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police assault on Ian Tomlinson
Ian Tomlinson died of abdominal haemorrhage, says coroner
to this video

A second post mortem on Ian Tomlinson, the passerby who died at 
the<http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/g20>G20 protests, shows that he 
died from an abdominal haemorrhage, not a heart attack.

The cause of the injury has not been established, but investigators 
will now have to decide whether 
alleged <http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/police>police assaults on 
the 47-year-old newspaper vendor contributed to his death.

The dramatic shift in the criminal inquiry into the alleged assaults 
by the Independent Police Complaints Commission came today after the 
results of the second post mortem were revealed. Police previously 
said Tomlinson had died of a heart attack.

Tomlinson collapsed and died around 7:25pm on April 1, shortly after 
being attacked by at least one riot officer. He had been attempting 
to walk home from work when he was confronted by lines of riot police.

An officer was suspended and a criminal inquiry launched after the 
Guardian revealed footage showing the attack on Tomlinson from behind.

Today the City of London Coroners Court released the following statement:

"On 9 April 2009 HM Coroner for the City of London opened and 
adjourned the inquest into the death of Ian Tomlinson. In so doing he 
received evidence of identification and the provisional findings and 
opinion as to the medical cause of death, from a report prepared by 
consultant forensic pathologist Dr F Patel, instructed by HM Coroner 
to conduct the post-mortem examination. The pathologist's final 
opinion must await the completion of additional tests.

"Dr F Patel made a number of findings of fact including descriptions 
of a number of injuries and of diseased organs including the heart 
and liver. He found a substantial amount of blood in the abdominal 
cavity. His provisional interpretation of his findings was that the 
cause of death was coronary artery disease.

"A subsequent post-mortem examination was conducted by another 
consultant forensic pathologist, Dr N Cary, instructed by 
the <http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/ipcc>IPCC and by solicitors 
acting for the family of the late Mr Tomlinson.

"Dr Cary's opinion is that the cause of death was abdominal 
haemorrhage. The cause of the haemorrhage remains to be ascertained. 
Dr Cary accepts that there is evidence of coronary atherosclerosis 
but states that in his opinion its nature and extent is unlikely to 
have contributed to the cause of death.

"The opinions of both consultant pathologists are provisional and 
both agree that their final opinions must await the outcome of 
further investigations and tests. These are likely to take some time.

"The IPCC's investigation into the death of Ian Tomlinson is ongoing."
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