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[18] More Fergie on Becks
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He can rest the back and also have a rest himself generally. I think he’s needed 
that. There is no doubt that he reached a point where it all caught up with him. The 
England games, in particular, took a lot out of him. He  apparently ran 10km in the 
game against Greece and he has never been the same since. His workrate has been 
absolutely phenomenal but eventually you have to pay for that. I think he’s paying the 
price for it now. The most important thing to do was to address the problem and we 
have done that. It wasn’t the easiest decision to leave David Beckham out of your team 
but we did it because we wanted him to get a proper rest and get rid of the injury. 
When he comes back he’ll be fresh and we’ll get the benefit of that out of him."

[17] Fergie, no Becks rift
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"‘David is great about what we are doing. He knows why we are doing this and I think 
he is glad about it to be honest with you. He knows himself that he has not been 
playing his best and he wants it sorted out as well. David’s back is not exactly 
improving in the sense that back troubles tend to take a wee while. Rest is the best 
thing for him. It’s not long term but I think we are doing the right thing giving him 
the breather."

[16] Fergie on Robbo helping out
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Bryan Robson was a great servant for me and a great captain for me and I don’t forget 
great servants at this club. It was a chance for Bryan to keep his eye in. It was 
important he didn’t sit around and do nothing after leaving  Middlesbrough."

[15] Fergie on his coaching staff
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Everyone is subject to criticism here when the team is not doing well but that 
doesn’t detract from the fact that we have a great staff here."

[14] Leeds trial
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bowyer not guilty of GBH and affray
Woodgate not guilty of GBH, guilty on affray charge

[14] Fergie on McClaren
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
 "I think he knew he was a bit young for the United job and I can understand that. So 
he moved to Middlesbrough. It was a bold decision and a correct one. His worry was 
with me finishing next year that he could be left in the middle. I always said to him 
the most important thing as a manager was making decisions. If you're sure you're 
right then go for it, don't hang around, players respond to positive behaviour from 
managers. Going from coaching to management on the training ground is a big leap and I 
think he has the feel for it. I have no doubt in my mind he will become a top manager. 
He did well for me, he has a great work ethic which is important everywhere and 
especially at Manchester United. "He's very tough and not averse to trying new 
technology. He did very well here with that, he has an innovative mind, he wants to 
try things. Where Boro are just now is probably the reflection of the ability they 
have at the moment. To get to that other part requires a bit more fina!

[13] Picture the scene...
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Mirror

'LEICESTER bad boys Dennis Wise and Robbie Savage were involved in an amazing bust-up 
at the players' Christmas party.

They allegedly squared up after Wise gave Savage a teddy bear impaled on a sex toy and 
is said to have told him: "Take this, because you're the only p***k in a Leicester 
shirt at the moment."

It was a jibe at Savage's below-par form in Leicester's troubled season, which has 
left them one place off the bottom of the Premiership.

The Wales winger responded by smearing chocolate on Wise's nose, but the pair had to 
be separated by team-mates when Savage became furious over a sexual remark about his 

[12] Mirror quotes a Becks source
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
And says with contract talks next week maybe recent events have been to get a decision 
made on his future...

'"David accepts that every player has to be rested now and then but he doesn't 
understand why he's still being kept out," a source close to Beckham revealed. He's 
desperate to get back in the team and has been working hard in training to prove he 
deserves his place. David feels he is being undermined due to the contract 
negotiations. He won't say anything publicly to criticise Ferguson, but privately he 
is spitting blood. He feels Fergie is playing power games."

[11] Mirror goes with Becks story too
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Obviously someone has been leaking to the press...

'DAVID BECKHAM is set for showdown talks with Sir Alex Ferguson over his Manchester 
United future. The England skipper's patience has finally snapped after being dropped 
and consigned to the bench for United's last three games. Beckham is desperate to 
reclaim his place in the United line-up and is ready to confront boss Ferguson over 
his continued omission.'

[10] Scholes - it's me not tactics
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
 “It’s not about tactics, it’s about my current form. To be honest the tactics aren’t 
all that different. On paper the position should be made for me — but for one reason 
or another it hasn’t really worked out. There is all this talk about it being the 
manager’s final year and how we desperately want to win things for him. But we always 
want to win things and have felt that way for as long as I can remember.”

[9] Clough on West Ham
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
 “Here was a crucial game, yet it remains the mystery of all mysteries how Keane was 
allowed to complete the 90 minutes. You didn’t need to lip-read to recognise the 
mouthful he gave to the referee. I thought foul and abusive language was a sending-off 
offence. Not in this case, apparently. Keane should have gone. Even then, with a 
yellow card to his name, I saw him clatter an opponent with his arm. Not once but 
twice! Alex took stick for leaving out some of his top names in that match but he had 
plenty of others out there.  But United’s form had to turn. Derby were never going to 
be good enough to withstand a United side doing their stuff properly, so 5-0 didn’t 
surprise me. It will only have surprised those who were quick to laugh at the 
loneliest man in the game. He deserved better — from everybody involved.  He’s 
achieved too much, given all of us such pleasure, to be treated like that.”

[8] More from Cloughie
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
 “There has been a lot of smirking at United’s problems. Throughout the country. There 
have been many people only too ready to think ‘Fergie’s had it too good for too long 
and he had this coming to him.’ Well, there’s been no smirking in the Clough 
household. I haven’t understood some of the things he’s done and I’ll never understand 
the so-called rotation system. But I’ve seen Alex taking the flak for everybody. For 
his players who, if they don’t have to kick another ball or pick up a shovel, will 
never need to work again. They owe that much to Manchester United’s manager. Know what 
I’ve been thinking this last two or three weeks? I’ve been thinking how lonely 
Ferguson must feel. You have the best team in the country, 67,000 people willing you 
to win and talent everywhere you look.

