The following comes from Barry Sussman. (To it I 
replied that, aside from the "big
money" to be made from endless war, there's also 
the Christianist/Zionist zeal to see
Israel expanded to its Biblical proportions, and 
the neocons' desire for a strong proxy
in the region, to enforce the Pax Americana there.

(Barry agreed: "You are most correct.  As 
[always] in America, it is a cross-pollination
of religious zeal and a quest for $$.  As usual, it is the People who suffer.")

I'd also add that, as Stephen Zunes demonstrates 
so lucidly in his recent post on
AlterNet, "The US role in Hamas's rise to power" 
(sent out to this list last night),
the "poor leadership" in Gaza was actually 
cultivated by Israel and the US themselves.



Having spent considerable time living in the 
Middle East and traveling extensively through 
both Israel and its Arab neighbors, I can agree 
that the Gaza situation is most definitely a 

The Palestinians have been victimized more by 
poor leadership than Israel's aggression.  This 
is not to say that Israel is blameless as there 
is an abundance of blame to spread around. 

Israel is a client state of America, a wholly 
owned subsidiary.  One must begin with this point 
to truly understand the situation on the ground 
in the region.  America has a vested interest in 
perpetual mayhem and lacks the incentive to 
achieve a lasting peace.  This unfortunate truth 
allows the most radical elements of each society 
to rise to positions of leadership.  The result 
is never-ending war.

Israel's incursion into Gaza will not remove 
Hamas, just like their incursion into Lebanon did 
not retrieve the captured Israeli soldiers.  The 
Israelis are not stupid and therefore one must 
assume that they know this operation cannot 
achieve its stated goals.  Nevertheless, the 
operation continues.  Why?  Who benefits?

I strongly believe America could resolve most of 
the disputed issues and allow the region to move 
forward in relative peace.  The fact that this 
has not occurred is worthy of further inquiry. 
As we see in Iraq, there is big money in the 
business of mayhem.


US blocks UN Security Council action on Gaza


UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United States late 
Saturday blocked approval of a U.N. Security 
Council statement calling for an immediate 
cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel 
and expressing concern at the escalation of 
violence between Israel and Hamas.

U.S. deputy ambassador Alejandro Wolff said the 
United States saw no prospect of Hamas abiding by 
last week's council call for an immediate end to 
the violence. Therefore, he said, a new statement 
at this time "would not be adhered to and would 
have no underpinning for success, would not do 
credit to the council."

France's U.N. Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert, the 
current council president, announced that there 
was no agreement among members on a statement. 
But he said there were "strong convergences" 
among the 15 members to express serious concern 
about the deteriorating situation in Gaza and the 
need for "an immediate, permanent and fully 
respected cease-fire."

Arab nations demanded that the council adopt a 
statement calling for an immediate cease-fire 
following Israel's launch of a ground offensive 
in Gaza earlier Saturday, a view echoed by 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Libya's U.N. Ambassador Giadalla Ettalhi, the 
only Arab member of the council, said the United 
States objected to "any outcome" during the 
closed council discussions on the proposed 
He said efforts were made to compromise and agree 
on a weaker press statement but there was no 

for further information. AP's earlier story is 
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Arab nations demanded 
Saturday that the United Nations Security Council 
call for an immediate cease-fire following 
Israel's launch of a ground offensive in Gaza, a 
view echoed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
Libya circulated a draft statement to council 
members before emergency council consultations 
began expressing "serious concern at the 
escalation of the situation in Gaza" following 
Israel's ground assault and calling on Israel and 
Hamas "to stop immediately all military 
The 15-member council then met behind closed 
doors to discuss a proposed presidential 
statement that would also call for all parties to 
address the humanitarian and economic needs in 
Gaza, including by opening border crossings.
Council diplomats said the United States opposed 
the presidential statement because it was similar 
to a press statement issued by members after 
Israeli warplanes launched the offensive a week 
ago that was not heeded. Presidential statements 
become part of the council's official record but 
press statements are weaker and do not.
The five permanent council members - the U.S., 
Britain, France, Russia and China - along with 
Libya, the only Arab nation on the council, then 
met privately to discuss possibly issuing another 
press statement.
"We need to have from the Security Council 
reaction tonight to bring this latest addition of 
aggression against our people in Gaza to an 
immediate halt," Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian 
U.N. observer told reporters.
The statement, if approved, would become part of 
the council's official record but would not have 
the weight of a Security Council resolution, 
which is legally binding.
Mansour said 3,000 Palestinians have been killed 
and injured since Israeli warplanes starting 
bombing Gaza a week ago. More than 480 
Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and four 
killed in Israel.
International criticism of the offensive has 
increased steadily, but Israel maintains the 
offensive is aimed at stopping the rocket attacks 
from Hamas-controlled Gaza that have traumatized 
southern Israel.
Before the council met Saturday night, Ban 
telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and 
said he was disappointed that Israel launched a 
ground offensive and "alarmed that this 
escalation will inevitably increase the already 
heavy suffering" of Palestinian civilians, the 
U.N. spokesman's office said in a statement.
"He called for an immediate end to the ground 
operation, and asked that Israel do all possible 
to ensure the protection of civilians and that 
humanitarian assistance is able to reach those in 
need," the statement said.
Ban reiterated his call for an immediate 
cease-fire and urged regional and international 
partners "to exert all possible influence to 
bring about an immediate end to the bloodshed and 
suffering," the statement said.
The secretary-general said the Israeli ground 
operation is complicating efforts by the Quartet 
of Mideast peacemakers - the U.N., the U.S., the 
European Union and Russia - to end the violence.
France's U.N. Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert echoed Ban.
"We think it's time for both parties to stop 
fighting and go back to the political track," 
said Ripert. He said he was speaking as French 
ambassador not as Security Council president, a 
job he took over on Jan. 1.
Several Arab foreign ministers are expected at 
U.N. headquarters on Monday to urge the Security 
Council to adopt a resolution ending the Israeli 
offensive. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas 
delayed his arrival until Tuesday so he can meet 
French President Nicolas Sarkozy in the West Bank.
Hosted by
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


