[26] Big Fat Ron on Platt, Collymore and Le Tiss
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Stan's ability was fantastic and, when I look at someone like David 
Platt, the waste seems even greater.  David was the opposite of Stan. I had him as a 
teenager at Manchester  United and he was a long way short of the young strikers such 
as Mark  Hughes and Norman Whiteside. But I told Crewe's manager Dario Gradi  to take 
him because he was an honest lad who might have a chance of  coming back. David worked 
his socks off, applied himself and became  England captain and a good goalscorer who 
never let anyone down. 

Stan, on the other hand, let everyone down since the Liverpool  period, including 
himself. I can't think of anyone who has had such  massive money paid for him, been 
given such great opportunities and  given so little back. 

A player I get a real sense of "if only" about is Matt le Tissier, 
though he's achieved a lot more than Collymore. He's one of the 
biggest talents I've seen and I would have loved to have worked with 
him. At Aston Villa we tried very hard to get him. People have said 
Matt didn't have the drive but he had the ability to become the man 
England could have built a team round through the 90s. If he had gone 
to Manchester United when Eric Cantona went there, that could have 
been the catalyst but you were never sure whether he had the mental 

As I understand it, Collymore almost ended up at Old Trafford. I 
think he was ahead of Andy Cole in the pecking order of strikers Sir 
Alex Ferguson wanted in 1994-95. But apparently, when Alex was trying 
to buy him, Forest's manager Frank Clark was off with flu and Alex, 
unable to get hold of him, decided to take Cole straight away. That 
might have been lucky: if Collymore had gone to Old Trafford it could 
have been a marriage made in hell."

Or Fergie could have been the only manager to get him right. 

[25] Yet more crap from Mellor
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Soccernet

'Hoey in terrace tumble 

"There's no bandwagon too spurious or discredited for Kate Hoey to be 
too embarrassed to haul herself aboard, so it's no surprise that  she's always 
pandered to the Neanderthal lobby urging a return to  terracing at Premiership 

And absolutely no astonishment either that the Football Licensing 
Authority have said no, and her superior, Chris Smith, has agreed 
with them.  The FLA say it's wholly impractical and too expensive as well as  
dangerous to convert token areas for standing as Hoey had envisaged. 

The much vaunted German arrangements she relied on turn out to be on 
proper inspection a safety and logistical nightmare, providing a 
wholly inadequate basis for opening the way to another Hillsborough."

And I wonder who got him to write this crap - so football fans are neanderthal are we? 
A man dunked in sleaze telling us how to act?!

[24] New unofficial Utd web site launched
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
(link:http://www.iManUnited.com) http://www.iManUnited.com 

Win a signed football - videos - CDs

[23] More from Keano
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It has been a funny tournament this year. We have not played well 
but we are still in a decent enough position. If we can get a result  next week we are 
through. We do seem to do things the hard way...It would have been nice to finish top 
but now we just  have to make sure we qualify and that is still in our own hands. 

There are a lot of reasons why we are playing badly, the bottom line 
is we just haven't clicked. Hopefully the time to judge us will be  the end of the 
season, when we have got to the final. You are not  going to play outstandingly well 
all season but we know we haven't 
played well in Europe for some time. 

We are disappointed with our performance, we were very poor against 
Panathinaikos. We started slow but, give the players credit, we kept persevering  even 
though we are not playing well. That is an understatement, we  are playing very poorly 
but we got a draw and we can finish off the group next week. 

I said after the Valencia game that it wasn't going to be easy but 
we are making hard work of this. We have to step up a gear without a shadow of a doubt 
but we have to qualify first, we are not through yet."

[22] More Nedved speculation
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Lazio midfielder Pavel Nedved: "Until this year, I had never considered leaving  
Lazio. But, at the end of the season, I will look inside myself and  ask whether I can 
give anything to this team.  At Lazio, nobody is untouchable. Nobody is 
`intransferable`. We will  see what the team say at the end of the season. Last year, 
I thought  my time at Lazio was over, but I ended up staying." 