But, when it doesn’t work out, when results keep going wrong, you don’t think about 
the handsome salary, the knighthood, the best-selling autobiography or the trophies 
already won.  In Fergie’s case, he might occasionally think about his race horses but 
he’ll still have felt like the loneliest man in the world. He’ll have been well aware 
of the sneering and sniggering from people who revelled in United’s failures. I’ve got 
news for all of them. Alex and United could still have the last laugh. Is it right 
some of them have complained of tiredness? That Fergie has had to rest them because 
they were bloody tired? That’s garbage.

We used to play Saturday-Wednesday-Saturday. I picked the same team — my best team — 
as often as I could. Don’t tell me the Champions League has changed the demands of the 
game THAT much. I don’t understand why Ruud van Nistelrooy didn’t play last Saturday. 
Or why Juan Veron needed a break. If he’s knackered from playing for Argentina, don’t 
send him. I know there are rules but it’s easy to drop out with a hamstring!  Is it 
right some players claim to have been unsettled by Ferguson’s announcement to retire? 
Who the hell do they think they are?

It’s their job to play, not worry about who the next United gaffer might be. All the 
retirement plan has done has pile more pressure on Fergie himself. It has intensified 
the scrutiny of everything he does. He must be wishing he could have kept it quiet.” 

[7] Brian Clough on Becks
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
“The lad looks completely switched off. Leaving Beckham out wasn’t a surprise to me. 
This lad’s got a lot of talent but he’s not been showing anything like the full extent 
of it with United. He’s been different with England and I assume that kind of form is 
what Fergie’s been waiting for at Old Trafford. Against West Ham at the weekend, he 
started with Keano and called Beckham off the bench. Mind you, he might just as well 
have given the lad a complete break because, when he came on, he looked completely 
switched off. Never gorra kick.’ That will have wiped a lot of smiles from a lot of 
faces. Because I wouldn’t put it past Alex Ferguson to lead his team from now until 
next May without another defeat in the Premiership. And to win the title again.”

[6] Best praised
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'George Best has been awarded a top academic accolade at Queen's University in his 
native Belfast in recognition of his services to football.

Accompanied to the ceremony by his wife Alex, Best was presented with a Doctorate of 
the University before an audience of hundreds of students.

Belfast playwright Marie Jones was also honoured for her "outstanding" work, before 
students were conferred with their degrees.

Best smiled shyly, and showed few signs of the recent illness he picked up while on a 
holiday in Cyprus, as he walked with the procession into the hall.

The audience at the annual winter graduation ceremony listened as Best, dressed in 
academic robes, was praised as "a Belfast boy, who made a historic and unsurpassed 
contribution to Association Football".

University registrar James O'Kane added that he was "noteworthy, sometimes notorious, 
but never ignored".

Best, who grew up on East Belfast's Cregagh Estate, had a career which included 179 
goals for Manchester United in 466 games between 1963 and 1974.'

[5] Becks raffle
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
I know it says MU but very good cause...

They have an autographed David Beckham shirt which they are going to raffle online in 
January - and it raises money for Guide Dogs for the Blind

 http://www.manuraffle.com http://www.manuraffle.com

[4] You know it makes sense
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
www.safestanding.com --

Soton chairman Rupert Lowe: 

"In my opinion there is no reason in this day and age why we 
cannot build stands where people can stand safely. You can limit the density of people 
in the section and it would  certainly be less dangerous than standing in the seated 
areas which  are not designed for that. I believe that if people want to stand and we 
can make it safe then  we should give them what they want. The League is always 
telling us  we should give customers what they want but be cannot do so because  of 
the Government which is currently putting us on a collision course  with our own 
supporters. We are being coerced into enforcing the unenforceable At the moment  the 
law says that all Premiership grounds have to be all-seater and  fans have to sit. If 
they will not change that regulation then we need a strong  statement from Government 
explaining exactly why and that should be  followed by a strong awareness campaign 
among supporters so they do not blame the clubs."

[3] The SUN quotes a friend
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
“Becks is very unhappy and feels the manager is trying to belittle him — and it could 
drive him out.” 

[2] The SUN's take on Becks' 'dropping'
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Sun

'DAVID BECKHAM will have showdown talks with Alex Ferguson if he is left out by 
Manchester United tomorrow.  The England captain is furious about being put on the 
bench by Fergie for United’s last THREE games. And if it happens again for the match 
at Middlesbrough he will demand to see the boss about his future.'

[1] United's reply to Les Sealey complaints
Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
that they hadn't made announcements about the tribute to Les Sealey at half-time 
against West Ham. This was sent to Alison who posted the piece on the IMUSA list

'I'm sorry you were unhapy with the wreath-laying. If it is any comfort, Les's family 
seemed pleased with it all. They have asked for a video and photographs to be sent to 
Les's wife, who was unable to attend. We only knew that the Sealeys would be coming on 
Friday. Les's son George who helped lay the wreath was delighted by the rousing and 
moving reception he and Ruth
Jervis, the United fan selected to lay the wreath with him, got from both sets of 
fans. Ruth was also happy with the occasion. My only disappointment personally was 
that the white-coated head steward removed the wreath. It should have been done by Roy 
Unwin, our senior museum guide, who was much more suitably dressed. Unfortunately, he 
was not able to get  pitchside in time due to a problem elsewhere. We decided that 
half-time was better than pre-match because more people would have been inside the 
stadium. Apologies for not letting you know personally what we had planned. I know not 
everyone reads the programme, but we sell 40,000 per game so it remains by far the 
best way to get information across to as many in the ground as possible. We had 
obviously discussed some time ago what was most appropriate for the occasion. One of 
my colleagues knows Les's wife well and we were told there would not be a need for a 
collection - the family has been well looked after, it seems. A min!
ute's silence had already been held, and we wore black armbands the first game after 
his death. So we felt the wreath-laying was right, and West Ham agreed and they were 
also pleased with the whole idea.
Best regards

[30] Always liked him
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Birdman

Even Hollywood hates the Scousers

Samuel L Jackson, actor.....filming a movie about crime and drugs
(51st State)....in err....Liverpool.....went to watch Liverpool.... 