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<>Go to Google News

US blocks UN Security Council action on Gaza


1 day ago
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United States late 
Saturday blocked approval of a U.N. Security 
Council statement calling for an immediate 
cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel 
and expressing concern at the escalation of 
violence between Israel and Hamas.
U.S. deputy ambassador Alejandro Wolff said the 
United States saw no prospect of Hamas abiding by 
last week's council call for an immediate end to 
the violence. Therefore, he said, a new statement 
at this time "would not be adhered to and would 
have no underpinning for success, would not do 
credit to the council."
France's U.N. Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert, the 
current council president, announced that there 
was no agreement among members on a statement. 
But he said there were "strong convergences" 
among the 15 members to express serious concern 
about the deteriorating situation in Gaza and the 
need for "an immediate, permanent and fully 
respected cease-fire."
Arab nations demanded that the council adopt a 
statement calling for an immediate cease-fire 
following Israel's launch of a ground offensive 
in Gaza earlier Saturday, a view echoed by 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
Libya's U.N. Ambassador Giadalla Ettalhi, the 
only Arab member of the council, said the United 
States objected to "any outcome" during the 
closed council discussions on the proposed 
He said efforts were made to compromise and agree 
on a weaker press statement but there was no 
for further information. AP's earlier story is 
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Arab nations demanded 
Saturday that the United Nations Security Council 
call for an immediate cease-fire following 
Israel's launch of a ground offensive in Gaza, a 
view echoed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
Libya circulated a draft statement to council 
members before emergency council consultations 
began expressing "serious concern at the 
escalation of the situation in Gaza" following 
Israel's ground assault and calling on Israel and 
Hamas "to stop immediately all military 
The 15-member council then met behind closed 
doors to discuss a proposed presidential 
statement that would also call for all parties to 
address the humanitarian and economic needs in 
Gaza, including by opening border crossings.
Council diplomats said the United States opposed 
the presidential statement because it was similar 
to a press statement issued by members after 
Israeli warplanes launched the offensive a week 
ago that was not heeded. Presidential statements 
become part of the council's official record but 
press statements are weaker and do not.
The five permanent council members - the U.S., 
Britain, France, Russia and China - along with 
Libya, the only Arab nation on the council, then 
met privately to discuss possibly issuing another 
press statement.
"We need to have from the Security Council 
reaction tonight to bring this latest addition of 
aggression against our people in Gaza to an 
immediate halt," Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian 
U.N. observer told reporters.
The statement, if approved, would become part of 
the council's official record but would not have 
the weight of a Security Council resolution, 
which is legally binding.
Mansour said 3,000 Palestinians have been killed 
and injured since Israeli warplanes starting 
bombing Gaza a week ago. More than 480 
Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and four 
killed in Israel.
International criticism of the offensive has 
increased steadily, but Israel maintains the 
offensive is aimed at stopping the rocket attacks 
from Hamas-controlled Gaza that have traumatized 
southern Israel.
Before the council met Saturday night, Ban 
telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and 
said he was disappointed that Israel launched a 
ground offensive and "alarmed that this 
escalation will inevitably increase the already 
heavy suffering" of Palestinian civilians, the 
U.N. spokesman's office said in a statement.
"He called for an immediate end to the ground 
operation, and asked that Israel do all possible 
to ensure the protection of civilians and that 
humanitarian assistance is able to reach those in 
need," the statement said.
Ban reiterated his call for an immediate 
cease-fire and urged regional and international 
partners "to exert all possible influence to 
bring about an immediate end to the bloodshed and 
suffering," the statement said.
The secretary-general said the Israeli ground 
operation is complicating efforts by the Quartet 
of Mideast peacemakers - the U.N., the U.S., the 
European Union and Russia - to end the violence.
France's U.N. Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert echoed Ban.
"We think it's time for both parties to stop 
fighting and go back to the political track," 
said Ripert. He said he was speaking as French 
ambassador not as Security Council president, a 
job he took over on Jan. 1.
Several Arab foreign ministers are expected at 
U.N. headquarters on Monday to urge the Security 
Council to adopt a resolution ending the Israeli 
offensive. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas 
delayed his arrival until Tuesday so he can meet 
French President Nicolas Sarkozy in the West Bank.
Hosted by 
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. 


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