[7] Smith out at DCMS
Posted Saturday, June 9, 2001 by tb:
Chris Smith is to be replaced by Tessa Jowell. Assuming that Kate Hoey keeps her job, 
the best thing Jowell can do is let Hoey make the decisions re safe standing and stand 
by them (sic).

End of political broadcast

[6] A dyer agent
Posted Saturday, June 9, 2001 by tb:
As Freddie 'Dog' Shepherd says:

"Kieron Dyer has three years of his contract remaining with us and it is our intention 
to keep him here and then see how things go after that," he said. 

"If Dyer's agent has said these things, he is totally out of order. It has left the 
Newcastle United board very annoyed. 

"Dyer is under contract to Newcastle United for the next three seasons. The agent 
should mind his own business and keep his nose out of ours. 

"Kieron Dyer is not going anywhere. He is not for sale - end of story." 

So that's that then!!

[5] Sven gets more sensible by the minute
Posted Saturday, June 9, 2001 by tb:
As reports claim that he's about to give Sgt Wilko the boot and replace him with David 

[4] Steve to be unveiled as smogmonster on Monday
Posted Saturday, June 9, 2001 by tb:
According to the Mirror

[3] Massive gamble
Posted Saturday, June 9, 2001 by tb:
So, who do you think Messiah Keegan is going to sign first after promising to stamp 
out the drinking club?

Yep, you guessed it - Gazza (according to Soccernet anyway). Looks like He's got into 
the swing of being City boss quite quickly doesn't it?

And to complete the Geordie reject theme, Daveed 'Cos I'm worthless' Ginola is also on 
his shopping list (from Poundstretchers)

[2] Do try and keep up
Posted Saturday, June 9, 2001 by tb:
As Football 365 seize on our Irish prison thingy and print it in Mediawatch (where's 
the plug guys?). Wonder if they'll now print the update to the story, which of course 
will disappoint the ABU nation, and they won't want to do that, will they?

[1] Utd turn down Veron
Posted Saturday, June 9, 2001 by tb:
After hearing of his 50k a week wage demands. That's if you believe the S*n that is

[24] Red News exposes dodgy goings-on
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Well, RN reader Andrew in fact. But you may have seen story 22 and logged on to the 
figures for Irish prisons and wondered why we had mentioned it.

Well, earlier one of the listings was that 87% of all prisoners in Ireland were 
Manchester United fans. We saw it and put it up thanks to Andrew. It then went off. 
Andrew can explain more!

'I e-mailed the prision services site. They responded almost immediately. I was told 
it that the statistic was not part of the official statistics, and it has now been 
removed from the site, and the matter is being looked into. Result! Pretty good 
hacking though, I must admit.'

With our trusty penis of truth Red News stamps it out...or is that sword...

[23] Bizarre story of the day
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:

'Brazilian soccer side Flamengo will miss the services of a £4.6 million player after 
his wife fought a model. Carlos Alberto Gamarra is staying home in Paraguay to help 
his partner, who has been charged with attacking a woman who took an interest in him 
at a bar.

The injured centre-forward was watching Paraguay beat Chile when his wife starting 
fighting with a fashion model.

Norma Benitez is said not to have enjoyed the attention the model was giving her 
husband and allegedly attacked her.

The model, Lorena Arias, filed a complaint with police claiming to have been punched 
and kicked by Gamarra's wife, who was later charged with assault.

Gamarra, a 30-year-old centre-forward signed from Athletico Madrid in August, says he 
can't return to Brazil to play for the Rio club as his wife needs him.

Local newspaper Jornal do Brasil reports that the may also mark Gamarra's final days 
in Brazilian football. Flamengo are said to be in financial crisis and Gamarra is 
being tipped for a move back to Europe to raise funds.'

[22] ABU propaganda?
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to Andrew for this

This is doing the rounds at the moment, quite a wierd statistic, no doubt the bitters 
and scousers will find it soon enough. 


Truly wierd.