"The first football match I went to was Liverpool versus a Romanian
team. That was the worst example of football anyone could have taken me
to....I just watched these guys kick the ball out of bounds for an hour and a half."

[29] Thought UEFA said they'd ditch the two group stages
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
in the Champions League. Not so, the 32 format - two groups will stay for another 
three years. Money, money, money.

"We are stagnating. Which means we are not increasing but we are not
decreasing," said Uefa chief executive Gerhard Aigner.

"We looked at the market very carefully and it's clear football is not enjoying the 
same degree of interest it used to. Television is choosing its matches. But Champions 
League is a top product and not the product they would abandon. Champions League is 
still enjoying a great deal of interest from the TV stations. Everyone is saying not 
to touch the Champions League."

[29] Leeds trial jury still out
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Pa story

'The jury in the Leeds United footballers' trial has been told to ignore reports of 
misconduct by the club's first team squad earlier this week.

Trial judge Mr Justice Henriques called the jurors back during the fourth day of their 
deliberations at Hull Crown Court.

He made it clear that defendants Jonathan Woodgate and Lee Bowyer were not among the 
players allegedly misbehaving.'

[28] OT hosts 2003 Champions League Final
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Follow, follow, cos United are going...down the road...

UEFA just awarded OT the right to host 2003 Final.

[27] More from Colin Todd
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am bitterly disappointed with the way we succumbed to them. They did not roll up 
their sleeves and when that happens you find their minds go and they stop doing the 
things you think they are good at."

[26] Ole on Ruud
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Ruud played really well. He is strong and quick and did a lot of running and got the 
goal he deserved. I enjoy playing with him, of course, but I enjoy playing football. 
When you play with good players like him it is enjoyable. We lost at Arsenal after a 
good result in Munich and lost against West Ham last Saturday after a good result 
against Boavista. Now it is about consistency. We have to concentrate on Middlesbrough 
on Saturday and put a few games together. It has been hurting to lose games. We are 
not used to losing that many. It is a test for us and now we have to show character."

[25] Fergie on Barthez back injury
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We're hoping he'll be ok for Saturday"

[24] Fergie on league
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We're in a precarious position in terms of the league title and indeed it would take 
a football miracle for us to do it. But let me say loud and clear that that does not 
mean Manchester United have given up. I'm hurt and though the players have looked at a 
loss at times lately, I'm sure they are also wounded."

[23] Team from last night
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Barthez (Carroll), G Neville, Blanc, O’Shea, Silvestre, Scholes, Keane, Veron, Butt, 
Solskjaer, Van Nistelrooy (Yorke). 

Subs: P Neville, Beckham, Irwin. 

Booked: Scholes.

[22] Fergie on Ole
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
“Once Ole gets in a scoring position you feel he is always going to score. He showed a 
lot of determination and aggression tonight.”

[21] Fergie - we will fight
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
“Even though we may reluctantly lose our Championship crown, it will not be without a 
fight. For one thing it is essential that we get back up there to make sure we qualify 
for next season’s Champions League.”

[20] Quote of the day
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Wor Kev on Richard Dunne
"He can be frustrating. He has this habit of sleeping in. But he's got so much going 
for him that you have to live with that a bit. When he turns up he's pretty good."

[19] Weaver on way out of city
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
If he can fit through the door.

>From the Mirror

'NICKY Weaver will be sold by Manchester City after a row with boss Kevin Keegan over 
an early-morning nightclub bust-up.

The one-time Maine Road golden boy has been slammed by Keegan for an incident last 
weekend as the City boss tries to crack down on the 'drink culture' that has dogged 
the club.

Keegan reacted angrily after receiving reports that Weaver had allegedly been part of 
a scuffle outside the nightspot in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The former England Under 21 keeper had gone out with his girlfriend after returning 
from the Crystal Palace match.

Later, Weaver was involved in an angry exchange as he waited for a taxi and a punch 
was thrown at him.'

[18] He would say that wouldn't he
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Robbie Fowlup:

"I wasn't actually involved in any way."

Peter Ridsdale said: 

"I am satisfied he was a completely innocent party to whatever took place. Therefore, 
the club will be taking no action."

[17] Sad, sad, sad
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Do they really get off on this, cheers to Pookie for spotting the latest ABUism in the 

'Disunited United?  By SUNSPORT REPORTER 
        ARE you a disillusioned Manchester United fan? 
        After years of dominating the Premiership the Old Trafford stars
trail Liverpool after a woeful run of form. 
Boss Sir Alex Ferguson has not named an unchanged side for 69 games and has been 
criticised for bringing in error-prone defender Laurent Blanc.  The poor run has left 
some embarrassed United supporters believing their side's great run of success is 
over.  If you are a brassed off Red Devils fan who has thrown in the towel to support 
another club e-mail us with your phone number and comments. 

[16] Colin Todd on last night
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
 "People have said Manchester are not as good as they were. But they've still got the 
same players as before, so that's nonsense. Sir Alex Ferguson has had some criticism 
for rotating the squad, but he has always done that and look what he has achieved. We 
were well aware there could be a backlash and we could be the ones to get it. It's 
typical that it would be us."

[15] Schmeichel on our trashy media
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The media in this country are very hard and only have two colours - black and white. 
If you win things you get the white stuff, but if you don't win things, you get all 
the black stuff. Nobody knows that more than Sir Alex, and there's no doubt in my mind 
that he has his way of playing the media. He knows how what he says will come out 

[14] Schmeichel - Fergie a dad
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
 "Becks says Alex Ferguson is like a father figure to him - and I think that goes for 
every player Ferguson has had in his time. We all have that feeling that he's been a 
second dad to us. I had a very good relationship with Alex Ferguson and our 
personalities were very compatible. I think I gave him what he was looking for in my 
that particular position. And no matter how I played, or if I made a mistake, he 
always respected me. I speak to Fergie and people from Manchester United quite often. 
It's been a big part of my life and you don't want to throw eight years of 
relationships away."

