Still Broken

The New York Times

March 18, 2009


In last year's presidential election, as many as three million 
registered voters were not allowed to cast ballots and millions more 
chose not to because of extremely long lines and other frustrating 
obstacles. Ever since the 2000 election in Florida, the serious flaws 
in the voting system have been abundantly clear. More than eight 
years later, Congress must finally deliver on its promise of 
electoral reform.

At a hearing last week, the Senate Rules Committee released a report 
sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the sorry 
state of voting. It said that administrative barriers, such as 
error-filled voting lists or wrongful purges of voter rolls prevented 
as many as three million registered voters from casting ballots. 
Another two million to four million registered voters were 
discouraged from even trying to vote because of difficulty obtaining 
an absentee ballot, voter ID issues and other problems.

The bad news didn't end there. According to the report, another nine 
million eligible voters tried to register but failed to because of a 
variety of hurdles, including missed deadlines or changes in 

The new study adds to a hefty, and rapidly growing, literature on 
voting problems. The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida just 
issued a report on the many difficulties that ex-felons in that state 
face when they try to register, a process that is filled with 
needless paperwork and bureaucratic confusion. A newly released 
report drafted at the request of Ohio's secretary of state, Jennifer 
Brunner, surveys many problems in her state's voting last year, 
including a large number of errors in the state's computer database 
of eligible voters.

One of the main reasons voting is in such bad shape is that the 
states have far too much leeway in running elections, ranging from 
what ID they require to the number of polling places they open and 
the allocation of voting machines, which has a big impact on how long 
the lines are on Election Day. Registering to vote and casting 
ballots in federal elections are federal acts, which should be 
governed by uniform national standards.

Senator Charles Schumer, a Democrat of New York, is the new chairman 
of the Rules Committee, which oversees elections, and last week's 
hearing is an encouraging sign that he intends to push for new laws.

The most important change Congress can make is to require universal 
voter registration. That would put the burden on states to register 
eligible voters - identifying them from other government lists such 
as tax and motor vehicle databases - rather than forcing prospective 
voters to navigate the obstacle-ridden path to the voting rolls. 
States should also be required to make registration permanent so 
voters are not purged from the rolls because of a move to a new 
address or a name change.

Congress should enact lenient federal rules for voter identification, 
allowing voters to present a wide array of IDs. Far too many states 
have onerous requirements that make it particularly hard for poor 
people and racial minorities to vote. And it should outlaw vote 
suppression and other campaign dirty tricks.

It can start by passing a bill re-introduced by Senator Sheldon 
Whitehouse, a Democrat of Rhode Island, to ban "voter caging," a 
tactic used by political operatives to erroneously label voters - 
often racial minorities - as ineligible and to get their names 
removed from the rolls.

President Obama championed election reform when he was in the Senate, 
and Democrats, who have been far more committed to the cause than 
Republicans, now have healthy margins in both houses of Congress. 
Supporters of a more fair, efficient and inclusive system of voting 
should not let this moment slip away. The millions of registered 
voters who are being turned away deserve a lot better.

Copyright 2009 The New York Times Company

Steven G. Brant
Founder and Principal
Trimtab Management Systems
303 Park Avenue South, Suite 1413
New York, NY 10010
(646) 221-1933
Skype:  stevengbrant

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