[12] One for the Ladies
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
As Utd finally realise the marketing potential of having a proper ladies team. From 
the Official site:

"The club has now adopted the senior ladies team which has been around for some years, 
playing under the name of Manchester United," explains the club's deputy community 
officer Dave Bell, who last season coached a title-winning women's team at Bristol 

"Previously, the United ladies team was run independently, without any support from 
the club. But the success of our girls teams, in various age groups, has encouraged us 
to take on the running and coaching of the senior team for the start of the 2001/02 

"We hope the senior team can help us to raise the profile of football for girls at 
Manchester United, which over the past three years has gone from strength to strength 
due to the success of the girls football development department."

The exciting news comes in the week that the UEFA European Women’s Championships 
kick off in Germany. England's squad of 20 for the tournament does not include any 
players registered with United. Instead the players come from clubs like Arsenal, 
Everton and Fulham, who are the only professional women's team in the country.

If you feel you can help United catch up, and you'd like to attend a trial, please 
contact the Girls and Women's Development Department by telephone (0161 708 9451), fax 
(0161 792 4499), by post (via Old Trafford) or e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Please let them know which trial you would like to attend, choosing from Under 10s, 
12s, 14s, 16s, 18s or open age

Please also note that like every other club in England, except Fulham, United's 
women's and girls teams are run strictly on an amateur basis. Anyone wishing to attend 
a trial must therefore do so at their own expense.

[11] Zidane off to Real?
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
Real President Florentino Perez says

"Zidane wants to play for Real Madrid, but that desire isn't enough on its own," Perez 
told Spanish national radio. 

"First he must speak to Juventus to find out what the club's response is to a possible 

But Juve general manager Luciano Moggi responds:

"Whatever is said in Spain doesn't affect us in the slightest"

"The agents and the radio stations are trying to bring him to Spain but he is not 

[10] Vialli in for Denis?
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
The Mirror says Vialli wants Denis at Watford who is still to make his mind up about 
the one year deal on offer at Utd

[9] Teddy on RVN
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
"I didn't really see him as a contender for my place, or me for his," 

If you say so

[8] Teddy on his time at Utd
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
"It was a massive decision after four great years at Manchester United but I had to 
look at what was happening at the club, what players were coming in, and what was 
going on. 

"There was also the opportunity of going back to Tottenham which was amazing for me. 
If I had stayed another season at United that might not have happened next year. 

"The other factor was that going back to London means I will see more of my son 
Charlie, although he wanted me to stay at United. 

"He has become a United fan now - not because of me, but after watching the likes of 
Becks, Scholesy and Giggsy. Whether he changes now and comes with me to Tottenham I 
don't know." 

Don't hold your breath Ted

[7] Teddy throws his toys out of the pram
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
Although this hardly warrants the 'Fergie drove me out' b*****s in the Mirror!

"I don't think I am speaking out of turn by saying that I have had words with the 
manager," he said. 

"I was very disappointed that I didn't play against Bayern Munich, especially in the 
first game at home, as we had enjoyed a lot of good results in Europe when I was 

"I perhaps wasn't at the top of my form at the time but we already had the title in 
the bag and the whole team had dipped in form." 

[6] Paddy agent wants 3.5 Mill
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
The Mirror, obviously miffed at being beaten to a scoop by the other rag, claims:

'PATRICK Vieira's agent Marc Roger is demanding pounds 3.5million to take his client 
out of Highbury. 

Arsenal's board have been alerted to Roger's activities by a special Mirror 
investigation into his illicit operation and are now considering whether to launch an 
official protest to the FA and FIFA'

They also quote an 'influential figure in world football'

"Vieira has told Roger that he does not want to stay in England, that the only place 
he wants to go is Juventus, and he has been using Manchester United to up the price." 

No doubt this one is going to go on a bit!

[5] Eric on Charlie
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
No, not Mr Ince, but the septum destroyer. R5 Live got themselves in a right spin over 
trying to work it out. They were trying to convince themselves that he was condoning 
sportsmen taking drugs, but weren't quite sure. Not even the Daily Moral has not dared 
say that this morning. However, thickos like me got what the king was saying straight 

As did Portia Vale, and this is her take on it:

"He was asked about his admiration for Maradona and in a long,
well constructed argument he definitely said something like "I have no
problem with people taking cocaine" and I bet someone has got the exact quote to be 
taken out of context.  He was actually saying he has the most respect for people who 
don't take drugs at all, but he then has more respect for someone like Maradona, who 
took drugs for fun, than for someone who deliberately takes drugs to cheat.  He said 
people like that cannot look at themselves in a mirror'.

Spot on, so ignore any bolloxs when it hits the papers

[4] Eric on Fergie's successor
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
"Ferguson will be difficult to replace, but not impossible. 

"But they will need a strong personality to get the respect of the players. 

"A player with seven or eight titles may think he is bigger than the manager." 

[3] Vierra agent 'Arse fully aware'
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
Vierra's agent Marc Roger:

"I was in the meeting when Patrick told Arsene Wenger and David Dein he wants to 

"He wanted to tell them face to face. They are fully aware of his intentions to move 
on and they know the score." 

"I am acting as instructed by Patrick. 

"Unlike most other agents, I do not work on behalf of any club. I only represent the 
interests of the player. 

"I am not going to fall out with Arsenal over this. I helped bring Patrick here and I 
also brought Nicolas Anelka and Sylvain Wiltord to Highbury. 

"They must understand it is nothing personal. But if Patrick Vieira wants to leave for 
a new challenge, it is my job to help him achieve that. 

"I have twice negotiated new contracts for Patrick to stay at the club. If he wanted 
to stay now, I would organise another deal for him. But he doesn't." 

[2] Eric on Vierra
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
"I don't know Patrick well but if he feels he needs a new challenge then he is right 
to leave Arsenal," said Cantona. "It is good if a player wants that.

"Patrick is someone who wants to win and if he is not happy when he doesn't win things 
then that is right. He is a great player, and he is not happy with winning just one 

"He shouldn't stay where he is just because the fans and the manager love him.

"Maybe he is saying these things to put pressure on the board to buy players and win 
things. Great players are not happy unless they are winning things - until the last 
day of their life they want to win.

"If he is leaving Arsenal then Patrick would definitely improve the Manchester United 

"He is one of the best midfielders France has had in a long time - he is one of the 
best in the world at the moment. He could play at any club and would be one of the key 

[1] Eric on the job offer
Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by tb:
"I have no arrangement with the club and have made no commitment to them.

"I don't want it at the moment and I don't know if I'll go - I am not sure if I will 
like it.

"I was at Manchester United recently and Alex asked me if I wanted to go into 
management, and I told him I wasn't sure.

"He invited me to come there for one or two weeks and see if I like it or not. But at 
the moment I am very happy with my life, travelling the world and playing beach soccer.

"I don't miss football and I'm fed up with people asking questions about me going back 
to United.

"I don't need the money, I need to find things which make me happy, and I don't know 
what tomorrow will bring."

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