[23] Return of the Assassin - Solskjaer Exclusive
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
Thanks to Lars:

"I met Ole Gunnar Solskjaer yesterday. He had good news regarding his knee injury"

OGS: "I have done some alternative training this summer. The knee is feeling fine and 
I am confident that I will go on the Far East tour with the team, where I also hope to 
play some of the matches."

Ole missed the matches in May due to knee injury. At first it was feared that he would 
also miss the start of the season, but the operation has gone very well and he's 
confident to be fit even for the pre-season matches now.

www.united.no (if you can read Norwegian like wot I can)

[22] Irwin to get foxy?
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
Latest club to be linked with Denis Irwin is Norman Wisdom's Leicester City. 

Denis has already talked to Watford and presumably a few other clubs.

[21] Cleggy - Last of the Summer Wine?
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
Michael Clegg hits 24 today.  He must be thinking he's not doing himself any favours 
staying at the club any longer?  He's been in the reserves longer than a ladder in 
Nora Batty's stockings.

What's that rule about players who've come through the youth team that means they 
can't get a Bosman until a certain age? 23? OK - that's bollocks then.

[20] Vieira to speak soon?
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
The Mirror is reporting that Vierira has told Wenger

"I am a professional and would not let you or the club down. I will report for 

Gilles Grimandi has spoken to and has written the following on his website at Icons

"Patrick Vieira has telephoned me to explain the truth of what's being going on 
between him and Arsenal in recent weeks.  It was very good to hear from him and I was 
interested to hear what he had to say. I feel better about everything now."

"He will speak publicly very soon and explain it to everyone. All I can say is that I 
had my suspicions about what had been going on and they turned out to be absolutely 
correct.  "I feel very happy and reassured by what Patrick told me. I've always liked 
and respected him as a team-mate and good friend. Now I know the truth about his 
situation, I still have those feelings about him."

"I wish I could tell the fans more, but all I can say for now is that they really 
should wait until they hear from Patrick direct, like I did, before making up their 
minds about him."

"He has a lot of things to say and everyone will hear them soon."

So have the Arse agreed to let him go, or have they agreed to pay him more and sign 
Rivaldo, Beckham and Figo?

[19] McClair - on OT return ...
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
...to coaching.


"It is a fantastic opportunity for me - an opportunity any ambitious coach would want 
on their CV. The offer was made to me, I accepted and I start work with the reserves 
next week."

Choccy has just completed his FA coaching 'A' badge.

[18] Charity train
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:

"We have been advised that additional rail services will operate between Llandudno 
Junction, Manchester Piccadilly and Crewe and Cardiff Station on Sunday 12 August."  

For more details please ring 0870 9000 777.
For information on additional services from London, please ring 08457 000125.

[17] Fabien is up for it
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
"When people say I have won everything, it gets on my nerves. I still want to win and 
always will.

"What I have won is not enough for me. Winning matches, carrying off competitions is 
what gets me up every morning."

And he added: "I had a super season with United, but we did not win the European Cup." 

[Good point - one that hasn't been lost on Kenyon either we're pleased to see - with 
his admission of "failure in Europe"]

[16] Di Canio - Going on 33..
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
...this correction from Ole P:

You mention Di Canio being 31, he was born on 07/09/1968 according to The Hammers Web 
Site. So almost 33 then.

Wonder what training would be like - Paulo doing one on ones with Fabien?

[15] Best Boarding Bus Bound for Bury?
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
Sounds a bit like a PR stunt but...

The businessman Alex Tarsis who is the head of the consortium attempting to take over 
Bury has apparently, approached George Best about joining the board at the club. 

George is on holiday but his agent said: 

"We've had contact from Alex, who is interested in doing something with George."

[14] More trouble in Italy
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
An Italian fan Nino Curro has been killed by injuries sustained when a fire cracker 
was thrown at him during a third division match between Messina and Catania a couple 
of weeks ago. A man has been been picked up by the Italian fuzz. [ouch]

[13] Malaysians look to bring in ringers
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
Malaysia are testing the waters to see if they can bring in a few ringers from other 
countries (eg Saudi Arabia) to strengthen their side when they play United on the 22nd 
of July.

Don't they know we'll only be strolling around anyway looking for the usual pre-season 
comfortable 1-0 win?

[12] £24m Veron on way to lift Ferguson
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
Soccernet reports that Juan Sebastian Veron is due to arrive in England on Thursday 
for  a medical and to complete the details of his £24.4 million transfer to United. 

He'll meet with his agent, Gustavo Mascardi, and United officials to sort the syicking 
points in the deal before becoming the Premier League's most expensive player.

