[The XMPP Newsletter August 

Posted on September 5, 2024 | 7 minutes |  
[Newsletter](https://xmpp.org/categories/newsletter/) | XMPP Communication Team 
and Contributors
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Welcome to the XMPP Newsletter, great to have you here again! This issue covers 
the month of August 2024.

XSF Announcement 

The XSF [has signed an Open Letter to the European 
 As currently many other organizations doing, the [XMPP Standards 
Foundation](https://xmpp.org/about/xmpp-standards-foundation/) (XSF) has 
decided to also sign the [Open Letter to the European 

The [XMPP Standards 
Foundation](https://xmpp.org/about/xmpp-standards-foundation/) is also calling 
for XSF Board 2024 and XSF Council 2024. Be involved in the XMPP Standards 
Foundation organisation decisions as well as on our specifications we publish. 
If you are interested in running for Board or Council, please add a wiki page 
about your candidacy to one or both of the following sections until November 
3rd, 2024, 00:00 UTC. Note: XMPP Council members must be elected members of the 
XSF; however, there is no such restriction for the Board of Directors.

XMPP and Google Summer of Code 2024 

The XSF has been accepted as a [hosting organisation at GSoC in 
2024](https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Google_Summer_of_Code_2024) again! These XMPP 
projects have received a slot and have kicked-off with coding:

- [Monal](https://monal-im.org/)

- [Modern Monal onboarding and Media gallery (175 hours, 

- [Blog post 
- [Blog post 

[XSF and Google Summer of Code 2024]

XSF and Google Summer of Code 2024

XSF Fiscal Hosting Projects 

The XSF offers [fiscal hosting](https://xmpp.org/community/fiscalhost/) for 
XMPP projects. Please apply via [Open 
Collective](https://opencollective.com/xmpp). For more information, see the 
[announcement blog post](https://xmpp.org/2021/09/the-xsf-as-a-fiscal-host/). 
Current projects you can support:

- [Mellium Co-op](https://opencollective.com/mellium)
- [Bifrost bridge](https://opencollective.com/bifrost-mam)
- [Prav iOS](https://opencollective.com/prav-ios)
- [diasp.in](https://opencollective.com/diasp-in)

XMPP Events 

- [Berlin XMPP Meetup](https://mov.im/?node/pubsub.movim.eu/berlin-xmpp-meetup) 
(DE / EN): monthly meeting of XMPP enthusiasts in Berlin, every 2nd Wednesday 
of the month at 6pm local time
- [XMPP Sprint in Worcester, 
UK](https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Sprints/2024-09_Worcester_UK): From Saturday 21st 
to Sunday 22nd of September 2024.
- [XMPP Italian happy hour](https://video.xmpp-it.net/c/happyhour/videos) [IT]: 
monthly Italian XMPP web meeting, every third Monday of the month at 7:00 PM 
local time (online event, with web meeting mode and live streaming).

Videos https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#videos

- Blasta: An introduction to the [XMPP-based Annotation 
System](https://video.xmpp-it.net/w/cfozoUeVLFbBFMCCSCJ1Dn). (06:38)

XMPP Articles 

- [XMPP Protocol - Introduction to 
XMPP](https://machaddr.substack.com/p/xmpp-protocol): An introductory article 
and concicse overview of the XMPP Protocol and its most prominent features by 
André Machado. This article is also available for reading in 

XMPP Software News 

XMPP Clients and Applications 

- [Monal 6.4.2](https://github.com/monal-im/Monal/releases/tag/Build_iOS_964), 
[6.4.3](https://github.com/monal-im/Monal/releases/tag/Build_iOS_976) and 
version [6.4.4](https://github.com/monal-im/Monal/releases/tag/Build_iOS_978) 
have been released.
- [Psi+ 1.5.2040 
 has been released.
- [Quicksy](https://quicksy.im/), the spin-off of the popular Jabber/XMPP 
client, now has iOS version based on [Monal](https://monal-im.org/) and its 
[available](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/quicksy/id6538727270) for iPhone and 
iPad! ([announcement](https://fosstodon.org/@Monal/113004853520449161) on 
- [Monocles Chat 
1.7.11](https://codeberg.org/monocles/monocles_chat/releases/tag/v1.7.11) for 
F-Droid has been released, and its packing a huge list of fixes, corrections, 
updates, improvements and changes!.
- [Movim 0.27](https://github.com/movim/movim/releases/tag/v0.27) and a small 
bugfix [0.27.1](https://github.com/movim/movim/releases/tag/v0.27.1) has been 
released with a large number of [changes, new features and 
[Movim 0.27 introducing the floating, chat-integrated, and full-screen modes]