[21] Giggs fit for Tuesday
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Midas

'Ryan Giggs has won his race to be fit for Tuesday's Champions League 
game against Sturm Graz as he 'warms up' for the game with a full 
scale practice match on Saturday morning.'

[20] Daily Mirror supports Utd fans!
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Des Kelly Column from the Mirror today:


ARE YOU local? If the answer is 'no' turn the page. We don't want your sort around 
here. If the answer is 'yes', then read on, as you may have what it takes to join a 
select group. A local group.

But first, you must pass the following test:

Do you long for a day when heads turn respectfully as you enter the urinal at the 
working men's club?

When asked if you want to put your shopping on the credit card, do you
actually pile the objects on top of the card?

Do you dream of inflicting your anal-retentive gripes and petty nitpicking on the 
neighbours, but find you're too stupid to make it as an MP?

If you found yourself nodding in agreement, then you could be ideally suited for a 
very special job... as a councillor. Not any old councillor, mind, but a local 

You are ready to join the band of nearly men and women, the ranks of the never-were's 
and never-will-be's. The people who spend their waking hours turning your peaceful 
community into an open prison with their neurotic little rules.

If you are very sad and very local, they might even allow you stand for the body that 
excels in bureaucratic, interfering stupidity. Trafford Council. Now did I say 'stand' 
in that last sentence? My apologies.

They don't like standing at Trafford Council, you see. In fact they have threatened to 
close swathes of Manchester United's stadium and withdraw the ground's operating 
licence if fans have the temerity to clamber to their feet during a match.

Now there are certain things we ask our local councils to do to justify the hundreds 
and thousands of pounds they extort from us in 'community charges'.

1. Empty the bins. Preferably not on to the streets. Rubbish should be
collected before the rats get bigger than labradors.

2. Try to keep a few schools open, if only to contain the graffiti in
clearly-defined areas.

3. Rustle up the enthusiasm to run a bus or two to prevent pensioners from dying of 
hypothermia by the roadside.

4. Shut up.

But Trafford councillor Barry Brotherton, seizing a moment to try and make a name for 
himself, as all Barrys are wont to do, has pronounced that standing up at Old Trafford 
is dangerous.

"There is the serious possibility of an accident and the council cannot afford to turn 
a blind eye to that," he said.

Now if Barry has a blind eye it sounds like he might have been involved an accident 

But please tell me just how many 'accidents' have been caused by an
individual getting to their feet during a match? The seats themselves
prevent any kind of crowd surge, so my guess is - and this is just a wild stab in the 
dark here - none.

Maybe Blind Barry is concerned that a fan might pinch a thigh in the hinges when they 
sit back down. And if so, well THANK GOD we have a councillor tackling the real issues 
on our behalf.

Does he really have nothing better to do? The idea that Barry and his Alf Roberts 
cronies can enforce a decree that people must refrain from rising from their seats as 
Ryan Giggs sets off on a run or David Beckham curls in a 30-yard free-kick is utterly 

Standing is a spontaneous act. It is known as "getting excited". It happens at every 
single football ground in the country. It happened at Twickenham last weekend when 
England beat Scotland in their Six Nations clash. It happens at Lord's when a wicket 

But the jobsworths at Trafford Council have made such a fuss with their 'regulations', 
Sir Alex Ferguson has been pressed to hold a news conference today pleading with fans 
to remain seated during Tuesday's Champions League match against Sturm Graz. Adverts 
have been taken out in local newspapers and appeals have been included in the match 

It would be far better if the club told the council to get stuffed.

It would be far better to urge as many of the 67,000 crowd as possible to stay on 
their feet throughout the entire 90 minutes to demonstrate just how daft this 
officious nonsense is. Then we'll see if Trafford Council have the nerve to shut the 
entire ground and alienate sixty thousand voters.

Don't be complacent about it, because every club's board of directors and their chums 
on the council planning committee would love to see an entire stadium of executive box 
clients sitting in expensive seats.

And if one Premiership ground becomes a feeding frenzy for goons in
fluorescent jackets dragging people out of the stands for doing little more than 
showing some interest in a match, others will quickly follow.

