Yet another sign that the Republicans are finished.

(All the more reason to watch out for them....)


April 24, 2009


TEDISCO CONCEDES, STEELE SWEATS?.... It took a little longer than 
expected, but Republican Jim Tedisco 
the special election in New York's 20th today, and Rep.-Elect Scott 
Murphy (D) is headed for Capitol Hill.

Murphy takes over in the seat from its previous Democratic occupant, 
Kirsten Gillibrand, whose appointment to the United States Senate set 
up the special election for this marginal district.

The election was on March 31, three and a half weeks ago, but it took 
this long to get a winner because it was so close and involved a 
lengthy process of counting and litigation of absentee ballots. Still 
not all of the ballots have been reported in, but it became very 
clear over the last few days that there was really no way Tedisco 
could have pulled it off.

Murphy's victory, while expected as the vote tallies came in, is 
nevertheless something of an upset win for Democrats. New York's 20th 
is a Republican district -- as recently as 2006, GOP voter 
registrations in the district outnumbered Democratic registrations by 
15 points -- and Republicans 
heavily to win this race. For that matter, Tedisco is a well-known 
leader in the state legislature, while Murphy only moved to the 
district three years ago.

It was, at least on paper, a race Republicans should have won. They didn't.

Which leads us to the next question: just how painful is this defeat 
for RNC Chairman Michael Steele? He not only poured a lot of money 
into this race, Steele also pointed to New York's 20th
as a race that would help turn things around for the Republican Party.

Back in January, 
boasted, "That win will send a powerful signal to the rest of the 
country ... that our game is not up,"

That seemed like safe bravado in January, when Tedisco looked like a 
sure thing. But "that win"
has become "that loss." Does that mean, by Steele's reasoning, that a 
powerful signal has been sent
to the rest of the country that the Republican Party's game is up?

There were some rumors in February that a GOP defeat in this special 
election would put Michael Steele's job in jeopardy. Something to 
keep an eye on.

-<>Steve Benen
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