The New York Post reports that Sarah Palin has been scheduled to host 
NBC's "Saturday
Night Live" on 10/25:

        The New York Post is reporting that Palin's appearance on 
Oct. 25 is signed, sealed, and
        delivered. Soccer moms and Joe Sixpacks, listen up. Get your 
beer, mooseburgers and
        caribou dips ready. Sarah Palin is doing "Saturday Night 
Live." Not Tina Fey doing Sarah
        Palin doing "Saturday Night Live." But the Sarah Herself.

        She has already OK'd it. She's booked. It's confirmed. Done 
deal. Sketches are being
        sketched as we speak. She - eyeglasses, haircomb, designer 
jacket and trunkful of
        gosh-darns, golly-gees and gol-dangs - will be on "SNL" 
Saturday night, Oct. 25. Sarah's
        rehearsal time has already been penciled in for Friday the 
24th. And it's because she
        wants to do it.

Now, if Joe Biden is guest-hosting on the Saturday before or after, 
then it's fair enough that
Palin get to do it, too. (By rights, Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney 
and Bob Barr should also
have their turns.) But if the network has been pressured to have 
Palin on--whether by GE
or by the GOP, or both--to "balance" Tina Fey's satiric thrusts, then 
it is not okay.

SNL should not have any major candidates, or mainstream politicans, 
on as hosts, because
the ties between the media and the political establishment are too 
tight and too many as it is.
But having Palin on is indefensible on several other grounds as well.

First of all, there's her extremism. Can you think of any other 
Rapture-ready theocrat, or
radical anti-environmentalist, or male supremacist, or stealth 
secessonist, who would be
welcome on that show? The fact that most Americans have not yet heard 
that those are her
positions makes it all the worse that she would guest-host SNL, which 
shouldn't be a part
of her campaign's attempt to cast her as your average "hockey mom." 
(Those of you who've
seen Bob Roberts no doubt feel a certain chill right now.)

And then there's Palin's on-the-stump behavior--which most of us have 
heard about.
Stoked by her infuriating lies and homicidal innuendo (the woman's 
very good at that), the
crowds around her whoop it up like lynch mobs, calling for Obama's 
death (the Secret
Service is investigating one such outburst) and otherwise exulting in 
their hatred:

        (PHILADELPHIA) As the crowd cheered at a Sarah Palin rally 
this morning in Johnstown,
        Pennsylvania, a man in the audience grinned as he held up a 
stuffed monkey doll with a
        Barack Obama bumper sticker wrapped across its forehead.
(See the
video at

So why would SNL help "humanize" this vicious character? What is 
NBC's excuse, and/or
Lorne Michaels', for giving her an opportunity, ten days before 
Election Day, to wink and
grin and say "Doggone it!" and "You betcha!" (and also, winningly, to 
mock herself for
doing so)? And how can all the show's hip regulars, including Tina 
Fey, put up with this?

The fact is that they shouldn't have to: Sarah Palin has no place on 
SNL, and you should let
them know.

NBC: 212-664-4444

General Electric: 212-575-6000, or 1-800-626-2000

NBC and GE are both headquartered at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, NY, NY, 10112.

NBC's FAQ online:

(Any tips re: how to reach the network or the show itself--and their 
corporate sponsors
--would be much appreciated.)


>The Christian Science Monitor is reporting that Sarah Palin's 
>appearance on Saturday Night Live is "signed, sealed, and delivered" 
>for October 25.  In the past week Palin has seemed to delight in 
>exciting her crowds until they become angry mobs calling for the 
>death of Barack Obama. An appearance on SNL usually raises a 
>candidate in the polls. If you believe it is wrong to give free 
>public exposure to a  demagogue who with innuendo and blatant lies 
>turns a crowd into a mob rabid against the opponent and shouting, 
>"Kill him!", contact NBC now to protest Palin's appearance on the 
>show. If you google "NBC contact" there will be a drop-down menu of 
>programs---just click onto Saturday Night Live and write your 

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