From: Roger Shuler []

The U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals botched the Don Siegelman 
appeal on multiple legal issues--statute of limitations, fundamentals 
of bribery law, jury instructions, hearsay. But when you strip away 
much of the legalese, you see a case where the evidence did not come 
close to supporting a conviction for bribery. Despite that, a trial 
court allowed an unlawful conviction to stand and so did an appellate 
court. What does that say about our courts?


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cheating of Don Siegelman, Part V

We've shown that, in upholding the convictions against former Alabama 
Governor Don Siegelman and former HealthSouth CEO Richad Scrushy, the 
U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals committed one error after another.

These errors were in crucial areas: statute of limitations, elements 
of bribery, jury instructions, and hearsay.

Finally, we turn to the evidence itself. Was it sufficient to prove 
bribery? The answer is no.

The key testimony in the entire trial was from Siegelman aide Nick 
Bailey. Here's how it went:

The crucial testimony of star prosecution witness Bailey was as 
follows: that he asked Governor Siegelman what Scrushy was "going to 
want for that [campaign contribution]? And his response was, the CON 
Board...." Bailey then testified he commented: "I wouldn't think that 
would be a problem, would it?" and that Governor Siegelman responded: 
"I wouldn't think so." [R36-673 p. 268 (Tr. 507)(emphasis supplied)].

But this falls well short of the explicit quid pro quo standard 
required for a bribery conviction that involves a campaign 
contribution. As the Siegelman team argued:

Taken for all that it is worth, Bailey's testimony
shows at most that Governor Siegelman knew, or at least thought, that 
Scrushy wanted a C.O.N. Board appointment in recognition of the 
contribution--and that Governor Siegelman didn't think that making 
such an appointment would present a problem. Governor Siegelman knew 
or thought that Scrushy wanted it, and he ultimately appointed him. 
But what is missing is precisely what is required by the very concept 
of "explicit quid pro quo": an express discussion between Governor 
Siegelman and Scrushy to the effect of "I will make this 
contribution, and in exchange for this contribution you will appoint 
me. Are we agreed on that?" "Yes we are." That is the sort of 
conversation that would constitute an explicit quid pro quo--not 
merely one party's thinking something like "I know or I think I know 
what my contributor wants, and I plan to give it to him."

The 11th Circuit ruled that the jury was free to "infer" that a quid 
quo pro was present, even though the evidence showed that no explicit 
agreement existed. This, as Siegelman has stated publicly several 
times, is a radical departure from established bribery law.

The jury was able to make such a faulty "inference" largely because 
U.S. District Judge Mark Fuller 
an incorrect jury instruction. The 11th Circuit, not surprisingly, 
said the unlawful jury instruction was A-OK.

What do we learn from the 11th Circuit's butchery of the Siegelman 
case? We will address that question next.

(To be continued)

Previously . . .

Is How An Appellate Court Cheated Don Siegelman

Cheating of Don Siegelman, Part I (statute of limitations)

Cheating of Don Siegelman, Part II (fundamentals of bribery)

Cheating of Don Siegelman, Part III (jury instructions)

Cheating of Don Siegelman, Part IV (hearsay)

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