[21] We'd better watch out
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Check this site out


Fair play to the lad, a great, funny Utd site - Reds are here, followed by Super 
Giggs. Although we hope saying well done Kok doesn't sound too bizarre!

[20] massive man
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:

Great quote from his old man near the bottom!!

'A FORMER Manchester City player swapped Moss Side for Massachussets 
to become an internet millionaire. But Ian Hadfield's passion for his hometown, and 
the team he once  played for, has always stayed with him 
Ian now owns his own airport in Boston, complete with a diner  dedicated to the Blues, 
after selling his computer business in a  multi-million dollar deal.

He's decked out the bar with scarves and shirts from his playing 
days, - and treats punters to live radio commentaries of matches via 
the Web. Ian, 46, played as a forward for City's A and B teams in the early  70s, 
alongside schoolchum, Blues legend Peter Barnes.

But when Ian learned that he wouldn't make it into the first team he 
turned his back on a professional footballing career for good. ``If I couldn't make it 
with City, I didn't want to play for any  other team,'' he said. Instead he took a 
computing degree at Manchester University, then set  off to the States in 1983 with 
wife Sue. He's now listed in the American Who's Who of the nation's most  powerful and 
influential people.

But Ian still retains his own little corner of Maine Road in Boston. He paid thousands 
of dollars for a large Man City emblem above his  diner, even though most Americans 
haven't even heard of the  team. ``People here have no idea what the emblem is, and I 
end up  having to tell them the whole City story,'' said Ian.

Ian's parents David and Lydia live in Old Trafford, but are still 
true Blues. His sister Sam Stuckey defected to Manchester United when she married  
husband David.

``Ian's not too happy that City went down. He keeps telling us they 
would have stayed up if he was playing,'' said Sam. Dad David, 73, said: 

``What is the joy of going to football if you  know they are going to win every week?''

Family loyalties are mixed among Ian's three sons, with a Liverpool, 
United and City fan among the ranks. But his own soccer career has been revived with 
Over-40s team Hudson  Benfica.

He has taken them from the sixth division through to the brink of the 
second division in the New England Over the Hill Soccer League, and 
he is top goalscorer.'

[19] Which one of you voted for Jordan
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Jordan received 713 votes but lost her deposit in the Stretford and Urmston 

713 - you are joking aren't you? That's a crowd at Maine Road.

[18] Bury ticket details
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Just for you Utd!

>From RN contributor Salfordlass

'Just bought two tickets for the friendly against Bury at Gigg Lane on
Wednesday, August 8th. They went on sale this morning and you can only buy tickets 
from Bury FC direct (either in person at Gigg Lane or using a credit/debit card on 
0161 705 2144).  No tickets will be going on sale at Old Trafford, but you can ask for 
tickets in the United end if you wish.

All the black pudding eaters will turn out for this one, so I would advise an early 
application to avoid disappointment!'

[17] Best supporters in the land
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'A HATE campaign aimed at destablising the board at Manchester City 
has been condemned as ''cowardly and pointless''. Blues directors and influential 
supporters have been sent faxes and  letters critical of the club's chief operating 
director Chris Bird  and football director and ex-City legend Dennis Tueart.

City's angry chairman David Bernstein, aware of the campaign  orchestrated by a group 
of anonymous individuals who are possibly  shareholders, has torn up their 
correspondence. The chairman has spoken privately of his belief that the campaign  is 
''pathetic'' and does not want to give it any credence by  commenting publicly.

However, deputy chairman John Wardle, who along with his business  partner David Makin 
controls almost a third of the club's shares, has  gone public with his condemnation.

He said: ''These are small-minded people who do not have the guts to  put their name 
to anything they are saying. It is cowardly and weak- willed and frankly what they are 
putting out is nothing but garbage.
There are always individuals who don't like someone else, but I  want to say here and 
now that no-one works harder for Manchester City  football club than Chris Bird. He 
and Dennis are part of a team that  work 24 hours a day for the club.  The chairman 
and other members of the board work behind the scenes,  but it is Chris as chief 
operating officer who has re-organised  things and makes things happen for the benefit 
of the whole club.  We have stability on the board for the first time in many years  
with executives who work their socks off. We all work in unison and  behind the scenes 
it is recognised that things are going well.'' 

