[19] FA Cup quarter final results
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
Arse 3 yonners 0
Leicester 1 Wycombe 2

[18] Giggsy on the case for the defence
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
Fabien Barthez really saved the day for us (in Athens). We were pushing forward, 
trying to get that equaliser, which left gaps at the back for them to run through. 

Our defence have been brilliant all season, so I think this was just a case of us 
chasing the game so the Greeks got more chances. 

Fortunately for us when Panathinaikos got around the back of the defence Fabien really 
bailed us out. I thought they would take at least one of their one-on-ones, but Fabien 
stood up, made it difficult for them and helped keep us in the game. 

[17] Mexes latest
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
Daniel Rolland, Auxerre coach : " Mexès won't leave this year. We will keep him not 
matter how much we are offered. This is not a financial issue " 

[16] O'Shea on Antwerp
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
My performances have been up and down,". "Some matches I was content, some weren`t 
that bad."I think the match against Harelbake was very poor. The whole team played 
under their normal level."Charleroi was good, and I also enjoyed the match against 
Anderlecht."I am looking forward to playing in the next few matches and developing 

It is a fantastic experience to play here but I am the 
first to say that my performances in some matches were not good enough."I shouldn`t 
have any problems. It`s just that everything is new and you have to accustom to 
things. I have moved to a foreign country and play in a team whose players I don`t 
know."I came into contact with an new style of living and had to acclimatise to the 
new surroundings. You cannot underestimate that.

"The standard is pretty good. The level compares favourably with the 
reserves in Manchester. The level here is higher and they play very 
physically."Last year, I played three months with Bournemouth in the English Second 
Division. The play there was also physical but there is more technique here. That is 
the biggest difference I have noticed in Belgium. You have strength and technique. I 
will only get better by this.

"The players have been superb. They are helping me when I have questions. I am 
beginning to feel accepted."My girlfriend came over but it is a pity she will stay 
living in England because she is studying. "However, I have got a lot of work to do 
with training and playing matches. I haven`t got any problems with being homesick." 

[15 Keano top of the stats
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
Not that he takes any notice of these awards, but Roy is Opta player of the month

[14] Jesper Links Up With IFK 
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
As he searches for fitness. But he hopes to come back to us:

"I belong to United and I hope I will in the future too,"."The doctors say that I will 
recover, but they can`t say when."I have noticed some progress in the last few weeks 
but I will not be playing yet. 

I want to be able to run well before I start to play."I need to play on grass and 
Gothenborg know exactly what matters."I have considered travelling on my own. But then 
it gets harder. "Next week, I might follow Umea FC on a training camp." 

[13] But I won the World Cup!
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
Le Beef chooses his premiership 11

Fabien Barthez — Wes Brown, Titus Bramble, Mikael Silvestre — Vladimir 
Smicer (knows a fellow play actor when he sees one!), Patrick Vieira, Steven Gerrard, 
Olivier Dacourt, Marcus Stewart — 
Mark Viduka, Thierry Henry. 

Wot, no Keane, Becks, Giggs, Scholes (or rent boys for that matter)...don't be so 
bitter Franky 

[12] Smile please!
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
Not that we would encourage you to buy the rag, but the inside back page of the Mirror 
contains a picture of Reds standing at OT. It’s an old one as it’s in East 
Lower before the expansion of the disabled section.

Clearly visable is a well known RN contributor next to ‘son & heir’ 
staring intently at the action. 

[11] Question for Chris Smith - Who is this talking?
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
Thanks to the Indy for reminding us of this:

"I was never convinced, regarding the smaller clubs in particular, that the removal of 
all standing was necessary and I was pleased when this was relaxed following 
representation by MP’s, fans and clubs".

"While safety must always be the ultimate criterion, there is no reason to ignore 
technological improvements made since Taylor reported, which might now allow for safe 

Answer - Your boss, a certain T Blair before the last general election.

