Important Phone Call or Fax TODAY

Thursday, 16 July 2009 06:57 

<>Take Action  Important 
Phone Call or Fax TODAY

<>Click here to send a 
fax to the key legislators now.

Congress member Dennis Kucinich of Ohio will be introducing an 
important single-payer amendment today, Thursday - the House 
healthcare reform bill.

The Kucinich amendment which gives states the right to pass and 
implement state-based single payer plans and will ensure the federal 
rules waivers required to allow that innovation. It will benefit 
millions of Americans - from California to Pennsylvania to Illinois 
to New York and beyond.

While not stepping away from our shared fight for HR676 and national 
single-payer reform, this is a chance for nurses and patients to help 
Rep. Kucinich to press the single payer fight forward during this 
legislative session.

Please make your call immediately as a vote is expected to be held today.

We have built strong support in California for state single-payer 
reform, having passed it in the legislature twice, and in other 
states including Pennsylvania and Illinois so we can win going 
through the states.

Single payer remains the best way to provide healthcare for all - and 
the most effective way to improve quality of care and control costs.

Now is the time for us to contact Democratic members of the House 
Education and Labor Committee to support the Kucinich amendment. 
Please call now.

Call the Chair of the Committee, George Miller, at: (202) 225-3725

Calls are also needed to five of the key Democratic members of the 
Education and Labor Committee where Rep. Kucinich will offer his 
amendment, especially if you are a resident of their district or 

Rep. Dale Kildee of Michigan: (202) 225-3611
Rep. Susan Davis of California: (202) 225-2040
Rep. David Wu of Oregon: (202) 225-0855
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of New York: (202) 225-5516
Rep. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii: (202) 225-4906

Here's a sample of what to say:

"Hello, My name is __________, I urge the Representative to vote YES 
on Representative Dennis Kucinich's state-based single-payer 
amendment to the Education and Labor Committee's healthcare bill."

If you are a resident of their Congressional district, be sure to say 
that as well.

Together we can win.  Thanks for joining in this action.
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