M.E.N. Sport has also received the correspondence which praises the  work of 
ex-chairman Francis Lee, particularly with regard to the  development of young 
players. Criticism is aimed at staff changes in  the commercial department and the dip 
in the value of Blues shares  following relegation from the Premiership.'

[16] As ever, United on the ball
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
RN contributor has just rung Utd to find out ticket details for the pre-season games 
at Wrexham & Bury.

"We're not playing them" came the reply.

Oh yes we are - sharp as ever Utd, eh?!

[15] Fixture dates round the corner
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
RN reader Lars has phoned up the Premier League office in London, and they confirmed 
that the fixture list will be presented on Thursday the 21st of June.

[14] Take it they won't go back then?
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Three England soccer fans have been sentenced to up to 15 months' imprisonment by a 
Greek court following disturbances that preceeded the World Cup qualifying match 
against Greece. They were released without need for bail after appealing and are free 
to leave, British Consul in Athens Donald Holder said.

Another four fans who appeared before the special court hearing were cleared. Mr 
Holder said a 17-year-old had been found guilty and sentenced to 10 months' 
imprisonment A man who threw a bottle at a waiter was sentenced to 15 months, and 
another man received nine months.

"These three appealed, and have been released without bail, and are free to leave," Mr 
Holder said.

"In due course they will be summoned back to Greece, and who knows whether they will 
come back or not."

It had been thought the fans would have a second night in custody after being among 77 
Britons detained before the match when disorder broke out at Nea Iraklio, the station 
before the Olympic Stadium.

Two fans were released during the day. The other 68 fans who were initially held were 
delivered to the ground in time for the second half of the match, which England won 

[13] FIFA wants bi-annual World Cup
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Fifa president Sepp Blatter:

 "It may be advisable that the idea of the World Cup every second year shall not be 
longer closed in a safe where I have lost the combination. I should have a look during 
the next year if we should open again the safe door."

[12] Scholes - I'm no Robbo
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
"His record puts him right up there with the Bryan Robsons of this 
world.  That's how valuable he has become for England. If you are looking  around the 
dressing-room before the game for someone to open the  scoring, Scholesy is the man 
you would go for before anyone else. When Robson was England captain, he had the 
ability to ghost into  the box and pinch a goal when the situation was tight. Paul's 
the  same. 

I'm just glad he's in our side and not anyone else's. It's flattering to be compared 
to Bryan Robson but  obviously he was a better player than me.  He was one of my 
heroes when I was a kid. I think he was a hero for  every England fan at the time.  I 
like to go forward the way he did and I've tried to incorporate  the sort of scoring 
runs he used to make into my game. 

But he tackled and defended a lot more than I do. And he had more  presence on the 
pitch than me." 

[11] Scholes on German game
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The game in Munich was already going to be a big game, but it's even more so now. 
It's absolutely massive. It's going to be difficult to go there and get a result of 
any kind. To be perfectly honest I don't think a draw in Munich like the one we got in 
Rome will be any good for us. We've got to go out all guns blazing and get a win. The 
difference  to four years ago is that Italy after beating us dropped a few points  
along the way whereas the Germans don't seem to be doing that very  often. 

We really have to go there and get three points. I think this is  going to be a lot 
tougher than that game in Italy and we are under no  illusions as to how difficult it 
will be. We are certainly not going  to come out saying 'we're going to do this or 
that' and we will just  see how things develop during the game.

Without doubt we are going to be more confident than when we played  the Germans at 
Wembley. Five wins on the trot can only breed  confidence. We knew Greece was a 
difficult place to go and we came  through successfully and now we have to produce 
again against  Germany. They have got one over one us and we are looking to turn 
things around."

[10] SUN story in full
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
'ALEX FERGUSON has been offered a five-year contract worth £5million  to stay at Old 
Trafford when he retires as manager.