[10] Jansen on Sparky
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
"Then there's Mark. He is a big, strong fella—a great target man who has done it 
all. You can't help but learn when you are playing alongside him.

"He has still the enthusiasm and gives 110 per cent in everything. I'm glad he's in 
our team."

[9] Yonner Jansen on turning us down
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
But Jansen, completing his football education at Blackburn, said: "I still feel I made 
the right decision.

"I did it because I wanted regular first team football, which I knew I would not be 
guaranteed at United.

"Maybe it would have been different if it had been put to me when I was older. But at 
the time I was too young."

[8] Calamity spits the dummy
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
He said: 'It has crossed my mind that I can go abroad and not be Calamity James (yeh, 
right!). It may be seen by some as the easy way out. But if that's what I've got to do 
to get a fair crack of the whip, then I will do it.' 

'And that's the way it is for me. Arguably, I will never be given a fair ride because 
I need to make one mistake and I'm back to how I was three, four, five years ago. 

'But I've acquired a nickname. I see it as impossible to get rid of here. It's sad but 
that's life. It's all about opinions. A lot have been positive but a lot too have been 
negative. The difference is, people only seem to remember the negative.' 

On the contrary, you palming the ball out to Eric in the 96' FA Cup Final remains one 
of my most positive memories

[7] Greek gift for the ABU's
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
Ingerlund will play the final game of their World Cup qualifying campaign at OT in 

No doubt the temptation to come along to sing the usual anti Utd garbage will be hard 
to resist, even if (as is likely) Ingerlund need a result

[6] Some mistake surely?
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
The Plc's latest temptation to fleece us of our hard earned is outlined below. How 
come they are offering season tickets as prizes when they say no more will be issued?

Hat-trick hero Dwight Yorke has got his ticket - make sure you've got yours! Super 
Reds is a brand new scratchcard game from United, with a top prize of £10,000 as well 
as season tickets and VIP days at Old Trafford. The cards cost £1 and are available 
from the Development Office on Sir Matt Busby Way. 

[5] Keegan needs some publicity!
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
As Soccernet claim that:

Kevin Keegan, who vanished from public view after quitting as England manager last 
October, has re-emerged - in the Mayfair offices of public relations expert Max 
A three-hour meeting at Clifford's New Bond Street headquarters this week signals 
Keegan is at last planning some kind of sporting return. 

[4] Scholesy - what you see is what you get
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
"I like to think I can make chances and score goals. That's it really. The first thing 
I do when I get the ball is look up and see what run the centre-forward is making and, 
if he's in, there's no point in looking for someone else if there's a chance of 
playing him through. If that's not on, I have to make sure that I protect the ball and 
get it to one of my team-mates." 

[3] Scholesy on football
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
"I get all I want from football on the field. Basically, I'm a very shy person. I 
don't know why this is, but it's a fact. I don't worry about it. It doesn't get in the 
way of my football."

[2] Sparky on Utd
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
'But as Sir Alex Ferguson realised a long time ago, the heart and soul of a club are 
in the players who live, speak, eat and breathe its life and traditions from the 
moment they kick a ball in earnest and, at Rovers now, there is an extremely 
impressive bunch of young players.' 

[1] Sparky on yonners
Posted Saturday, March 10, 2001 by tb:
'But now we are seeing the emergence of a lot of young prospects, all of whom have 
come through the ranks and will gave Rovers the same heartbeat as David Beckham, Ryan 
Giggs, Paul Scholes and the likes have done at Old Trafford. If you could put your 
finger on one major reason why United have been so successful for so long, it is that 
they have an in-built identity. 

[43] Jaap speaks
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"If it hadn t been for our goalkeeper,  Fabien Barthez, we d have lost against 
Panathinaikos, no question. He kept us  in the game with a series of great one-on-one 
saves. The Greeks would break  through us with only Fabien to beat, but he saved every 
shot they threw at him. He has got such good positioning that every shot seemed to go 
straight  at him. We felt guilty at exposing him to so many shots, but he kept them 
all  out. 