[13] Fergie - don't waste it for me
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"What's important is that the players now make it clear out on the pitch just how hurt 
they've been and rediscover our fighting qualities. I've no intention of seeing a 
lifetime's work go to waste."

[12] More Fergie on last night
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
 "This was a very welcome result and a great performance. There was a lot of speed in 
our play and the players showed great commitment. The foundation of any successful 
team is hunger and that was back tonight. We looked really good and showed great 
composure. It's only a start and there's still a long way to go. But winning 5-0 at 
home is the perfect start. Now we have to keep this going. It was great to have a 
clean sheet and we could do with another 15 of those. This is a boost, but we said 
that after the win against Boavista - then we went and lost to West Ham. We must 
rediscover the never-say- die attitude that brought us our success and made the 
reputation of this club."

[11] Fergie on Scholes
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
 "On Saturday against West Ham he had six strikes on goal and tonight he had two or 
three. I think that was only his second league goal and hopefully that will get him on 
a real run because you always feel with Paul Scholes he's going to score goals. He's 
got a great knack of just taking up the right positions around the box and tonight he 
got the rewards for all the hard work he does."

[10] Fergie hints at changes at United?
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I may be one of the last hands-on managers at this level who do everything. I have 40 
people working for us at the academy and to be honest it is so big that it stretches 
beyond me at times. Then there is the club's in-house media; its TV, radio, clubcall, 
website, magazine and programme. My own view is that United may take that step to have 
a general manager some day soon."

[9] Fergie on new Rangers boss
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Alex McLeish has assets that don't fall off the shelves these days. Alex is hugely 
inquisitive and has a deep desire to succeed at the highest level. I speak to him 
quite a lot and he is always asking me how I did this or why I changed that. This, 
allied to his desire to be as good as he can be at the business, marks him as someone 
with every chance of going all the way."

[8] How sad?
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Derby fans singing "Liverpool" last night...truly sad.

[7] Kenyon - no crisis
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Cuddly Pete

"I think crisis is too strong a word. I share the disappointment about the results as 
a chief executive and as a fan. We all fully understand the issue. It is a new 
scenario for us. It is one that thankfully we haven't had to contend with very often 
over the last ten years. But good players don't become bad players and the greatest 
manager the club has ever had doesn't become a bad manager because of six results. We 
have to put that in context and fully support the efforts that are going on to regain 
the form we have all been so used to. What we are not going to do in the short or 
medium term is to panic. That's not the right thing for Manchester United.

We are all working to ensure that Sir Alex's final season is successful for us and 
successful for him. Manchester United are at its best from a football point of view, 
from a business point of view and from the fans point of view when we are up against 
it. It brings out the best in everybody. But don't think we are being complacent about 
it. Clearly, where we are in the Premiership now is not where we want to be. We have 
had bad periods of form in previous years but this has come earlier and has been more 
sustained than we are used to but I still  believe we have the strongest squad and 
that will pay dividends for  us. Nobody wants to concede the title. Mathematically we 
can still do it. Some of the teams who are up there have not experienced a downturn in 
form yet. But having suffered six defeats you do have to say you are less confident 
than with just two losses under your belt. But there is a long way to go and the next 
five or six games are critically important to us in te!
rms of results and regaining our form. I can assure everybody that we are fully, fully 
focused on that and the manager is more so than anybody."

[6] More on Fowler arrest
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
A great career start wouldn't you say...

>From Ananova

'Robbie Fowler was arrested following the Leeds United squad's Christmas night out. 
Thirty players had earlier been drinking in the city centre dressed in various army 
uniforms and face paint.  There are reports Fowler and a friend were arrested after a 
row with a photographer.  The photographer reportedly tried to take pictures of Fowler 
as he slept in a taxi at a petrol filling station in the Rothwell area. His friend 
objected and police were called over claims a camera had been damaged, reports the 
Yorkshire Evening Post. Fowler and his 25-year-old friend, who is not a footballer, 
were taken to Holbeck police station in Leeds for questioning. They were later both 
released without charge. The Leeds United group had earlier been watched over by 
Elland Road security staff during their night out. They drank in Break for the Border, 
in Lower Briggate, for a couple of hours before moving on to the nearby Sutra Bar - 
part-owned by Rio Ferdinand. Fowler and his friend had got in a !
taxi to take them back to his five-star hotel on the outskirts of the city.'

[5] Keano stamptastic
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Roy Keane and Van Morrison are to feature on the Irish Republic's euro denomination 
postage stamps. The first of the new currency stamps go on sale from January 1. They 
will cost 38 euro cents and represent a marginal saving on the current price of IR30 

A spokeswoman for the An Post postal company said: "Irish stamps are hugely popular 
with collectors around the world because of the time and detail we put into them. We 
expect a big interest in these series, in particular because of the themes."

[4] Andrew Cole on Old Trafford
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Teams don't show any fear against us. I think that's the way football should be 
played anyway. I think losing a few early on in the season, a lot of teams have said 
there's nothing to fear with Man United, let's go out and try and beat them. A lot of 
teams have come and tried to play football against us and so far they have done pretty 
well. I think we've lost three home games already and that's never been heard of. I 
think now teams come to Old Trafford and try and beat us as well as trying to beat us 
on their own patch."

[3] Fergie - let's not get carried away
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's a boost, but we said that last Wednesday - so we'll just get on with it now and 
we'll see what happens."

[2] Fergie on the game
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's a very welcome result for us and a good performance. There was a lot of speed 
about our play and a great commitment from the players. I was very pleased about that 
and the foundation of any successful side is hunger. It's only a start and we have a 
long way to go, but at least winning 5-0 at home is a terrific result."

[1] Now that's better
Posted Thursday, December 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
United 5 Derby 0

Believe. However poor Derby were - and they were bloody awful - a good midweek 
atmosphere, two early goals to get the confidence flowing and calm any possible nerves 
and a good display. Keane was everywhere - and the team not only did enough, but did 
it well. Two up front works. The side looked like a team. As we've said, we can only 
concentrate on our results - forget the rest as we just try to win as many games as 
possible - but it would be nice to think even a little seed of doubt was planted in 
the minds of a few Scousers as they lumbered to a 0-0 home draw with Fulham.