The delicious irony is that at the very moment the Sports Minister, Kate Hoey, is 
examining the feasibility of bringing back standing areas, the dullards at Labour 
local councils are trying to get heavy-handed about staying in seats.

Well my advice is to file Barry and Co. in the "totally irrelevant" drawer until it's 
time to vote. Then bring out that file and, when he stands for office again, maybe you 
might like to discuss whether you should take away HIS seat?

I realise I am sure to receive outraged letters from councillors who tell me they are 
only "serving their community", when in reality they tend to be more interested in 
serving themselves at the all-you-can-eat town hall buffet.

But it is worth remembering these are the meddlers who vote to re-name your road 
'Nelson Mandela Avenue' during the night. The ones who give planning permission for an 
office block to be built on the sports field. The ones who stick a yellow line outside 
your house and charge you for the privilege of parking there. The ones who cut the 
meals- on-wheels service, but find the wherewithal to employ entire battalions of 
traffic wardens.

So you don't have to listen to them. The least you can do is stand up for yourself.'

Interesting points here - and see Exiled's excellent viewpoint on the Red News Forum. 
For there are many implications out of all this - the Mirror here makes it clear what 
Des would like to see happen. And, of course, there is always the ballot box to let 
people know just what we feel about the decisions being made 'against' us at Old 

[19] Keano spot on again
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I warned after the Valencia game that we had to improve but we seem 
to have gone backwards. I don't know what has gone wrong  with our performances but 
we're not kidding ourselves.  We're not playing well and everyone acknowledges that. 
I've been  critical of the team and myself and it's only because I know we can  play 
much better."

[18] More from Fergie
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There was a bit of Wednesday's match when we were back to  the way we played against 
Anderlecht and PSV Eindhoven. When we  equalised everyone was up the pitch and we were 
left open at the  back.  I think we'll finish second in our group because I can't see  
Valencia losing at home next week. You are going to be playing a  better team anyway 
and so it doesn't really matter."

[17] Fergie on Europe
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Barthez was a passmark - he was magnificent - Keane to a degree, Scholes to a degree 
and Phil Neville did all right, but the  rest wouldn't even get passmarks. It was a 
bad performance and  there's no hiding from that. We have to analyse it.  The quality 
of passing was bad and so was our concentration at  times. It was one of those games 
that we'd rather forget. We  certainly don't want to repeat it. 

But we still played with great pride and tried to claw the game  back - risking 
everything at the same time - and when you do that,  you at least deserve some credit. 
But the performance was  disappointing.  The capability is there, there's no question 
about that, but getting 
the performance is the key and we'll definitely play better on 
Tuesday against Sturm Graz."

[16] Reserve match off
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From official site

'United's Reserve match against Liverpool, scheduled for Monday 12 March, has been 
postponed due to the club being in Champions League action the following day.'

[15] Merrett in sit down plea
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
And now he goes cuddly - no relation that TBC have done his job for him so he can join 
our ranks...

Secretary Ken Merrett said: "It would be self-defeating if you try to take individual 
actions by removing people. It just antagonises people and on this occasion we will 
just be reminding them of the threat which is hanging over the club and asking them 
for their co-operation. We can't be heavy handed. That would just make it escalate."

Can't be heavy handed - never stopped them before...

[14] Fergie press conference standing plea
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It would be great to see in the future standing areas and I think I speak for all 
football fans and all football clubs. We as a club would welcome this as would other 
clubs and other fans. But I'm sorry it's unfortunate these laws are in place and you 
have to change laws before you can do anything. We have to deal with the facts and as 
the law stands we have to get on with it even if it is very unfortunate.

We're talking about a loss of seats if this threat is carried out and the fans have to 
pay heed to this. That would affect the team and we want to see Old Trafford full. 
That's why we have to plead with the fans to obey the laws as they stand at the moment 
however unsatisfactory they see them."