I would have to say Fabien is the best goalkeeper in the world at the moment.  Of 
course, I had watched Fabien winning the World Cup and then Euro 2000 from  afar, but 
playing with him this season has really made me appreciate what a  great goalkeeper he 
is. At the moment, there is nobody better around. My  international team-mate, Edwin 
van der Saar, probably runs Fabien close as  the world s best, but Fabien is just out 
in front at the moment. 

Fabien has everything a goalkeeper needs. At first glance you might think he  is too 
small to be a keeper, but he has this amazing spring which allows him  to get to shots 
and crosses. He has wonderful distribution as well. He seems  to be able to hit these 
fantastically long passes exactly where he wants  them. 

He has a lot of pace too, so whenever there is danger around the penalty box  he is 
alert to it and dashes off his line to clear it up. He almost acts like  a fifth 
defender, like a sweeper behind the back four. As you have probably  noticed he likes 
to come off the line a lot, but he reads situations so well  and knows what he s doing 
all the time. 

Off the pitch, he s a quiet character, but he can be very friendly as well.  He likes 
to improve his English through conversation as much as possible. All  in all, he s a 
good lad.
There s no point in avoiding the fact that we did not play at all well  against 
Panathinaikos in the Champions League on Wednesday night. We were  lucky to leave 
Greece with a point after Scholesy s late equaliser. The  Greeks had the better of the 
game and must be kicking themselves at not  finishing us off when they had all those 

Our passing was not very good, we kept giving the ball away, which is 
something you really can t afford to do at this level. Panathinaikos jumped  on every 
loose ball there was to set up their attacks. A lot of things didn t  work out for us 
and we just couldn t get our normal game going. To be honest  we simply weren t good 
enough on the night. 

Our form away from home is slightly worrying. There is no doubt that we have  to 
improve if we want to prosper in the Champions League. We have only won  once away 
from home this season, against Sturm Graz, and have lost against  Anderlecht, PSV 
Eindhoven and came within a couple of minutes of losing again  against the Greeks. We 
really have to get better away from home, and quickly. 

Panathinaikos had a lot of one on ones against us, far too many for my 
liking. They managed to create a lot of chances against us, as they had done  at Old 
Trafford as well. They were getting through our defence with too much  ease. 
Panathinaikos created more chances against us in the two games than any  other team in 
the Champions League this season. Over the two games, they were  unlucky not to win 
one of them."

[42] Phil nev speaks
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The only quality to come out of Wednesday  night s game was the fact that we 
persevered to the very end. I m sure many  teams in our position would, with two 
minutes to go, play out the game but at  Manchester United this is not acceptable. 

The manager always demands that you keep on going until the end and 
Scholsey s goal on Wednesday night wasn t the first time we ve showed this  as a team. 
Perseverance is a quality that you cannot coach in any team or  player but is 
something you are born with. My versatility on Wednesday night  was again tested. 
Playing on the left wing. I was pleased with my performance  and I think the manager 
was too.

Scholsey s goal-scoring record in the Premiership, Champions' League and in  
international football is phenomenal, considering he s a central midfield  player. His 
timing and finishing in the box is world class. There s no other  player like him in 
Europe who scores so regularly from a midfield position. 

Scholsey, along with Gary, is one of my closest friends in the team. We sit  next to 
each other on all coach and plane journeys and he s one of the most  down to earth 
lads you will ever meet. 

The game against Sturm Graz next Tuesday will not be easy. A win will 
probably mean we ll finish top of the group, which could lead us to play the  
runners-up of another group".

[41] Tremendous - it's the quote at the end
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Which makes this story...