The new deal is for a full-time role acting as a consultant and  ambassador for the 
club as they continue their global expansion.

Ferguson, 59, is almost certain to agree to the plan that has been  thrashed out by 
his son Jason and the United board this week.

It means he has won his war with the board after a bitter bust-up 
last month. The £1m-a-year contract will take him to his 65th birthday and a post  of 
life president could yet follow.

There is still no place for him on the plc board as he wanted - but 
the deal appears to have brought peace between both sides.

The agreement brings to an end weeks of uncertainty which saw  Ferguson come close to 
walking out on the club straight away.

He was furious they were only prepared to offer him £100,000 for 30  days work from 
the end of next season.

Ferguson said he would split all ties with United and made it clear  he was bitterly 
disappointed with how he had been treated.

But on Monday the board agreed to make him the highest-paid manager  in the 
Premiership for his final season in charge.

Ferguson was given a £500,000 wage rise putting him on £2.1million -£100,000 more than 
Sunderland boss Peter Reid.

And now Ferguson is hoping for another reason to celebrate - by  signing French 
defender Lilian Thuram for £15m.

The Parma player is also being tempted by offers from Juventus and  Lazio in Italy but 
the United boss is confident he can win the battle  for him.'

[9] Scholes on himself
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Midfield players don't put up with the same pressure to  score as the strikers have 
to live with. If they fail to score they get slagged off. It's different for me  and 
Becks. We're not expected to score all the time."

[8] Scouser on Scholes
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Steven Gerrard:

 "Paul is one of the best midfielders in  Europe - if not the world. He's a quiet lad 
who does his own thing and scores vital goals for 
us. And he'll keep doing that for a long time to come. He's a great pro who just gets 
on with his job without making a big  fuss about things. He talks when he feels he has 
something to say but  he doesn't go around with a big mouth. But he always lets you 
know he's there with the great passes he  plays and the number of goals he scores."

[7] Sparky on being back in Premiership
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I still enjoy playing and that side of things, I find it a release 
from the Welsh job. I'm very much a player at Blackburn and I don't mix both jobs, I'd 
 have a problem if I did that. I keep them very separate and that's  the way to 
approach it. I'm comfortable with that and I don't have any problems with it.

Premiership football is quicker, faster, stronger, but it's  still the only place to 
play. It's a fantastic league and just to get the opportunity to have one  last final 
fling would be nice. How many opportunities to play I get I don't know, but I have 
every  intention of being there and trying."

[6] Thuram latest
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thuram's agent, Oscar Damiani:

"We have to wait for a week before we can clarify things. The club president Stefano 
Tanzi is in South America and should return around June 12. What I can say is that all 
the top clubs are interested but their offers have not met the demands of Parma."

[5] Transfer target - not?
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From soccernet

'Arsenal have had a £6.5million bid for Bayern Munich midfielder Owen 
Hargreaves turned down. The 20-year-old England Under 21 
international has also been linked with Juventus, Barcelona and 
Manchester United.'

Same old story, anyone who's anyone is linked with us, Barca and Juve.

[4] Transfer targets latest
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Vieira is due to have urgent talks with Wenger next week to sort out his future.

And long time target Henrik Larsson has signed a new deal at Celtic.

[3] Who cares
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Those 'All the Presidents Men' equivalents, the 3am girls from the Mirror report that:

"Ryan Gigg's friendship with Prince Andrew's ex-girlfriend Caroline Stanbury is 
getting rather steamy'.


[2] Ferguson speculation latest
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Both Telegraph and SUN report that Fergie will now agree to stay ON after next season 
- the latter saying that he has been 'offered a five year contract worth £5m to 
stay...new deal is for a full time role acting as a consultant and ambassador for the 
club as they continue their global expansion.

But the Telegraph suggests that Fergie's sons were so sure that he'd jack it all in 
after the Spurs game that all three made the trip down to London to watch the match. 
Perhaps our 'every single one of us' swung it.