'United hope Ferguson's direct plea will help diffuse the situation before it 
escalates further. The club will insert a statement in Tuesday's match programme and 
there will be an appeal by Ferguson and his players on the PA system as well as a 
leafleting campaign in the relevant areas, all asking for the fans co-operation. 
United claim they will not adopt a heavy-handed approach with anyone who refuses to 
sit down because they do not want to inflame the situation.'

[13] More from Gary Nev lawyer
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
United lawyer Scott Duxbury said: "We are extremely shocked by the 
severity of this punishment and think it is totally out of line with 
other recent high profile cases. Gary is very unhappy and we are appealing."

[12] Keano on the team
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I've been critical of the team and  myself but it is only because I know we can do 
much better. And we  will have to if we want to win it."

[11] Fergie - is Premiership our Euro problem?
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It is a concern that the edge has been taken off our  play because we are in such a 
comfort zone in the league. We have to  be aware of that. There is no question what my 
team are capable of but I  have to find the answer of how to get the very best out of 
them. We certainly have to improve on what we have been doing in Europe so  far this 
season if we want to progress.

There is no hiding place when you perform like that (Wednesday)."

[10] Gary Nev unhappy with ban
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
United lawyer Scott Duxbury said: "We are extremely shocked by the 
severity of this punishment and think it is totally out of line with 
other recent high-profile cases.  Not least when Patrick Vieira received a one-match 
ban after being  charged with violent conduct for kicking Olivier Dacourt in the head. 
Gary is very unhappy and we are appealing because we do not believe  this is a fair 

[9] Sparky on playing the big stage once more
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Against the Arse in the Cup 

"It is a terrific game for the club. It is always  great to play in big games and I've 
relished a few over the years. But we have big games from now until the end of the 
season because  our priority is to get out of the First Division. It is the latter 
stages of the Cup and if we can go there and play  well it could kick us on for the 
rest of the season. We want to be  playing teams like Arsenal every week in the 
Premiership, not just in  one-off Cup matches.

Tony Adams is one of the great centre-halves of the modern  time. I always used to 
have a good battle at Highbury and enjoyed it.  I respected the players I played 
against and like to think they  respected me."

[8] Handle it if you can
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
on the Madrid-Sheep handball

Real Madrid's Pedro Munitis: "Everything you can get away with seems good to me. This 
is nothing new. Football is for smart people, if you don't actually hurt your 
opponent, everything you can get away with seems good to me. It is illogical to talk 
about a two-game ban because if the referee had seen it the maximum that he would have 
got would have been a booking. If nobody sees the foul and the goal is given, then it 
is a goal. If anybody should be sanctioned it should be the referee who didn't see it. 
It is absurd, because nobody knows if they deliberately provoked them or whether they 
were just another action of the game"

Raul said: "The referee spoke to me in English and I did not understand him. He can't 
say I said anything to him, I simply made a gesture that I didn't understand him, and 
if for that he thought I was confessing, well there it is. It was a very rapid play 
and if the ball hit my hand, and it appears that it did, then it is totally 
unintentional. I didn't hit the ball at all. I think that I am one of the players who 
sees less yellow cards than most and I have never been sent off. "

[7] Reserves win last night
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
At Hillsborough
Sheff Wed 1 : Utd 3 - Chadwick, Fortune, Greening 
(even Paddy C said that Mark Wilson must be pissed off that Greening has scored and he 
has not - what are you trying to say Patrick?)


1 Paul Rachubka
2 Michael Clegg
3 Danny Pugh
4 Superstar
5 Ronnie Wallwork
6 Michael Stewart
7 Luke Chadwick
8 Mark Wilson
9 Quinton Fortune
10 Jon Greening
11 Bojan Djordic

Danny Webber for Fortune
Alan Tate came on for Superstar
Mark Lynch for Chadwick

comment from our man on the sofa

'Danny Pugh (and Ben Muirhead who did not play tonight) look the total dog bollox'

[6] Scouse score from last night
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
And we thought our game was bad on Wednesday - not a patch on Porto 0 Scousers 0.