Ole (2), Keane, Ruud, Scholes.

[31] Fergie on performances
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by redend:

Fergie speaking on Manchester United radio:

"If we can get the team spirit right and keep it solid then the supporters will 
acknowledge that the players are trying their best. If they don't reach that level 
then there will be question marks from the supporters about their ability and how good 
they really are.

"They've built up great reputations, but the club have a history of producing players 
who are not just great players, but who are also great fighters. We need to rediscover 

"If we get a spark into life then we've got a chance, a slim chance. We need Arsenal, 
Leeds and Liverpool to start cutting each other's throats. They'll know that this is 
the best chance they've had for years to win the League, so I think those three might 
have a lot of draws."

[31] More Sheep Trials? Fowler
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by redend:

What d'you expect if you bring a thieving Scouser into a team which already has 
several players up before the beak?

Robbie Fowler has been arrested by police in Leeds in relation to an alleged offence 
of criminal  damage, according to police sources. A Leeds police statement said two 
unnamed men in their 20s were released after the incident just before midnight but 
were unlikely  to be charged - but we'll still grass them up to the media hee hee.

[30] UEFA cup draw
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by redend:

Leeds - PSV Eindhoven 
Rangers - Feyenoord

[29] Premier League Winner
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by redend:

Liverpool    5/6
Arsenal    13/8
Leeds United    9/2
Manchester United    15/2 

RHT: Get your money on the lads now - these odds are likely to fall as we get back on 
track and start to hunt the Scousers down.

Bet  http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0 here

[28] More from Fergie
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by redend:
at the Gimcrack Dinner in York: 

"In my business, togetherness is not just a nice concept that you can take or leave 
according to taste. If you don't have it, you are nothing. Selfishness, factionalism, 
cliquishness are all death to a football  team, and I believe their influence could be 
just as destructive for racing.As a manager in football, I have never been interested 
in simply sending out a collection of brilliant individuals. There is no substitute 
for talent but, on the field, talent without unity of purpose is a hopelessly devalued 
currency. Despite the unfamiliar look of Manchester United's form line I trust you 
will not think it  inappropriate if I commend the teamwork principle to British racing 
as a whole. Unless the industry embraces the teamwork principle wholeheartedly, 
instead of merely paying lip service to it, British racing will never have the success 
it deserves."

[27] Jim Smith on McClaren-Fergie on Saturday
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by redend:
 "That is going to be a pretty intriguing showdown to say the least. Alex and Steve 
obviously worked really well together when they were in tandem for United, and more 
than anybody else I can understand why. When I took over as Derby boss in 1995, my 
first phone call was to Steve to get him to come in as my right-hand man. He had been 
looking after the reserves at Oxford United and, when I first met him, he struck me as 
a very intelligent young coach who had a fantastic football brain. That, in itself, 
earns players' respect. But one of his most impressive qualities was the fact that he 
could get over his ideas in uncomplicated terms. Steve was always bright and 
enthusiastic and it is ironic, really, that I was grooming him to be my successor at 
Pride Park when he left to become Alex's No2 at United in February 1999.

Alex encouraged Steve to go for the Boro job at the end of last season because he 
obviously felt United's board would not hand Steve the top job when Fergie calls it a 
day at the end of this season.

Because of that, Steve will definitely want to get one over on his old club on 
Saturday. I cannot say whether United have suffered from Steve leaving them. What I do 
know, though, is that we found it hard at Derby when he left us. Any club would miss 
his authority and organisational skills. I always knew Steve had the potential to 
become a top manager, although I have to admit it has happened quicker than I thought.

While the whole of football seemed to be jumping on Fergie's back and relishing 
United's plight, Smith is definitely not one of those who subscribes to the theory 
that the wheels have come off at Old Trafford and that their era of domestic 
domination is about to end. Sure, Fabrizio and Steve can turn out to be the two men to 
kill United's total hopes for this season.

And there is absolutely no doubt that this is a very big week for Alex and his side. 
It is crucial they get victories over Derby and Middlesbrough otherwise they'll have 
no chance of hanging on to their title. But it does make me laugh to hear people 
suggesting United are on the brink of being finished as a major force.

I think the one big ingredient Alex has been lacking this season is that little bit of 
luck. The breaks just aren't going for them. Look at last weekend, for example, I 
thought they played really well against West Ham but had no good fortune at all and 
ended up losing 1-0. As things stand right now, United can still retain their 

It is going to be a very tall order, though, because Liverpool, Arsenal and Leeds are 
going to be extremely hard to catch. The three of them are so well organised that they 
are not going to lose that many games between now and the end of the season. And, 
don't forget, they have also really set their stall out to take advantage of United's 
current situation. But they had better be warned that you can never count out United 
because they are capable of going on an unbelievable run of results."

[26] Half Time : Full Time
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Manchester United | Manchester United    4/7
Manchester United | Draw    25/1
Manchester United | Derby County    50/1
Draw | Manchester United    4/1
Draw | Draw    6/1
Draw | Derby County    16/1
Derby County | Manchester United    25/1
Derby County | Draw    16/1
Derby County | Derby County    16/1 

RHT: Again similar to Saturday - but lets face it we were unlucky on Saturday but 
we've got used to being in the situation where we don't need to depend on luck. So  
Manchester United | Manchester United    4/7 -  and/or any of the 3 combinations with 
United to win in 2nd half will do .... surely. 