>From Teamtalk

'Neil Harris says that Millwall's midweek defeat at Bury has made the players even 
more determined to win promotion this season. 
A last-gasp goal beat the Lions at Gigg Lane, where the club have won just once in 
their entire history. It was also the second season in a row Bury have beaten Millwall 
with a late winner and Harris and his team-mates are determined not to have to return 
to one of their least favourite grounds next season. 

Instead, with Manchester City in danger of joining Millwall in Division One next 
season, the players are hoping for a more attractive  sit to the North West. 

Harris said: "We do not want to go there again. It has made us even more determined as 
next season we want to be going to Manchester City instead of Bury." 

[40] Branches told no
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Tickets for Boro and Soton. Utd branches will not be getting any tickets from Utd due 
to the low allocations for the away end.

[39] Latest news from the ticket office
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Manchester United v Charlton Athletic
Old Trafford, Saturday 7th April, kick off 3pm.


All tickets have now been sold.

Manchester United v Coventry City
Old Trafford, Saturday 14 April 2001, kick off 12pm.

All tickets have now been sold.

Southampton v Manchester United
The Dell, Monday 16 April 2001, kick off 8pm

This game is subject to change should United progress to the quarter-finals of the 
UEFA Champions League.

Manchester United v Manchester City
Old Trafford, Sat 21 April 2001, kick off 12:00 noon

Tickets now being sold - members can apply in the usual way or via the
online application procedure.


requested to submit your voucher sheet containing match vouchers from previously 
selected games.


[38] The world has gone mad
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Police are investigating a complaint that Anne Robinson incited racial hatred when 
she made anti-Welsh remarks on TV. North Wales police say they're investigating a 
complaint about comments she made on the BBC2 programme Room 101. Ms Robinson could 
face questioning over the remarks.

A spokeswoman told Ananova: "We will submit a file to the Crown Prosecution Service in 
due course." The CPS will then decide whether the star of The Weakest Link should be 

A spokesman for the BBC said: "At the moment, we are unaware of such an investigation 
but as and when we are approached, we are more than happy to supply a copy of the 

[37] Shearenvy envy
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Shearer: "If there's a disappointing thing over the five years that I've been  here, 
then it's not bringing any silverware home. I keep saying it every year, that maybe 
this is the year. It's a big time for Newcastle now because hopefully the transfer  
system is going to be sorted out and hopefully we can spend big again  to get us up 
there with the top three, because that's where we  belong."

Of which division?

[36] OH NO! Wenger hints at staying
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Not worried because of rivalry - just he does our heads in!

Arsene Wenger: "No matter what happens, I'm at Arsenal until 2002 and why not for 
longer? There is no reason to change and no reason for me to leave...I said that if 
the rules went to the extreme, meaning players could leave every three months, then I 
wouldn't be in the job any more. But that hasn't been done."

[35] Full Fergie comments
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
FA-Premier has the full transcript of Alex Ferguson's comments online at:


Other features (inc SAFE Report and FLA Report) at:


And please VOTE in the poll now. Safe standing - this is our time now.

[34] More Reserve comment from our men on the sofa
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Am I right in saying Danny Pugh has only really played for the reserves since the 
youth cup?  He looks very very comfortable defending (left back) and going forward.

Didn't see the u19 game later (presume Muirhead played?) but everything I've seen of 
him suggests he can make it.  These 2 definitely look to have potential but it's 
difficult to tell until they step up

By the way De Bilde played for the Owls last night and didn't stay to see the rest of 
the game after he was subbed.  Just the sort of attitude that has got Wednesday into 
the mess they're in now."

[33] Terry Cooke wants to stay at city - ?!
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The injury couldn't have happened at a worse time because I felt I  was playing 
really well. I got a few games under my belt at Sheffield 
Wednesday and felt sharp again, but when I came back there were a few 
postponements and I didn't play for a month. I played in central midfield against 
Leeds Reserves and really  enjoyed it and then out wide against Middlesbrough. I 
thought I did  well in both positions. Certainly the manager seemed pleased with my  

To be honest I don't care where I play as long as I can force my  way back in to the 
first team picture. Even sitting on the bench  would be a step in the right direction. 
I just want to be involved 
 ain with the first team. I would rather stay here and do anything I can to help the 
lads. I want to be ready and in form just in case I am called  upon.