[5] You don't say!
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'England World Cup bid doomed from the start. The man behind England's failed bid for 
the 2006 World Cup has  conceded that it was a mistake to embark on the campaign 
without the  backing of other European countries.

Alec McGivan, who was director of the 2006 campaign, told a Commons  Select Committee 
that it had been "very damaging" to the bid that  most European countries favoured 
eventual winners Germany.

The committee, which is carrying out an inquiry into staging major 
international sports events, heard from McGivan that the Football 
Association were aware of European governing body UEFA's position but 
believed it could overcome that obstacle.

The FA have compiled an 85-page report into the failed £10million 
campaign and McGivan told the hearing: "UEFA's support for Germany 
right across the board damaged us enormously. Seven out of eight 
European delegates voted for Germany. "Not to have the backing of your confederation 
from the start was,  looking back, very damaging. It was very difficult to do deals, 
it was all block votes and  confederation wheeler-dealing, Asia were with Europe and 
Africa with  South America, and we were simply squeezed out. You need political clout 
and that's a lesson we have learned. We  were aware it was a weakness but thought we 
could overcome it."

At the heart of the matter was the so-called gentlemen's agreement, 
where former FA chairman Bert Millichip was alleged to have agreed 
not to bid against Germany for 2006 in return for their support for 
England's challenge to host the 1996 European Championships.

Millichip later denied this, but it was enough for virtually all of 
Europe to side with Germany - only Scotland's David Will backed 
England. Current FA chairman Geoff Thompson told the committee: "Clearly there  were 
people in UEFA who felt there was a gentlemen's agreement. There was a genuine 
misunderstanding, something that happened and  nobody really knows why."

The report from the FA states: "English football...had adopted an 
insular attitude, seen by some UEFA and FIFA members as stand-offish 
and even arrogant."

And as we are seeing with the standing debate, they ain't learnt their 

[4] An Arse player wins something this season
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Marseille have been ordered by the French league to pay Robert Pires £1.2million. 
Pires, now with Arsenal, had claimed the money was owed to him following his transfer 
from Metz in 1998. When joining Arsenal last year, the French international requested 
the settling of bonuses negotiated two years previously. Marseille argued that his new 
contract with Arsenal freed them of any obligations to him, but the league have ruled 
in Pires' favour.

However, they also fined Marseille around £4,000 and Pires £400 for what they termed 
the "mysterious character of the agreement" which they said "did not respect the 
principles of the professional football charter". Pires' lawyer Laurent Zachayus said: 
"Robert (Pires) is above all a lad who respects a verbal agreement. On the other hand, 
he expects that his negotiating partners show the same respect."

[3] Another Utd youngster gets England call
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From official site

'United youth star Jimmy Davis has been included in England's Under-18 squad to face 
Poland at White Hart Lane on 22 March. "I'm really looking forward to getting a really 
big crowd to support us at the match which will hopefully help us on the way to a 
great win!".

[2] If we finish second in our group, another good reason?
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
is we play the first leg at home and we like that (by the way, the overall  statistics 
in the CL prove that it's an advantage to play at home first). 

[1] Check yesterday's news first
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thursday's news - for all the info on being told to sit down for the Graz game or face 
the consequences to Gary Nev's pathetic two match ban - which in theory will be 
Liverpool and Charlton.

[38] Gary Nev gets 2 match ban - ridiculous!
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
What about the ref who pushed him into the Utd dressing room (see issue 75).

'Gary Neville has been hit with a two-match ban for foul and abusive language to a 
linesman after West Ham's FA Cup victory at Old Trafford. The Manchester United 
defender was unable to contain his anger following the game in January. West Ham won 
1-0 with a goal by Paolo di Canio scored as United keeper Fabien Barthez appealed for 
offside. Neville, who did not attend the Football Association disciplinary hearing in 
London and believed that his case warranted at most a warning, has also been fined 

[37] Fortune to play tonight
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:

>From official site

'Quinton Fortune has been named in United's Reserve team to face Sheffield Wednesday 
tonight, after almost eleven weeks out with a knee injury. The South African 
international went under the knife to cure his ligament injury, suffered against 
Ipswich on 23 December. He's missed out on a couple of games for his country, but he's 
back fully fit and is ready for his first run out of the year at Hillsborough tonight, 
kick off 7pm.