Bet  http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0 here

[25] What's the score ...
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
1-0  6/1
2-0  7/1
2-1  8/1
3-0  7/1
3-1  9/1
3-2  25/1
4-0  12/1
4-1  14/1
4-2  40/1 

RHT: Well I said 3-0 or better on Saturday - but I can't change that opinion really - 
although could see one of Derby's strikers getting a goal so maybe 3-1 or better?

 http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0 SportingOdds

[24] United win most likely result ...
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
.. again

RHT: What can you do? With United playing like this ... back the lads anyway. The only 
threat to a resounding win tonight is the return of Malcolm Christie alongside 
Ravanelli up fron for Derby. Plenty of pace and a cocky little f*cker - you could 
picture him snatching a goal.

Manchester United    1/3
Derby County    15/2
Draw    3/1 

RHT: Back the Reds - what's wrong with you?

Bet  http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0 here

[23] More from Bald Eagle
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There is no doubt in my mind that if Fabrizio is given the service he can come up 
with the goals to win the game for Derby at Old Trafford. Rava is so highly motivated. 
He has this big desire and determination to win back his reputation in England. That 
took a bit of a knock because of what happened to him at Middlesbrough. Even though he 
bagged 31 goals for them in the year he was there, he still left under a cloud. He is 
desperate to prove to people in this country that he genuinely cares about the club he 
is playing for and that he is not here just for the money."

[22] Jim Smith on tonight
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"If Fabrizio gets a chance at Old Trafford, he can do United real damage. He may not 
be quite as quick off the mark as he was at the peak of his power but he is still a 
class act — there's no question about that. Fabrizio looks after himself so well, and 
works extremely hard in training as well as in matches. He has lost none of his 
enthusiasm as a player and he also knows all the tricks in the book when it comes to 
capitalising in the opposition's penalty area. What he has never lost is that knack to 
find space in the box and do the right things at the right time. I know people are 
saying that this is a great time for strikers to have a go at United's defence, and 
Fabrizio will be relishing the opportunity to take them on. The Old Trafford stage, 
with a 67,000 full house, is tailormade for him. He will thrive on that kind of 

[21] More Chelsea denial
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Colin Hutchinson:

 "Neither of them is going anywhere. There has been no official approach from United — 
and the answer will be very short if they do. We have spoken to Marcel in Italy and 
we're very disappointed by these rumours. We want Marcel to stay with us for a long 
time yet. Gallas does not have a £7m buy-out clause in his contract. That's a load of 

[20] Everton may ban their fans from travelling to away matches
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
because of vile racist abuse

Bill Kenwright and manager Walter Smith issued a statement:

 "During the game against Fulham two bottles were thrown on to the pitch and for the 
second time in a matter of weeks racist chanting could clearly be heard from our 
section of the crowd. The foul-mouthed and dishonourable actions of what we all know 
to be a very small minority has once again called into question the integrity of a 
club which has always sought to promote the virtues of fair play and equal 
opportunity. The Goodison Park switchboard and email system has been inundated with 
messages from our loyal, right-thinking supporters who wish to condemn those involved 
in Saturday's disgraceful, unforgivable events. Quite simply there is no place for 
either racism or violence at Everton and we shall do everything within our power to 
root out the culprits. We shall take strong and decisive action in order to ensure 
that the name of our club is not tarnished by the reckless actions of people who have 
no place amongst our support. We feel so strongly about this that if necessa!
ry we shall even consider halting the sale of tickets for our away fixtures - a 
drastic step which we are desperate to avoid but one which may provide an unpalatable 
solution to a problem which cannot be ignored."

[19] Ruud - don't think about title
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"At the moment we're not thinking of winning the title at all. All our games from now 
on will be like cup finals. We cannot afford any more losses."

[18] Fergie had thought we'd turned the corner
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
 "t has been very disappointing. I was certain after the game against Boavista that we 
were back on the road, and then we had a lifeless performance on Saturday. It must 
have something to do with hunger because these players are better than that. The blip 
has been going on for too long. We got a result against Boavista and that should have 
been the platform for the team to go and express themselves against West Ham. But we 
didn't do that.  They will know this is the best chance they have had for years to win 
the title, so I think those three teams may have a lot of draws. Chelsea, Aston Villa 
and Spurs are also doing well."

[17] Fergie on dressing room
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
:"I'm not prepared to discuss in public the details of what happens in the dresing 
:room or on the training ground. But, suffice to say that if problems do occur - and 
:they surely do, like in every walk of life - then they will be dealt with in the 
:proper manner."

[16] More Fergie
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
quoted in the SUN and speaking at a racing do.

"The last two Premiership titles have been won easily, almost handed to us on a plate. 
Maybe that has been a problem. Maybe we'd be in a better position if we had been 
involved in dogfights all the time, like we were when we beat Newcastle to the title. 
If we spark into life, we still have a slim chance. The 1994 United team had great 
character, strong personalities and that team evolved into a side perhaps technically 
better than this one. But until the current team prove they have the same fighting 
qualities and mental toughness, it's difficult to compare the two and judge which one 
is best."

[15] Fergie helps new Rangers boss make up mind to take job
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:

"I had a chat with Alex last night and he said it was absolutely terrific, don't 
hesitate, just go for it."

[14] Fergie on his horses
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"My horse moves as gracefully as Beckham or Veron. Fortunately it costs a lot less to 
keep him happy, and lately he's (Rock of Gibraltor) been more consistent that my 
United thoroughbreds."

[13] More Fergie
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We have had a horrendous season in the league. If we can get the fighting spirit 
back, get the team spirit right and keep it solid, the supporters will acknowledge 
that the players are trying their best. If they don't reach that level, then there 
will be question marks from the supporters about their ability and how good they 
really are. They have built up great reputations, but the club have a history of 
producing players who are not just great players, but who are also great fighters. We 
need to rediscover that."

[12] Fergie doesn't give up on title
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"If we can spark into life then we've got a chance - a slim chance. We need Arsenal, 
Leeds and Liverpool to start cutting each other's throats."

[11] More Phil Nev on changes
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Everyone outside the club is making a big deal of it, but we know what the problem is 
and we're working hard on the training ground to rectify it. We've got to work hard to 
get our form back and that's all it is, a loss of form. There's a lot of talk of 
systems and formations and that's all rubbish. It's just that the team aren't playing 
as well as they can."