[1] Fergie's team win again
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by bar-knee:
Well, Labour in fact. Latest expected majority in the general election for the Reds is 
167. And last mention on these pages too.

[29] FIFA look at Greek missiles
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Fifa have promised to investigate the incidents which saw England skipper David 
Beckham pelted with missiles during his side's 2-0 win against Greece.'

Fifa media officer Andreas Herren said: "If an association made a complaint then we 
would certainly investigate it. However it is usual to wait for a report from the 
referee before deciding whether any action needs to be taken into the incident. We 
also had a Fifa commissioner at the game and we would look into any observations that 
he makes. In these cases we would speak to the relevant associations and listen to 
their comments. This is not a time-critical issue so there is no need to make an 
immediate decision."

FA head of communications Paul Newman confirmed: "We are asking Fifa and the Greek 
authorities to look into these incidents."

Beckham: "We knew it was going to be hostile. We knew they would throw things at us 
and I was hit by a bottle and other things were thrown towards me." But the free-kick 
was a nice way to put one over on them for throwing all the stuff at me and by winning 
it silenced everyone."

Just like city, nothing will happen we bet.

[28] city are not massive, but big
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
Fulham's Kit Symons

"I wasn't surprised to see Keegan back in the game as quickly as this. 
"He's a big name and Manchester City need a big name, so he was an obvious choice. I 
know from my time there that City is one of the most difficult jobs in the game. But 
saying that, if you get it right then it can be the most rewarding. He's a big-enough 
personality and character to get it right. I certainly hope he does because of the 
time I spent there, and for City's sake because I have a lot of time for the club as 
well as Kevin. He was brilliant for me at Fulham and I'd love to see City do well now 
too. What he did on the pitch at Fulham is well documented, but he did an awful lot of 
good off it too. The club is in a very stable situation now and much of that is down 
to him and the work he did while manager. The club was very professionally run, 
certainly for a Second Division club when he and I were first there, that side of 
things was unbelievable."

[27] Thuram wants to join Utd and...
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
Lilian Thuram: 

"If they have set a price, that says they have every intention of letting me go. They 
are not crazy. They know what they are doing by setting a price and they know that I 
am thinking about leaving. In previous years they have been uncompromising. This time 
they are not. They have not declared me untransferable.

There are clubs that any player would happily go to. Manchester United are one of 
them. But so are Real, Barca, Milan, Juve. Let's see who pays my transfer fee first."

His agent, Oscar Damiani, told L'Equipe: "We have to wait for a week before we can 
clarify things. The club president Stefano Tanzi is in South America and should return 
around June 12. What I can say is that all the top clubs are interested but their 
offers have not met the demands of Parma."

[26] Young guns having some fun
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'MANCHESTER United's young bucks are aiming to put the squeeze on the 
senior squad. With world-class names like Lilian Thuram, Bixente Lizarazu and  Patrick 
Vieira on the Reds' summer hit-list, the established first-team stars are already 
feeling the heat.

But a feisty bunch of kids from the Old Trafford Academy ranks is  aiming to step up 
the competition for places even further * and  ensure they are uppermost in Fergie's 

Top of the hopefuls is young Scottish midfielder Darren Fletcher, on  the mend after 
injuries wrecked what promised to be the season which  would see him break into the 
first team.

The 17-year-old Dalkeith boy had been getting rave reviews, not least  from Sir Alex 
Ferguson - who tried to blood him at the age of 16  against Aston Villa only to be 
thwarted by FA red tape because he was  on schoolboy forms.

But there are others showing their intention to challenge for a place  in the team, 
not least Bojan Djordjic and Michael Stewart, both  handed their chance in meaningless 
end-of-season games during the  recently-ended campaign.

Fletcher is the name which excites the most - he is an attacking  midfielder who 
Fergie rates as possibly the best prospect to emerge  from the youth team ranks since 
Ryan Giggs.

But Fletcher is not the only youngster impressing at Old Trafford.