Quinton will line up on the opposite wing to Luke Chadwick, who had twelve minutes 
against Panathinaikos on Wednesday. Upfront, Jonathan Greening will link up with Swede 
Bojan Djordjic.

MUTV will screen the match live, with coverage starting at 6.15pm.

United: Rachubka; M Clegg, Pugh, May, Wallwork; Chadwick, Wilson, Stewart, Fortune; 
Greening, Djordjic.

Subs: Webber, Willams, Cosgrove, Tate, Lynch.'

Chadwick will be knackered no?

[36] March reserve team fixtures
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From official site

FA Premier Reserve League Fixtures 2000/01

Sheffield Wednesday (a) - Thurs 8 March 2001
Kick Off 7pm

Liverpool (h) - Monday 12 March (brought forward from Thurs 15 March 2001) Kick Off 7pm

Leeds United (a) - Tues 20 March 2001
Kick Off 7pm

Everton (h) - Thursday 29 March 2001 (postponed from 11 January 2001, and previously 
14 December 2000)
Kick Off 7pm

Manchester Senior Cup

Manchester City (a) - Tuesday 27 March 2001
Hyde United, kick off 7pm

[35] TBC viewpoint
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Barry Brotherton, council cabinet member for community safety, said : "There is a 
serious possibility of an accident and the council cannot afford to turn a blind eye 
to that. What we intend to do is, if there is no improvement at the Sturm Graz game, 
we know there are certain areas where people persist in standing, and we'll threaten 
to withdraw the operating licence from those parts of the ground. We do understand 
that people get excited but in the end safety has to come first."

We must not get excited...and again we ask - how many people have been injured for all 
the games that East Stand has stood for this season?

[34] MEN on standing warning
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Standing Reds face Old Trafford lock-out 

MANCHESTER United has been told to make their fans sit down - or 
parts of Old Trafford will be closed for big games. Trafford Council says it will shut 
sections of the 67,500-seater  stadium if supporters breach safety regulations at 
Tuesday's  Champions League game.

After four years of warnings, the council, which is responsible for  stadium safety, 
has run out of patience. If supporters stand during  the clash against Sturm Graz some 
areas will be closed for at least  one match.

Because the council must give United 21 days notice, that could 
affect the April derby clash with City, or the Champions' League 

United manager Sir Alex Ferguson is said to be ''deeply worried'' by  the threat. He 
will make a public appeal tomorrow to fans to stay in 
their seats. 

A United insider told the M.E.N.: ''This has been an issue for a few 
years but now we know it really has come to a head. Sir Alex knows he 
must do everything he can to persuade the fans to co-operate.  The team is homing in 
on another league championship and  desperately want to win back the European Cup. The 
last thing Sir  Alex needs is them taking on top teams in front of a half-empty  
stadium.'' Today town hall safety bosses said the threat was for real.

Coun Barry Brotherton, council cabinet member for community safety, 
told the M. E.N.: ''There is the serious possibility of an accident 
and the council cannot afford to turn a blind eye to that. If people persist in 
standing we will have no choice but to  withdraw the operating licence for parts of 
the ground. If there is  no significant improvement at the Sturm Graz match we will 
have no  choice but to pursue that course of action.''

Trafford safety inspectors will monitor supporters on CCTV during 
Tuesday's match and will recommend shutting any areas where there is 
persistent standing.

Sections under most threat are believed to include the East and West 
stands, where large pockets of supporters were on their feet recent 
matches against Valencia and Arsenal.

It is understood that Sir Alex will repeat his ''sit down'' plea in 
the Graz match programme and address fans through the stadium tannoy.

United PR director Patrick Harverson said today: ''We have no comment 
on this issue at the moment but a news conference has been called for 

Today fans groups condemned the council's ultimatum. Andy Walsh from 
the Independent Manchester United Supporters Association, said ''Fans 
are aware there is a problem but we have been working with the club 
to resolve the situation. Closing the ground is not the answer."