[10] Phil Nev on back four changes
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We've had injuries to Ronny Johnsen, David May and Wes Brown that have meant we've 
not had the usual continuity. Denis Irwin has been out for a couple of weeks too. It's 
not been the case that the manager has changed the defence for the sake of it - he's 
been forced into it."

[9] Wenger wants UEFA place for Premiership not League Cup winners
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I would give one more place to the championship because it's more difficult to play 
in the championship. As long as there is a European place at stake we want to play in 
the competition but if you ask me what my priority would be, I think it is much more 
difficult to finish fifth or sixth in the league. For me it is very important to see 
some players at this level, and the fact there is a European place in this competition 
is the only other advantage I can see."

[8] Squads for tonight
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Barthez, G Neville, Veron, Blanc, Beckham, Butt, Cole, van Nistelrooy, P Neville, 
Chadwick, Keane, O'Shea, Scholes, Yorke, Solskjaer, Silvestre, Fortune, Wallwork, 

Derby (from): Poom, Oakes, Mawene, Riggott, Higginbotham, Grenet, Ducroq, Powell, 
Zavango, Carbone, Christie, Ravanelli, Oakes, Burton, Kinkladze, Murray, Boertien.

[7] Colin Todd on tonight
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
"On our last away trip to Newcastle we showed that we do have that steel and that 
ability to go to places and get results but obviously we need to be at our best to get 
something at Old Trafford"

[6] A Red Theory
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
by Andy


I subscribe to MUTV, and they have got Kenyon and Beckham interview specials  on 
shortly - Timed to make an announcement about Becks contract maybe? Fits in nicely 
with Kenyon's deadline of "before Christmas" to have sealed the deal.

However the only problem with this theory is that I'm sure the PLC would want to  make 
a  song and dance about it to the national media - rather than 10,000  people who 
watch MUTV! 

Damn, that's a pretty big hole in my theory...

[5] We await with interest
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
... to see all those pundits slag off Arsenal for devaluing the trophy as they do so 
often with us...as it's Blackburn 4 understrength Arse 0 last night in the League Cup 

[4] Desailly view from French side
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
By our French correspondent

'He should be back in  training next week but wouldn't be eligible for the CL as he 
played for the rboys againts Tel aviv. Wait and see...but looks possible the quote 
"who wouldn't dream to play for Manchester" from Desailly is 6  months old, when we 
were interested in the summer.'

[3] Wolves anger at city
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
city 1 Wolves 0

Wolves manager Dave Jones on seeing his defender Jolean Lescott sent off for a 
challenge on Ali Benarbia: 

"If the boardings hadn't been there he would have rolled right out of Moss Side. It 
was not a dangerous tackle, it wasn't a red card or a bad tackle. The lad  hasn't 
conned our boy, he's cheated him. I'll ask the referee to have another look at it, I 
have seen the video over and over and I don't believe I am biased or unfair, the 
referee just got it wrong. He was cheated and we are trying to stamp out that sort of 
thing. If he'd have kept on rolling he'd have picked up enough dirt to make a 
snowball. He's a Premiership referee and although there were 30,000 baying for the 
lad's blood, the official should have been strong enough to say 'no'.

Wor Kev 'loved' to disagree: 

"That's his opinion, I don't agree. It was one of our poorer home performances, it was 
one of those games  when you take the three points, go home and don't buy the video."

Trust me, win well or badly, nobody buys the video anyway.

[2] Get Red News' latest issue - WITH GREAT UNITED SONGS - tonight
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by bar-knee:
Issue 82 is a a bumper biggest ever £2 Xmas special. WOW! You can buy a copy on 

Inside this massive, massive edition contains the latest third volume of our GREAT 
UNITED SONGS collection, with brand new songs and verses - and all the Utd classics 
from 100 years of Utd songsters. Twice in the past we have quickly sold out of 
previous editions so we advise you to get hold of a copy of this completely new update 
as we expect the same to happen - we expect to sell out at the Newcastle game so bag 
one quickly, this will be the last reprint for at least a year. Spread the word too!

Also inside Red News  issue 82
AGM overview
Lille & Bayern reports
Wes Brown interview
Utd fan and Olympic sprinter Darren Campbell interview
Utd fans express their views on recent on field events
Gossip - exclusive and revealing
Memories of Utd Pitch Invasions
Tony Smith

All this and much more for just £2. We will definitely have sellers at the top of Sir 
Matt Busby Way (by Legends cafe), half way down Sir Matt Busby Way, the left hand side 
of Salford Quay bridge as you're approaching the ground, the bottom of the Red Cafe 
bridge by the main road - and elsewhere. Best bet is to bag yourself a copy BEFORE the 
game as we want to head to the pub quickly afterwards!

So grab yourself a classic, help the cause and get 150 classic Utd songs. Red News 82 
on sale on Wednesday.

You can order one by post for £2.50 in the UK inc p&p.

[1] "Walking Hand" request
Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by redend:
Someone asked about that hand we featured on the site recently - no really. You know 
who you are Phil - here's the gubbins below.

 http://www.blackstar.co.uk/scp/id/rednews BlackStar for videos & DVD's 
 Amazon for books, gifts and all sorts ...


Check http://www.rednews.co.uk to view the image which has been removed from plain 
text email version of news 

Check http://www.rednews.co.uk to view the image which has been removed from plain 
text email version of news 
   Walking Hand    Daft as a brush, but without the bristles and cleaning 
capabilities, the hand is a very silly and very funny toy. The Walking Hand is around 
23cm fingertip to wrist (the size of large gentleman's hand), and takes 3 AA batteries 
- OCCASIONALLY included. At the flick of a switch and the clap of your hands, it 
scuttles across the floor in a very alarming way, scaring the Bejeesus out of all 
those in its path.
 Click here for more info and latest pricing  

[38] Early team news
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Source says at Carrington that every fit player has been put through some intense 
training and it's strongest line-up - although we still don't know which that is at 
the moment - to start tomorrow.