The only reason I asked to go on the transfer list last season was 
because I wanted to play first team football. I have been brought up 
playing football and I just want to play as much as possible. I am 
getting to the age now where I need to playing first team football. I 
have not got that many games behind me. `Like I said, a loan deal would not interest 
me now. I want to help  the fight against relegation and if I am not needed, I will 
get down  to hard work and come back for next season as strong and as fit I can be."

For the First Division.

[32] Red News comment
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Not know such honesty - particularly from Fergie and Keano - about our poor away 
European performances in a long time. It's like it is a call to arms, and rather than 
knowingly walk with eyes open into failure this year as we did last year with our eyes 
closed, it's as if our main men are giving the necessary gee-up warning about going 
out as early as possible so that the team realise just what they have to do. This 
could be another master stroke from Fergie - for after Wednesday this warning kick up 
the arse was exactly what was needed.

[31] More from Fergie
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We are still in a good position, but it doesn't reflect the level 
we want to be at if we want to achieve success. We have only done it fleetingly in 
Europe this year. We produced a  good performance in Valencia, that was a quality 
game, but there have  been too many performances like Wednesday. There is no question 
there is no hiding place when you perform like  we did in Greece. The message to 
Europe is that our best is yet to come, I certainly  hope so! I am obviously going to 
put it behind me but I won't let it rest at that."

[30] Fergie thinks we'll finish second in Europe
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think we'll finish second now, because you have got to expect 
Valencia to beat Panathinaikos at home. I am not worried about finishing second, you 
never know, it might  suit us.  If we finish second we will obviously face one of the 
better teams 
like Real, Bayern or Galatasaray. Bayern may not even make it, though. If Lyons beat 
Spartak and  Arsenal beat Bayern the Germans may still go out. These are certainly 
interesting times in Europe, you only have to  think back to Juventus, Barcelona and 
Lazio going out - and who would  have believed that?

The results have been up and down in Europe generally this season. 
Look at Milan on Wednesday. I thought they had a real chance at 
Galatasaray. But it was an absolute disaster for them to lose 2-0. We are just glad to 
be in there and struggling on."

[29] Suicide at Joe Royle property
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:

Tenant Apparently Killed Herself With Circular Saw

THE BODY of a dead woman has been found in a cottage owned by Manchester City boss Joe 
Royle. She is believed to have committed suicide in bizarre fashion with a circular 

Royle originally bought the house for his son but ended up with Alison
Galletly as a tenant. She recently gave notice that she wanted leave the cottage and 
her body was found when an estate agent was showing two new prospective tenants around 
the property. 

The blood-drenched body of Galletly was found in the living room of the cottage next 
to a circular saw. She bled to death from horrific neck wounds. Police are treating 
the death as suicide and City boss Royle is not under suspicion.'

[28] Quote of the day
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Shearer: "When I left Blackburn in 1996, I could have gone to some great cities like 
Turin, Milan, Manchester, Barcelona and London. But believe me, there's no place like 
home. I am hugely proud to be a freeman of this great city."

Turned us down and won fuck all, Shearer is his name.

[27] We're still waiting for the punchline
Posted Friday, March 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Call that humour...

'Alan Shearer joked about the foot-and-mouth crisis with Minister of  Agriculture Nick 
Brown when both were made honorary Freemen of the  City of Newcastle upon Tyne. The 
title has traditionally allowed grazing rights on common land  near the city centre. 
Shearer said foot-and-mouth would stop him  grazing his cattle. The 450 people 
assembled at Newcastle's Civic Centre roared with  laughter.'

Not with him, at him.

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