*Let me preface this email by saying that I do believe that COVID-19,
*that may be, is really killing people, as I've lost one friend to it, and
nearly lost*
*another one who managed to pull through, and is now back home (here in my *
*building). Moreover, my wife, a therapist, has several clients who've lost
*ones to this illness; and a colleague at NYU, who lives in Brooklyn, has
lost *
*several neighbors to it. *

*So I am certainly not one who thinks the deaths here in New York, the
*of the national crisis, are all a fiction, because I know from my own
*experience, and the personal experience of others close to me, that people*
*are succumbing to whatever COVID-19 is. *

*And yet I also know from my own personal experience, and that of many
*who have documented what they've seen with their own eyes, that the many*
*harrowing press "reports" of hospitals overwhelmed by desperate people
*COVID-19 tests and treatment, of makeshift morgues filled up with corpses,
*so on, are fiction—or, to put it bluntly, and more accurately, variants of
*same Big Lie. *

*Take Elmhurst Hospital. First, do a Google search on "New York Times *
*Elmhurst Hospital COVID-19," and you will find over a dozen links to*
*pieces on the "apocalyptic" scene there, and/or that are illustrated with *
*searing photos of the terrifying traffic. *

*Then watch this video, which includes some startling footage of what*
*regular New Yorkers—rather than professional reporters on the job—*
*discovered when they visited that hospital themselves; and there are*
*several other on-the-ground reports by intrepid citizens on similarly*
*still and empty hospitals all over the US:*

*YouTube has reportedly started taking down these videos, so watch this*
*one ASAP. There's also this hashtag on Twitter: *

*While the amateur investigators featured in that compilation video aren't *
*medical professionals, below you'll find a similar account from one who
is, *
*about **Seattle's main ER. This email comes from my friend Darwin Hoop,
who *
*also **sent me his friend's photos, which I'm not sending as attachments
here *
*because they tend to complicate transmission via Googlegroups. *

*What all this startling evidence suggests is that "our free press" has
*pumping out a lot of terroristic propaganda, no doubt to soften up their*
*audience for a drastic program of universal mandatory vaccination, among*
*other changes that will prove a lot more lethal than COVID-19.*

*From Darwin Hoop:*
*A former colleague and long-time friend with whom I spent a lot of time
in Seattle's *
*only level one ER sent me some interesting pictures today. As seems to be
happening *
*all over New York and Washington, people are slowly building up the
courage to see if *
*anything is going on down at their local hospitals. Without fail, they are
finding NOTHING. *
*Nobody is getting tested. Nobody is getting triaged. Parking lots are
nearly empty. Those *
*who are bold enough to approach the ER entrances with their phones in hand
are charged *

*and ordered to put their phones away. They are told they are violating
federal HIPAA laws.This is what happened to my friend today in Seattle. An
angry person in disposable infection *
*control garb ran across the street with her hand out to block his lens.
She wore no mask and *
*did not hesitate to try to touch him. He had to put his foot out to keep
her from accosting him *
*and order her to "GIVE ME SIX FEET! GIVE ME SIX FEET!" She was apoplectic
and he filmed *
*the incident. Given she was not masked and thought nothing of accosting a
stranger, the *
*transmission of deadly pathogens seems not to have been a concern for her.
It was clear *
*to my friend that her only job was to chase citizens armed with cameras.
This is the major *
*public hospital in Seattle, THE place to go with any emergency and no one
came close to *
*entering the ER who was not obviously an employee. He works across the
street and reports *
*the place is "dead" and "eerily quiet." We would see serious accidents and
gunshot patients *

*all day and night every day and night. Living in Seattle and working in
public health, he gets daily reports from various state agencies *
*that tell him the hospitals are at capacity, the staff overworked and
breaking under the pressure. *
*Yet, after a month of this BS, he has heard of no actual patients—though
the head of his program *
*"tested positive" and is "working from home." None of his colleagues—and
they deal with the very *
*businesses that are supposed to be loaded with dying elderly—have
firsthand knowledge of a single *
*actual COVID-19 patient. Today was supposed to be a crisis day, the day
when the largest wave of *
*victims hit the health care system and broke it. Nothing of the sort
happened. He also got a nurse *
*at the testing facility across the street to acknowledge that NOBODY is
coming in to be tested and *
*things are "very slow." She knew she wasn't supposed to say anything but
she was eager to leak *

*the truth without breaking what are surely national security laws she is
bound to as a participant.I have participated in drills at that facility
and took my hygiene training there. I promise you that *
*nurse doesn't approach my friend unmasked during an actual crisis. This is
a drill and this is *

*what that hospital looks like during drills. How long can they protect
this illusion? What happens when the people stop believing? *
to me

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