[37] It appears as though
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
talk of Fergie and Desailly eating together (with others, agent...) on Sunday night 
was true. Watch this space...

[36] 11 Erics?
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
by Gary

In the middle of all the repeats of "Beckham contract", "Desailly to sign" etc etc.. 
the Sun also include an item on how Fergie hasn't picked the same starting line-up in 
consecutive Premiership fixtures for 22 months.

At the bottom of this is a paragraph as follows:

What's his best team?

Here's your chance to play at being Alex Ferguson for the day. We want you to tell us 
what Fergie's best line-up is. You can fax your top team to us on 0207 782 4085. Or 
you can send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now I obviously wouldn't advocate any such thing; but wouldn't it be a
shame/amusing if their insistence on publishing drivel about the Reds gained them a 
deluge of faxes and emails either registering dissatisfaction or line-ups comprised of 
United legends old and new?

[35] Still no news in Leeds trial
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
The jury in the Leeds United footballers' trial has been sent home after a second day 
of deliberations without returning any verdicts.

[34] Great Dane tips United
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:

"You never put it past Man United - once they get it right, it's right. They need a 
long stretch of games where they get three points. But they've got quality players and 
you wouldn't put it past them. I know Man United have lost more games at this time 
than they or any team have ever done and won the championship, but if they play the 
next 20 games and win 15, they'll be in contention. Once, we were 12 points behind 
Newcastle when we played them on March 5. If we had lost the game, we would have been 
15 points behind - but we won the championship that year, and quite comfortably as 
well. I think the championship is still between Liverpool, Arsenal, Leeds and  Man 
United. Liverpool are top of the league and can't do anything wrong at the moment. 
They probably won't do anything wrong because they are organised in a way they've 
never been before."

[33] More crisis drivel
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Are we out of the Champs League, is the season over. Thought not.

>From Ananova

'Failure to qualify for the Champions League next season could cost Manchester United 
around £28million. That is the figure United banked last season from their run to the 
quarter-finals and is an indicator of what they could miss out on if they fail to 
finish in the top four in the Premiership. United collected £16.25million from Uefa in 
prize money and their share of the marketing pool, while they earned another 
£11.7million from gate receipts at Old Trafford.  The nightmare scenario for United's 
money men of missing out on another similar cash bonanza is a distinct possibility. 
Sir Alex Ferguson's side have only failed to qualify twice in the Champions League's 
10-year history, when they were knocked out at the qualifying stage. United have also 
played more Champions League games than any other club and so far in their eight 
campaigns they have notched up 77 matches. United's decline could also affect their 
new kit manufacturing contract with Nike which starts in the summer!
. Nike have agreed to pay United £302.9million over 13 years, but United have admitted 
there are "performance-related elements" to the deal. United claim these "elements" 
are standard in most sponsorship contracts.'

[32] Have you noticed
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
has anyone realised that if you look at yourself in the back of a spoon, you look like 
Phil Thompson? Try it. It's true. 

Cheers, Tufty

[31] Ted Beckham still a Red - always a Red
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Even if he did go I'd still support United - I've supported them all my life and 
nothing would change that. There are certain people who have written a load of 
rubbish. David has got a slight back injury, that's why he was on the bench for 
Boavista and on Saturday (against West Ham). He came on on Saturday in the second half 
to see if the injury was okay. He's got a back injury and Sir Alex wanted him to rest 
it, but people like writing he's been dropped. They need to get their facts right."

[30] Ted Beckham hits back
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
RN reader Ted Beckham. 100% Red.

"I'm not sure exactly what's going on with the contract. I don't ask him about it so 
then I don't know, and I don't have to lie. But I know he wants to stay; he's told me 
that. He's been at Manchester United since he was a kid - I think he first went up to 
Bobby Charlton's soccer school when he was 11. That's a long time. I don't think he 
wants to play for any other club, he's always supported United and he loves them. I 
think they'll sort his contract out. I definitely hope he stays, but if he did want to 
leave and he did go to Italy or Spain, that would be his decision - I'd just have to 
support him."

[29] United get their 15%
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Well done to IMUSA - particularly Mick - for the pressure which has seen Utd now 
receive the 15% allocation for the Villa Cup game.

Following the announcement yesterday by the club, indicating that Utd
supporters would receive less than the 15% of  Villa Park capacity as
required under FA rules, IMUSA  made representations to Manchester United and the FA 
outlining our dissatisfaction at the blatant (and continued) abuse of ticket 
distribution to supporters of Manchester United.
As a result of subsequent conversations and pressure from IMUSA, Aston Villa FC have 
released additional tickets to Manchester United to cover the short fall and to make 
the allocation 15% of Villa Parks capacity.
United have also said: "...it will allow us to extend the sale of away match tickets 
to those who regularly miss out and have a good vociferous following behind the team."

[28] Henry Winter in the Telegraph on Keane
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Extracts from:

'Ferguson must place more responsibility on Keane on the training ground, even to the 
point of him becoming de facto No 2. Turning to a player for assistance may appear 
humiliating, even an act of desperation, but such fears ignore Keane's capability. He 
is the one genuine leader at United now. Last week's press pow-wow on the eve of the 
Boavista tie saw Ferguson in truculent mood while Keane dealt authoritatively with all 
inquiries. Since Steve McClaren's departure, and with all due respect to the loyal Jim 
Ryan, United have lacked a truly substantial presence on the training ground at a time 
when they are trying to bed new players into an unfamiliar system. The alarm bells 
should have started ringing the moment the Premiership season began with Ferguson 
announcing he would only get involved with training "when the European stuff starts"...

If Ferguson is to progress in Europe, if one of the game's managerial heavyweights is 
not to be remembered solely for a poor final fight, he must rely  on Beckham to guide 
the ball forward and Keane to  guide the team forward.'

[27] Every other paper
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
seems to go with the consensus that Becks' comments hint at him signing the deal. As 
we have continually said, expect good news about that some time this season.

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