My subject line alludes to David Brock's The Republican Noise 
Machine, which is still the
best book on the history of that juggernaut.


Right-Wingers Are Desperately Trying to Destroy Obama, and the 
Cowardly Corporate Media Are Helping
By Robert Parry, Consortium News. Posted April 16, 2009.

The right-wing media still pull the reigns in DC, where they could 
sink the Obama presidency and even stymie a Democratic Congress.

Watching Glenn Beck of Fox News rant about "progressive fascism" -- 
and muse about armed insurrection -- or listening to mainstream 
pundits prattle on about Barack Obama as the "most polarizing 
President ever," it is hard to escape the conclusion that today's 
U.S. news media represents a danger to the Republic.

By and large, the Washington press corps continues to function within 
a paradigm set in the 1980s, mostly bending to the American Right, 
especially to its perceived power to destroy mainstream journalistic 
careers and to grease the way toward lucrative jobs for those who 
play ball.

The parameters set by this intimidated (or bought-off) news media, in 
turn, influence how far Washington politicians feel they can go on 
issues, like health-care reform or environmental initiatives, or how 
risky they believe it might be to pull back from George W. Bush's 
"war on terror" policies.

Democratic hesitancy on these matters then enflames the Left, which 
expresses its outrage through its own small media, reprising the old 
theme that there's "not a dime's worth of difference" between 
Democrats and Republicans -- a reaction that further weakens chances 
for any meaningful reform.

This vicious cycle has repeated itself again and again since the 
Reagan era, when the Right built up its intimidating media apparatus 
-- a vertically integrated machine which now reaches from newspapers, 
magazines and books to radio, TV and the Internet. The Right 
accompanied its media apparatus with attack groups to go after 
troublesome mainstream journalists.

Meanwhile, the American Left never took media seriously, putting what 
money it had mostly into "organizing" or into direct humanitarian 
giving. Underscoring the Left's fecklessness about media, 
progressives have concentrated their relatively few media outlets in 
San Francisco, 3,000 miles away -- and three hours behind -- the news 
centers of Washington and New York.

By contrast, the Right grasped the importance of "information 
warfare" in a modern media age and targeted its heaviest firepower on 
the frontlines of that war -- mostly the political battlefields of 
Washington -- thus magnifying the influence of right-wing ideas on 

One consequence of this media imbalance is that Republicans feel they 
can pretty much say whatever they want -- no matter how provocative 
or even crazy -- while Democrats must be far more circumspect, 
knowing that any comment might be twisted into an effective attack 
point against them.

So, while criticism of Republican presidents -- from Ronald Reagan to 
the two Bushes -- had to be tempered for fear of counterattacks, 
almost anything could be said against a Democratic president, Bill 
Clinton or now Barack Obama, who is repeatedly labeled a "socialist" 
and, according to Beck, a "fascist" for pressuring hapless GM chief 
executive Rick Wagoner to resign.

The Clinton Wars

The smearing of President Clinton started during his first days in 
office as the right-wing news media and the mainstream press pursued, 
essentially in tandem, "scandals" such as his Whitewater real-estate 
deal, the Travel Office firings and salacious accusations from 
Arkansas state troopers.

Through talk radio and mailed-out videos, the Right also disseminated 
accusations that Clinton was responsible for "murders" in Arkansas 
and Washington. These hateful suspicions about Clinton spread across 
the country, carried by the voices of Rush Limbaugh and G. Gordon 
Liddy as well as via videos hawked by Religious Right leader Jerry 

While not accepting the "murder" tales, mainstream publications, like 
the Washington Post and the New York Times, often took the lead in 
pushing or exaggerating Clinton financial "scandals." Facing these 
attacks, Clinton sought some safety by tacking to the Right, which 
prompted many on the American Left to turn on him.

The stage was set for the Republican "revolution" of 1994, which put 
the GOP in charge of Congress. Only in the latter days of the Clinton 
administration, as the Republicans pushed for his ouster through 
impeachment, did a handful of small media outlets, including and, recast the war on Clinton as a 
new-age coup d'etat.

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