Political Prosecutions Continue in Alabama


George W. Bush might no longer be our president, but the political 
prosecutions that started under his watch are 
continuing--particularly here in Karl Rove's Alabama.

Insurance executive 
W. Goff is on trial this week in U.S. District Court in Montgomery, 
Alabama, charged with 26 counts of fraud, embezzlement, and 
conspiracy. The trial is expected to last two to three weeks, and 
when it is over, America could have a new political prisoner.

The case involves possible wrongdoing by GOP officials at the very 
top of Alabama government, and it has received a fair amount of 
national attention. But based on my research, it appears that no 
major Alabama newspaper is covering the trial.

Curious isn't it, considering the case's myriad connections to 
disgraced Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff?

How did Goff get in trouble? He filed a lawsuit against Governor Bob 
Riley and other Republicans, claiming they had conspired to ruin his 
lucrative business. Goff's lawsuit contained allegations that the 
governor and his son, Rob Riley, had wrongfully laundered Mississippi 
casino money into the 2002 Alabama gubernatorial campaign, using 
Riley's connections to Abramoff and his partner, Michael Scanlon.

Desperate to keep the Goff lawsuit from reaching the discovery stage, 
asked U.S. Attorney Leura Canary (who oversaw the Don Siegelman 
prosecution) to help make it "go away." Canary, whose husband Bill 
Canary had assisted with Riley's campaigns, was more than happy to 

She hit Goff with criminal charges that mirror those that were 
settled in March 2005 in an administrative-law case brought by the 
Alabama Department of Insurance. At that time, 59 of 60 charges 
against Goff were dismissed, with him pleading guilty to one charge 
and paying a fine.

"I thought, until now, this whole matter was settled," Goff said. And 
he had good reason to think that. Language in the 2005 settlement 
agreement says Goff was released from "any and all claims, demands, 
charges (and) prosecutions . . . related to the subject matter" in 
the administrative-law case.

The Goff case does not involve the prosecution of a high-profile 
former governor. But in many ways, 
might smell worse than the Don Siegelman case--if that is possible.

Consider the timeline:

* March 2005--Goff reaches a settlement in an administrative-law case 
brought by the Alabama Department of Insurance;

* March 2007--Goff files a lawsuit against Bob Riley and others. 
Among other things, Goff seeks to find out information about the 
source of the Riley's campaign funding in the 2002 governor's race. 
Goff, a former supporter, had allowed Riley to use his corporate 

* September 2007--Scott Horton, of Harper's, reports that Riley is 
desperate to stop the Goff lawsuit from proceeding;

* April 2, 
is indicted on charges that mirror those in the settled 
administrative matter;

* February 2, 2009--Goff's criminal trial begins in Montgomery, Alabama.

Most Americans are familiar with 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_jeopardy>double jeopardy, the 
idea that you cannot face the same charges twice. But that concept 
evidently does not hold water at the U.S. Attorney's office in 
Montgomery, Alabama.

Barack Obama might be in the White House, but injustice continues in 
America's broke courts. The John W. Goff case is proof that Karl 
Rove's legacy of sleaze lives on.

Goff's friends and family members have started a Web site about the 
case. You can check it out at 

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