Djordjic's progress has been a factor in the Reds' decision to allow 
Quinton Fortune to leave - the Yugoslav-born Swedish winger thrilled  United fans with 
a cheeky chipped goal in the 2-0 win over Celtic in  Tommy Boyd's testimonial last 

And he has impressed big Dutch defender Jaap Stam: ``He has trained  with the first 
team only a couple of times and seems to have some  very good technical ability. You 
have to have a lot of confidence to play for United and Bojan  showed he has plenty of 
it when he scored that wonderful goal against  Celtic. I think he is quite versatile 
but have heard his best position is  on the left wing.''

Stam has also taken to Stewart, the fiery 20-year-old Scot who marked  his Premiership 
debut by clattering Paul Ince and figured in several  games at the end of the recent 

Says the Dutch star: ``He looks to be a very good prospect. He showed  a lot of 
maturity for a young lad playing in the centre of midfield -  he has a competitive 
edge to him and can pass the ball around nicely  as well.

``There is a lot of competition for places in central midfield with  Roy Keane, Nicky 
Butt and Paul Scholes so he might have to bide his  time, but I think he will do well 
for himself.''

There are others in the pipeline - the development of 20-year-old  Flixton-born left 
back Kirk Hilton is being carefully watched, centre  half John O'Shea is ready to make 
a push after returning from his  loan spell with Royal Antwerp and fellow central 
defender Alan Tate  was named the club's Young Player of the Year.

Throw in young strikers Danny Webber and Ben Muirhead, expect others  to develop 
unexpectedly - in the way Stewart did this season - and  the Reds should have a potent 
first-team mix at their disposal.'

[25] Nike talk played down
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
With reports - including from the like of Teamtalk - that Nike are due to put in a £1 
billion pound takeover bid for Utd, others have immediately denounced them, including 
the like of Midas. So there.

[24] Another massive signing
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
Should be popular with the residents of Moss Side!

>From MEN

City's Columbian road to fitness 

MANCHESTER City's players will be moving to a South American beat  next season 
following the appointment of a Colombian fitness coach. The Blues are currently 
seeking a work permit for 39-year-old Juan Carlos Osorio, who will work alongside 
manager Kevin Keegan and coach Willie Donachie in conditioning the squad for a rapid 
return to the  Premiership.

Osorio has been working in the United States with the New York's Metrostars, including 
German legend Lothar Matthaus, and is understandably excited about the prospect of 
returning to the North West after studying at John Moores University in Liverpool.

``It was a hard decision to make to leave the Metrostars but it was an opportunity I 
just could not pass up,'' he said.

``It is an unbelievable opportunity to work with someone like Kevin Keegan. We have a 
chance to do some really good things at Maine Road, starting with getting back to the 

Such was Osorio's desire to get ahead of the game in England it was while earning his 
diploma in science and football on Merseyside that he rented a room overlooking 
Liverpool's training ground so that he could spy on how they worked.

It was obviously of some benefit because he now has the UEFA `B' coaching badge.

When City decided to advertise for a new fitness chief, they received more than 30 
applications for the job, eventually whittling the hopefuls down to eight interviews 
and then a shortlist of three.

The trio were all asked to do a case study on the Academy players, both indoors and 
outdoors, and it was Osorio who came out best in the eyes of the four man interview 
panel which was headed by director Dennis Tueart and included first team physio Rob 

[23] Nike do their bit for the 3rd world
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
They are going to employ a scouser - From Guardian Rumours

Kenny Dalglish has turned down the chance to manage Wigan after being 
offered a job with Nike, reports the Star. 

[22] From Bury's official site - ticket details
Posted Thursday, June 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
Tickets for the Bury v Manchester United clash will go on sale from 
0900 Friday, 08 June 2001.

The tickets will be available from the Commercial Office and the Main  Club Reception 
at Gigg Lane for both home and away supporters.

Ticket costs are as follows - Adults £10:00   Juniors (Under 16 & 
AOP's) £5:00

Credit Card transactions will be taken, with an additional cost of 
£1:00 added by contacting either 0161 764 4881 or 0161 705 2144.  
Postal applications will also be accepted, with an additional £0:50 

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