The Skinny  By 
HERRERAS <mailto:mail...@tucsonweekly.com> 


Some say that attorneys, like cactus, grow in 
Arizona. A Wednesday, Jan. 14, court hearing 
regarding the 2006 Regional Transportation 
Authority election ballots proved that statement 
may just be true.

At the front of Judge Charles Harrington's 
courtroom, there were certainly enough attorneys 
to represent everyone involved. Somehow, there 
was just enough space to make sure every attorney 
had a place to sit.

On one of end of the courtroom sat Pima County 
Treasurer Beth Ford with the attorney from the 
DeConcini McDonald Yetwin and Lacy law firm hired 
by Pima County to represent the public official. 
At the next table were attorneys from the Pima 
County Republican Party and the Regional 
Transportation Authority.

In the middle--which was kind of like center 
stage--sat Pima County Democratic Party attorney 
Bill Risner, with two attorneys from the Pima 
County Libertarian Party serving as co-counsel, 
and newly elected Pima County Democratic Party 
chair Jeff Rogers, who also happens to be, yes, 
an attorney.

At the final end of the attorney spectrum sat 
Ronna Fickbohm, another private attorney from 
Gabroy, Rollman and Bossé hired to represent Pima 
County. She sat with John Moffatt, Pima County's 
strategic planning director.

The hearing was Risner's chance to convince 
Harrington that he has the legal authority to 
take control of the ballots.

Fickbohm, however, was there to remind Harrington 
that he was there to follow the law--a law that 
she insists doesn't give the judge any legal 
authority to take control of the ballots to 
facilitate a recount. He is, instead, obligated 
to dismiss Risner's request, she claimed.

Legally, the ballots are required to be 
destroyed--which is what caused this clump of 
attorneys to grow on the fourth floor of the Pima 
County Courthouse in the first place. In June, 
Ford announced to all party officials that she 
had to destroy the 2006 RTA ballots as required 
by state law.

Fickbohm told Harrington that what Risner really 
wants is the opportunity to contest the results 
of an election he doesn't agree with; she 
reminded Harrington that Arizona law only allows 
an election to be contested within five days of 
the canvas by the Pima County Board of 

Risner countered by telling Harrington he was not 
there to contest the election and reminded the 
court his party happened to endorse the RTA. He 
also added that he doesn't believe he needs the 
ballots to find out whether the RTA election was 
rigged--he already knows the election was rigged. 
He then went over evidence he feels is enough to 
show that something just wasn't right with that 
May 2006 election, such as an affidavit from a 
former Pima County employee who claims that a 
Pima County elections employee told him he fixed 
the RTA election, and other evidence that shows 
election equipment was manipulated to change 

Risner said he wants to prevent any future 
shenanigans with ballots. "It's the next 
election," he said. "And we don't believe the 
court is powerless."

Just when it seemed that the hearing might get a 
bit boring, Risner told Harrington that the court 
can't wash its hands of Pima County's election 
problems and what happened with the RTA vote.

That remark didn't sit so well with Harrington, 
who did not take Risner's words in the 
metaphorical, legal-community way Risner said he 
intended. He pointed to Risner and told him not 
to accuse his court of washing its hands, adding 
that he took this case and the future of 
elections in Pima County very seriously.

A collective sigh of relief may have been heard by every attorney in the room.

Harrington didn't rule on the matter; Risner and 
the other attorneys are slated to return to court 
in February to continue the battle for the 
ballots.    END


John Brakey and Mike Hayes wrote:

Much happened Jan 14th in court.  Links to video are below to see for yourself.

The litigants are still litigating and Bill 
Risner is still fighting for truth, transparency 
and justice.

A new suit for additional public documents has 
been filed because the county refuse to give us 
the poll tapes from the precincts . You would 
think that they have learned from the last suit.

The county attorney is no where to be seen! But 
the counrty is paying for these big private 

The current suit over destruction of the ballots has been continued to Feb 23.

The Attorney for Plaintiff “Beth Ford” Pima 
County Treasurer JOHN C. RICHARDSON of DeConcini 
McDonald Yetwin & Lacy, P.C., one of Southern 
Arizona's largest law firms with offices in 
Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff and Washington, D.C. 
RICHARDSON made some interesting arguments. He 
said, let's assume it (the RTA election) is 
rigged and there is nothing you can do about it 
(because it is not possible to challenge an 
election more than five days after it is 
certified). Showing proof that it is rigged 
"pretty much destroys a sitting body." That body 
would be the RTA, which would thus be proved to 
have no right to be sitting. He concludes that it 
is just inappropriate, under such circumstances, 
to do something that would have such a dramatic 
effect. I'm guessing, with proof the election was 
rigged, citizens would demand that a way be found 
to do something about correcting that.

Ronna L. Fickbohm Attorney for Pima County Board 
Of Supervisors with the law firm of Gabroy 
Rollman & Bosse, stated that regardless of what 
happened in the RTA election, there is no present 
and clear risk to a future election. (BULL) She 
says there is no way to fix (repair) a rigged RTA 
election and no evidence it could happen again. I 
wonder if there is evidence it couldn't happen 
again. In any case, it was interesting to hear 
her admit, “Nobody is going to stand here and 
tell you that those elections were perfect." What 
constitutes a less than "perfect" election? One 
that was rigged, or one where the riggers didn't 
pull it off unnoticed?

The long version is on Google video

Bill Risner was great as always.

Risner's argument


Richardson's argument


Fickbohm's argument


Site needs work with navigation, but these are the direct links.


  John Brakey

John Brakey, co-founder of AUDIT-AZ (Americans 
United for Democracy, Integrity, and Transparency 
in Elections, Arizona) & Co-Coordinator 
Investigations for Election Defense Alliance 
5947 S Placita Picacho El Diablo 
Tucson, AZ  85706
New Cell 520 551 5492
John’s <mailto:audi...@cox.net>audi...@cox.net

EDA & AUDIT-AZ’s Mission:  to restore public 
ownership and oversight of elections, work to 
ensure the fundamental right of every American 
citizen to vote, and to have each vote counted as 
intended in a secure, transparent, impartial, and 
independently audited election process.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, 
committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, 
it is the only thing that ever has."   Margaret 
"Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you." -- Benjamin Franklin

“There is no safety for honest men except by 
believing all possible evil of evil men.” -- 
Edmund Burke
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