Movim 0.27 introducing the floating, chat-integrated, and full-screen modes

XMPP Servers 

- Yunohost, a (non-official) Prosody host package aiming at providing better 
XMPP support has been drafted and available for 
[tests](https://github.com/anubister/prosody_ynh). As a reminder, 
[Yunohost](https://yunohost.org) is a server distribution based on Debian, 
which makes easy to host by yourself a lot of services (apps). Nearing the 
release of its version 12, till the version 11 the XMPP server 
[Metronome](https://archon.im/metronome-im/) was integrated in the core 
installation, allowing a lot of people to discover XMPP easier (though with 
some limitations).

XMPP Libraries & Tools 

- [QXmpp 1.8.1](https://github.com/qxmpp-project/qxmpp/releases/tag/v1.8.1) has 
been released.
- [Blasta](https://git.xmpp-it.net/sch/Blasta) 
([mirror](https://www.f-hub.org/XMPP/Blasta)) is a federated bookmarking system 
based on XMPP, which allows you to share the collection of bookmarks (aka 
“social bookmarking”) stored on your own XMPP account, not only among your own 
software, devices and machines, but also with other people.
[Blasta browse]

Blasta browse

Extensions and specifications 

The XMPP Standards Foundation develops extensions to XMPP in its [XEP 
series](https://xmpp.org/extensions/) in addition to [XMPP 

Developers and other standards experts from around the world collaborate on 
these extensions, developing new specifications for emerging practices, and 
refining existing ways of doing things. Proposed by anybody, the particularly 
successful ones end up as Final or Active - depending on their type - while 
others are carefully archived as Deferred. This life cycle is described in 
[XEP-0001](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0001.html), which contains the 
formal and canonical definitions for the types, states, and processes. [Read 
more about the standards 
process](https://xmpp.org/about/standards-process.html). Communication around 
Standards and Extensions happens in the [Standards Mailing 
List](https://mail.jabber.org/mailman/listinfo/standards) ([online 

Proposed https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#proposed

The XEP development process starts by writing up an idea and submitting it to 
the XMPP Editor. Within two weeks, the Council decides whether to accept this 
proposal as an Experimental XEP.

- No XEPs Proposed this month.

New https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#new

- No new XEPs this month.

Deferred https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#deferred

If an experimental XEP is not updated for more than twelve months, it will be 
moved off Experimental to Deferred. If there is another update, it will put the 
XEP back onto Experimental.

- No XEPs deferred this month.

Updated https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#updated

- Version 1.2.0 of [XEP-0402](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0402.html) (PEP 
Native Bookmarks)

- Encourage clients to immediately leave the room if they receive a bookmark 
notification with autojoin set to false (mye)

- Version 1.0.2 of [XEP-0388](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0388.html) 
(Extensible SASL Profile)

- Fix various invalid examples.
- Fix the XML Schema to match examples. (egp)

- Version 1.35.0 of [XEP-0045](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html) 
(Multi-User Chat)

- Remove references to using resourceparts when banning users.
- Explicitly disallow Ban List modifications that clash with ‘Banning a User’ 
- Status code purpose no longer hints that recipient is the affected user
- Improved ‘Service Removes Non-Member’ example.
- Clarify usage of presence stanzas when removing a non-member from a 
members-only room.
- Replace inappropriate RFC 2119 key word usage in §9.7.
- Presence sent to occupants of a destroyed room includes a element.
- Explicitly use bare JIDs when operating on affiliations.
- Allow non-owners to retrieve owner and admin lists in non-anonymous rooms.
- Members should be allowed to retrieve the member list only in non-anonymous 
rooms. (gk)

