>From Pam Miles:

It is vital that everyone understand that today’s ruling in Governor 
Siegelman’s case IN NO WAY has ANY effect or implication on the 
political circumstances that surround this case. Every significant 
development that has come to light – the 60 minutes revelations about 
Nick Bailey’s coached testimony, Jill Simpson’s testimony, Karl Rove’s 
involvement, TIME Magazines investigative pieces on selective 
prosecution, the information from the employee in the US Attorneys 
office regarding the prosecutions relationship with a juror and Leura 
Canary’s lies about her recusal – None of this was allowed to be part of 
the appeal because it all came to light after the trial. All of this 
information and material will be included in a Rule 33 motion for 
consideration of newly discovered evidence that will be filed in June. 
Make no mistake about it, there will be ultimate vindication.

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