From Raw Story:

And from Jeff Cohen:

In a state with as many progressives as New York, are we getting yet 
another tepid, corporate-friendly Senator...this time APPOINTED, this 
time a big ally of the NRA??--jc

 From the Village Voice:

Gillibrand has described her own voting record as "one of the most 
conservative in the state." She opposes any path to citizenship for 
illegal immigrants, supports renewing the Bush tax cuts for 
individuals earning up to $1 million annually, and voted for the 
Bush-backed FISA bill that permits wiretapping of international 
calls. She was one of four Democratic freshmen in the country, and 
the only Democrat in the New York delegation, to vote for the Bush 
administration's bill to extend funding for the Iraq war shortly 
after she entered congress in 2007. While she now contends that she's 
always opposed the war and has voted for bills to end it, one upstate 
paper reported when she first ran for the seat: "She said she 
supports the war in Iraq." In addition to her vote to extend funding, 
she also missed a key vote to override a Bush veto of a Democratic 
bill with Iraq timetables.

 From the NYTimes:

If Mr. Paterson was hoping to quiet the tumult over the selection 
process by picking Ms. Gillibrand, there were indications that he may 
not get his wish. Ms. Gillibrand, who has been endorsed by the 
National Rifle Association, is controversial among some of the 
party's more liberal leaders downstate.  Representative Carolyn 
McCarthy, a Long Island Democrat and ardent gun control activist, 
said Thursday that if Ms. Gillibrand got the job, she was prepared to 
run against her in a primary in 2010. Ms. McCarthy was elected to 
Congress after her husband was killed in a gunman's rampage on the 
Long Island Rail Road in 1993.

From: Jonathan Tasini []

To: Interested Parties
Re: The Caretaker Appointment to the U.S. Senate

David Paterson's choice to fill the U.S. Senate in New York is an 
affront to the people of New York. New Yorkers do not deserve a 
caretaker Senator who is anti-immigrant, anti-gay rights, and proudly 
carries the endorsement of the National Rifle Association, an 
organization that is uniquely responsible for the death and injury by 
gun violence of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

But, make no mistake about it: the governor's appointment is a 
caretaker. Rather than wring our hands, New Yorkers need to begin to 
organize TODAY to elect a Democratic Senator in 2010 who will 
represent progressive values--values that many of us believe reflect 
the majority opinion of the state's voters. By progressive, I mean 
someone who will: articulate a substantially different foreign policy 
than most "liberal" Democratic politicians support; someone who will 
aggressively push for single-payer health care; and someone who 
fights for a different economic strategy that favors people over 
corporations on the whole range of issues from trade to unionization 
to the power of corporations.

The caretaker appointment will be showered with huge campaign 
contributions from Wall Street and other establishment, 
inside-the-Beltway power brokers--many of the same people whose 
mindset led us into the economic crisis we now face. We can elect a 
progressive Senator in 2010 if we use the power of grassroots 
organizing and tap a broad base of donors who yearn for deep, 
systemic change. The campaign must begin now.

Indeed, it has already begun, with scores of New Yorkers signing up 
even before the appointment was announced. New Yorkers are invited to 
join the campaign at 
<> or on 
Facebook at 
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