- Version 0.2.0 of [XEP-0478](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0478.html) 
(Stream Limits Advertisement)

- Add the XML Schema.
- Clarify that both children can be optional.
- Fix indentation and one typo. (egp)

- Version 1.0.1 of [XEP-0386](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0386.html) (Bind 

- Add an XML Schema. (egp)

- Version 1.3.0 of [XEP-0054](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0054.html) 

- Updated error cases to be compatible with . (gk)

Last Call https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#last-call

Last calls are issued once everyone seems satisfied with the current XEP 
status. After the Council decides whether the XEP seems ready, the XMPP Editor 
issues a Last Call for comments. The feedback gathered during the Last Call can 
help improve the XEP before returning it to the Council for advancement to 

- No Last Call this month.

Stable https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#stable

- No XEP moved to Stable this month.

Deprecated https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#deprecated

- No XEP deprecated this month.

Rejected https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#rejected

- No XEP rejected this month.

Spread the news 

Please share the news on other networks:

- [Mastodon](https://fosstodon.org/@xmpp/)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/xmpp)
- [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf3Kq2ElJDFQhYDdjn18RuA)
- [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/xmpp-standards-foundation/)
- [Lemmy instance (unofficial)](https://slrpnk.net/c/xmpp)
- [Reddit (unofficial)](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmpp/)
- [XMPP Facebook page (unofficial)](https://www.facebook.com/jabber)

Also check out our [RSS Feed](https://xmpp.org/feeds/all.atom.xml)!

Looking for job offers or want to hire a professional consultant for your XMPP 
project? Visit our [XMPP job board](https://xmpp.work/).

Newsletter Contributors & Translations 

This is a community effort, and we would like to thank translators for their 
contributions. Volunteers an more languages are welcome! Translations of the 
XMPP Newsletter will be released here (with some delay):

- English (original): [xmpp.org](https://xmpp.org/categories/newsletter/)

- General contributors: Adrien Bourmault (neox), Alexander “PapaTutuWawa”, 
Arne, cal0pteryx, emus, Federico, Gonzalo Raúl Nemmi, Jonas Stein, Kris 
“poVoq”, Licaon_Kter, Ludovic Bocquet, Mario Sabatino, melvo, MSavoritias 
(fae,ve), nicola, Schimon Zachary, Simone Canaletti, singpolyma, XSF iTeam

- French: [jabberfr.org](https://news.jabberfr.org/category/newsletter/) and 

- Translators: Adrien Bourmault (neox), alkino, anubis, Arkem, Benoît Sibaud, 
mathieui, nyco, Pierre Jarillon, Ppjet6, Ysabeau

- Italian: notes.nicfab.eu

- Translators: nicola

- Spanish: [xmpp.org](https://xmpp.org/categories/newsletter/)

- Translators: Gonzalo Raúl Nemmi

- German: [xmpp.org](https://xmpp.org/categories/newsletter/)

- Translators: Millesimus

Help us to build the newsletter 

This XMPP Newsletter is produced collaboratively by the XMPP community. Each 
month’s newsletter issue is drafted in this [simple 
pad](https://pad.nixnet.services/oHnY_ZvLT8SoFyCqIC2ung). At the end of each 
month, the pad’s content is merged into the [XSF Github 
repository](https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/milestone/3). We are always happy 
to welcome contributors. Do not hesitate to join the discussion in our 
[Comm-Team group chat (MUC)](xmpp:commt...@muc.xmpp.org?join) and thereby help 
us sustain this as a community effort. You have a project and want to spread 
the news? Please consider sharing your news or events here, and promote it to a 
large audience.

Tasks we do on a regular basis:

- gathering news in the XMPP universe
- short summaries of news and events
- summary of the monthly communication on extensions (XEPs)
- review of the newsletter draft
- preparation of media images
- translations
- communication via media accounts

Unsubscribe from the XMPP Newsletter 

To unsubscribe from this list, [please log in 
 If you have not previously logged in, you may need to set up an account with 
the appropriate email address.

License https://xmpp.org/2024/09/the-xmpp-newsletter-august-2024/#license

This newsletter is published under [CC BY-SA 
Newsletter mailing list -- newsletter@xmpp.org
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