[33] Keano and Phil Nev
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Keano: "We are making hard work out of this competition. We could have been  three or 
four goals down if it hadn't been for Fabien. He kept us in  it. With the chances they 
created we could have been well out of the  game before we scored. We didn't play 
particulartly well and that's  an under-statement. We gave them too many opportunities 
and that is a team thing. You  defend as a team and we didn't do that well enough and 
it put the  back four under pressure"

Phil Neville: "Panathinaikos looked like scoring more than we did. We are just  lucky 
that we have a great keeper like Fabien to save them. He got us out of jail."

[32] Players hail Barthez
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Gary Nev: "Fabien saved us. Over the two games against  Panathinaikos they have 
created more chances against us than any team  has this season. They pass it well and 
if they were a bit more clinical and Fabien  wasn't on his mettle, then we'd have been 
in toruble. He made some fantastic saves just as he had against them at Old 
Trafford last November. They had too many one-on-ones. We were too flat. You can't 
afford  to be so flat. They got through too many times and that was a concern  for us. 
We have a world-class goalkeeper behind us there is no doubt about  that and Fabien 
needed to be"

[31] Er, we thought you played in Red
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
from MEN

'MANCHESTER City are on the verge of creating a new fan base in the 
Middle East. Former playing legend and now director Dennis Tueart will lead the  
club's youngsters on a ground-breaking, ambassadorial visit to Qatar  at the end of 
this month. City's fast-growing reputation for developing and looking after young  
players in their successful Academy earned them an invitation from  the Embassy in 
Doha who are promoting a `British Week'.

The Blues were only too pleased to take up the offer and will play 
their hosts' national youth team in a showpiece finale to the five-
day stay. Chairman David Bernstein views the tip with a sense of pride and  excitement.

``I am sure the experience gained in travelling for this game by our 
young players will enhance their worldly knowledge. I am also convinced it will be of 
great benefit to them during the  course of their football development. The party are 
eagerly looking forward to their visit and we trust  that those spectators attending 
the game in Qatar will enjoy watching the talents of our players.''

[30] Ruud on the cheap?
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Teamtalk

'New transfer market legislation could enable United to lure Ruud van 
Nistelrooy to Old Trafford this summer for as little as nine million 
pounds.   Under the system agreed by FIFA, UEFA and the European Union on  Monday, but 
not yet approved by the players' union FIFpro, the 24- year-old would be able to walk 
out of the Philips Stadium without the  fear of personal sanctions because he will 
have completed three years  of his five-year contract.'

[29] The local Leeds supporters' branch is in uproar
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Politicians in Oregon have agreed having sex with an animal should be illegal. 
Senator John Minnis said the law against bestiality was repealed when the state's 
criminal code was revised in 1971. The senate has now passed a bill which is being 
considered by the state's lower house. Bestiality crimes will carry a maximum of five 
years' jail if the bill passes into law.'

[28] Ole speaks
Posted Thursday, March 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Maybe we didn t deserve a point in yesterday s match against Panathinaikos, but once 
again we managed to score  towards the end of the game. We re well known for playing 
until the final whistle and for having good team morale. We have to thank Fabian for 
not being more than 1-0 down. Once again he had a great game. We even had a chance to 
take all three points when Scholes came close to scoring his second of the game in 
extra time, but I don t think it  would have been fair if we d won this game. However, 
we re now in a good position to get through to the quarter-finals. Only a heavy defeat 
against Sturm Graz can stop us I played the last fifteen minutes of the game, and didn 
t really get too  involved but I did have a header that went just wide, and I also got 
us the corner that led to Scholesy s goal. So even though I didn t play much, I still 
managed to make a contribution.
Right now I m on a bus in Athens on my way back to the hotel. The traffic is  terrible 
and even though we have a police escort it s still chaos. Hopefully it won t take us 
to long to get back to the hotel. I m looking forward to returning to Manchester."

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