Lazio want to tie up the Veron deal asap because they're in for Rivaldo. 

[11] Pesky Estate Agents
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
An Italian woman, who describes herself as a wizard, has been arrested for allegedly 
selling a flat in heaven for the equivalent of £4,000.

Franca Onofri, 55, from Teramo in central Italy has been charged with fraud over the 
alleged deal.

Police say she tricked a youngster from Sicily on the internet.

Her parents contacted police when cash disappeared from their bank account.

The Caltanet website reports she was arrested wearing a long, blue robe.

Police have not released any details of the alleged victim.

Probably too busy pissing themselves 

[10] Be prepared to be fleeced
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
>From the official site:

United's first two away matches of 2001/02 have been selected for  live coverage on 
pay-per-view TV. The trip to Blackburn will still be  played on Wednesday 22 August at 
8pm, but the following game at Aston  Villa has been put back one day to Sunday 26 
August, kicking off at  2pm. Subscribers to Sky, NTL, ITV Digital and Telewest will be 
able  to see the games live and should contact their network, not the club,  for 
prices and further information.

[9] It could be us next
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
If Rupert and the football authorities get their way. The ethnic cleansing of our game 
is already here via the back door.

>From the MEN

SALFORD Reds bosses have denied reports they are considering banning  fans selling the 
club's fanzine at the ground. The fanzine produced by a section of fans is popular 
among supporters  and is titled "The Scarlet Turkey". It is published independently 
and some articles are said to oppose a  Super League directive to promote a family 
spectator sport. Chief executive Dave Tarry said: "There is no ban on the fanzine. We  
just want all organisations involved in helping our club to work  together. "It is 
vital that everyone adheres to the directives issued by Super  League for the 
promotion of a family game." Tarry says he and fellow members of staff regularly hold 
a series of  meetings with various groups associated with the Reds.

[8] Don't light that match!
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
An anti-smoking advert in the US featuring the sound of farting cows has been taken 
off the air after complaints.

The advert compared cigarette-smoking to inhaling methane gas. It was aimed at 12 to 

New Mexico's Department Of Health received around 10 complaints that the ad was in 
poor taste.

Or should that just be 'tasted poor'.

No sense of irony the yanks!

[7] Talking of which 
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
Thursday is D-day for Vieira, as the Arse report back for pre-season. Should be 

He's also lined up Anelka's lawyer should it turn iffy

[6] All those poor Gooners getting hot and bothered
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
London Underground are offering commuters bottled water to combat rising temperatures.

[5] Fergie: Show me the money
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
The Indy's take on Fergie's call to the board

Sir Alex Ferguson is ready to challenge his Manchester United paymasters by asking 
them to make a cash offer for Paolo Di Canio. The United manager wants to sign the 
Italian from West Ham, and is pushing for United to make a bid of around £3m for the 
31-year-old. He initially tried to initiate a swap with Dwight Yorke, but is so keen 
on Di Canio that he will pay cash if the exchange falls through.

However, that may put Ferguson at loggerheads with United's plc as the chief 
executive, Peter Kenyon, is reluctant to sign anyone aged over 28.

Yesterday, Ferguson issued a challenge to the United board, claiming it would be a  
real kick in the teeth  if they failed to make any more prominent signings this 
summer. Ferguson maintains that the £19m signing of Ruud van Nistelrooy should be the 
first of a number of high-profile arrivals. This conflicts with Kenyon's view stated 
last week that the squad needs just the  odd tweak .

 I think this is an important summer for Peter Kenyon,  Ferguson said.  This will be 
his first close season in the transfer market and it is his first chance to let United 
fans know that he's trying his best. 

Sadly, 'trying' is not good enough for Manchester United.

[4] Sicknote sounds confident!
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
Must have got that elusive Elastoplast sponsorship deal (to go with BUPA, PPP, 
Policies for pets etc ).

 "I've completed my first day of training - it's been a tough day and we've done a lot 
of running, but I did everything that everyone else did, so I'm pleased." 

[Impressive eh?]

[3] Guess What?
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
Pre season starts a week today on July 9th

[2] Hope it hurts a lot Dennis
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
As Bergkamp attempts to paper over the Arse cracks:

Painful as it is for us at Arsenal, we were quite a distant second in the end and also 
faced the humiliation of losing 6-1 to the champions".

[1] Bergkamp on the happy juice
Posted Tuesday, July 3, 2001 by tb:
Whatever happens with the current speculation surround Patrick Vieira, Sol Campbell 
and others, we will be back and the club will march on to better things next time".

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