*Why beat around the bush? What we don't know—or what we refuse to face—can
kill us,*
*and is killing us.*


*1. From John Kirby:*


*1-    The biological/psychological, beginning with whatever the virus is,
which kills very selectively with the help of protocol ventilator abuse and
preexisting chronic disease in an unhealthy population (and likely
regardless of “distancing”).  Since actual deaths are quite low and likely
not beyond the statistical norm, this aspect of the attack has been largely
psychological.  The actual illness, however caused, could be a precursor or
set-up for what is likely the real population reduction engine, the

*2-    The political, massive “wartime unity” effect (“alone together”);
the obvious effects of lockdown and “distancing” on dissent, which are
further enabled by*

*3-    The financial, the massive wealth transfer, the penury of the middle
class and destruction of small business and small farms, the periodic need
to “pop and bail” the bubble-finance economy, trillions in pyramid schemes
propped up once again, debt peonage for the many. Universal Basic Income a
subsidy to corporate wages and dependent on good behavior, the “dull
compulsion of the economic” for the masses, enforced by*

*4-    The biomedical/biometric, “immunity cards”, subcutaneous chips,
“digital certificates”, “quantum tattoos” and possible nanotech vaccines
that are either poison, reactive to a further viral/chemical attack or
filled with “bots” that can be accessed by the WiFi/cellular network to
achieve injury, death or compliance through one technique or another.  *

*I think they had a number of pressing reasons to “unzip” this paradigm
attack, one of the keys being the rise of automation and AI creating profit
pressure to reduce the superfluous workforce, leading to the rise a
technocratic-“socialist” state of entrained consumers and/or massive
population reduction. *

*Also, as per history, people were getting restive again (Yellow Vests, et.
al.) and the expanded consciousness that the Internet can provide was
creating broad distrust of authorities.*

*They have revealed themselves as a global power structure, in my view, and
as one theorist says, have “closed the door behind them”. This is it.
However, though they are way ahead of us, we are still stronger if we
recognize it.  As Marx (I think) said, we could rise up and shake them off
like a dog shakes off its fleas, if we dared... and some
people are daring.  See Germany, Michigan, Ohio.*

*As any and all political-economic models are overshadowed by ultra-high
tech, it might be that the only solution is some kind of decentralized
agrarian tech-selective model. Otherwise it’s Faust, Faust, Faust... *

*2. From Dick Atlee:*

*There is so much information coming across my path these days that it
ishard to pick and choose what might be of interest to people on this list
—so many possible recommendations, and I just haven't been able to
getaround to sharing it. So this note is just a heads-up, without
thevoluminous supporting documentation that some might rightfully demand.
Ihope I'll be able to send some of that out later.I'm sending this now
because there is so much talk starting about howthings will manage to
return to something like they were "before."Sometimes it feels like that,
at least for those of us fairly well off inwhatever makes it possible to
get through this with just inconveniences.(And for people like me, who live
on a state pension, the stock marketcrash may force states to renege on
pension obligations.) But, in fact,things will not be the same, because of
larger forces at work that don'tseem to rise above the shallow
virus-as-health-threat-and-inconveniencermainstream news coverage.There are
two main interrelated themes:(1) the virus as cover for massive changes in
the financial system that, ofcourse, benefit the incredibly wealthy and
powerful and aim in thedirection of beggaring the rest of us, and(2) the
large-scale effects that the lockdown-induced removal of workersfrom their
workplaces is going to have on the future of those workers
andworkplaces.(1) is being forwarded in part by the Fed's creation or
augmentation of avariety of financial manipulation tools. Two good sources
for informationon this are James Corbett's interview with John Titus (who
has been puttingout a video series called "Mafiacracy Now"), and James's
recent "TheGreatest Depression" episode (with extensive documentation show
<https://www.corbettreport.com/greatestdepression/>Regarding (2), many
businesses still operating (particularly in retail —e.g., Walmart, Amazon,
fast food) are finding the solution to theirmanpower problems is robotic
technology. It solves social distancingproblems and reduces the costs and
vicissitudes associated with humanemployees. Sales of robotics products are
soaring. Before the virus struck,it had been predicted that as many as half
of all jobs existing now wouldbe gone by 2050, but the move to automation
underlying this has beengreatly accelerated by the lockdown. When people go
back to their jobs,many will find the jobs no longer there.The "solution"
to this — now already in effect in Spain and beingconsidered all over
Europe — is Universal Basic Income (UBI). The idea hasbeen around for a
long time (and advocated by many of us "progressives",but it has become the
darling of the billionaire class because the socialunrest that automation
will unleash might become a problem for them. Thehaggling over the U.S.
stimulus payment that settled on a one-time (ormaybe even periodic) $1200
payment shows how out-of-touch the ruling classis with the financial
realities of the vast majority of working people. Butit is that ruling
class will be deciding what our UBI is.THE BIG ONE: But the truly
threatening reality inherent in the UBI is thatit is the government that
will be dishing it out. The same government thatis possessed of an
armamentarium of increasingly sophisticated trackingtechnology, already in
use in many places in the U.S., to see who isgetting too close to whom, or
going to places or doing things they "hadn'tought to."Some people will say,
"I have nothing to hide." But China is the test bedour government is
eagerly watching, and in China what you get to do, whereyou can go (even
out of your house: "lockdown"), and what your incomeopportunities are, are
now tied to your "social credit score," which istied to how well you follow
the government's mandates.The social credit score is essentially a push of
a button away in the U.S.and actively being talked about by policy think
tanks. If you eventuallydon't have an independent job, and are reliant on
whatever pittance-levelUBI the powers that be will have decided to dole out
to you, you havebecome what used to be called, in blunt terms, a slave.
What will you do ifthat UBI is cut off for bad behavior?Think about Bill
Gates, as described in my previous note. He is one ofthose waiting in the
wings to help define good behavior. And he wants it tobe worldwide.Again,
James Corbett does a masterful job of laying bare the reach of thisproblem
in his recent "Corona World Order"
<https://www.corbettreport.com/greatestdepression/>Part of his concern is
the way in which all this provides fodder for thosewishing to centralize
power in an increasingly globalized from. So you canskip the first 6:20
which he spends taking to task those who think thechaos of the virus has
disadvantaged the globalist agenda. The meat of hismessage starts at about
that time, and you NEED to be aware of it as youwatch things unfold.The
final straw to this dystopic vision is provided by what appears to havebeen
a fundamental misconception of how the pandemic has been playing outthat
has driven the policy response. If true, it will have caused us tolose the
opportunity for a reasonable level of real "herd immunity" (asopposed to
the fictitious vaccine version), and condemned us to one or morerepeated
surges of disease and more lockdowns that will further enable theprocesses
described above.*

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