From Stephanie Low:

Grassroots, take it from here...

from Rob Jeresky--

Yes, the bill needs to be opposed:
Senate switchboard: 202-224-3121 House switchboard: 202-225-3121

from Ken Gale--

Yes, the bill is worse than nothing.  I said so on my show, with 
three guests from different groups
to give details.  That show is still on line: 
<>  Scroll to June 
16, 11 AM.
The coal industry was praising the bill even before it left the 
committee.  That should have been
a red flag.

A lot of environmental groups were against this, including Public 
Citizen, Friends of the Earth, Chesapeake CLimate Action Network, the 
American Solar Energy Society and a lot of regional groups.  It was 
the large national groups that were for it: NRDC, EDF, National 
League of Conservation Voters, etc.  Sierra seemed on the fence.  At 
least they spoke about the
need to improve it.  A lot of groups sent out e-mails after it passed 
the House of Representatives about how wonderful the bill is.  Most 
groups don't have anyone who reads bills all the way
  through.  They often read only summaries, which are often written to 
be misleading.  Ask
Annie Wilson about that.  Sometimes they thank her for reading the 
bill and telling them things, sometimes they get mad at her for 
showing them up.

What should we do?  Educate and activate.  What we always have to do: 
Try to expose the weaknesses in the bill. Ted Glick has a good 
analysis at 
There should be information on FOE's web site and Public Citizen's.

The climate bill changed a lot between March 31st and May 15th.  It 
went from 600-some pages
to 932.  I think some environmental groups were caught off-guard by 
that. It's up to the grassroots.  What I heard from groups that were 
for it was that it was better than nothing.  I agree with you that
it was worse than nothing and seems to have stopped a lot of people 
to get something that is better than nothing.

from Lorna Salzman--

The plan should be KILL THE BILL. And hope that the Europeans can 
take a tough stand at the G8 and shame the US into doing something 

Call your friends in the Democratic Party and tell them to shape up 
or ship out. They must think we are all dummies. And tell them that 
this kind of bill is why people like me will never vote 
Democratic...nor will I vote for Obama again if this bill goes 
through and he signs it.

from Julie McQuain--

One thing that would help our efforts is a list of the Reps and Sens 
who have weakened the bill in favor of polluters.  Has anyone done 
that analysis so we can make calls and write LTEs in their districts?

This blog 
quotes the Times:
New York Times reports that "The world's biggest developing nations, 
led by China and India," are refusing to commit to specific goals to 
reduce greenhouse gases by 2050. In fact, India's Environment 
Minister, Jairam Ramesh, told 
Bloomberg that "India will not accept any emission-reduction 
target?period." To emphhasize the point, Ramesh said: "This is a 
non-negotiable stand."
(WHAT do we do about that?)

and names some of the Senators blocking even the House bill:
Claire McCaskill
Robert Byrd
Senate's "coal bloc," which also includes West Virginia's Jay 
Rockefeller, Pennsylvania's Arlen Specter and Bob Casey, and Virginia 
Democrats Mark Warner and Jim Webb
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