tami Sarfatti 0546995199 email: <>t...@phr.or.il

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