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[14] Juan salutes the Villa 44
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
"It's not the same to be told as to live through something," he says. "The atmosphere 
was amazing. When we scored the second goal there was a pitch invasion but, what's 
more, everyone went back to their seats afterwards. Can you imagine if that happened 
in Argentina? You'd never get them off the turf again." 

[13] JSV on settling in
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
"normal, very normal. It's taken about four months to get everything sorted, our home, 
our stuff. And we play a lot of matches, so I haven't got much free time. Plus it's a 
weird year because of the World Cup, so there's even more games coming up. I hope next 
year will be quieter; I'd like to travel around England a bit. But for now there's 
just the odd meal out, trying to get to know the city. 

"In Italy we had to concentrate with the team before games, spend the night away, so I 
really spent more time at the concentrarion than at home. I'm really enjoying being at 
home more, hanging out with the kids." 

[12] Sabre on his relationship with Becks
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
"Look, and this is the absolute truth, I have a very good relationship with David, 
very good. He has been really helpful to me in several situations, which says a lot 
about him as a person. He is a great person. 

"For example, at times when he's not played and I've played in his position, or vice 
versa, we've always talked about it. That isn't necessarily the case, you know; it can 
happen that you're on the bench and someone else is playing instead and you might sulk 
a bit. But I swear he has surprised me with his attitude. In football terms I think 
what he represents both for Manchester and for England speaks for itself. I'm not just 
dishing out compliments here, I think he is one of the main figures, if not the 
figure, in English football and I think he could be at the World Cup as well." 

[11] JSV on scouse game
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
"I returned to what I'm used to expecting from myself," he says of the match. 
"Physically I'm getting there; I've had a few little problems. Nothing important 
enough to influence my performance but I hope I am now getting back to what we're more 
used to seeing." 

Certainly seemed that way on Tuesday

[10]  Juan - the whole story
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
"Yes, yes, but if you read the content of the interview it's very different from the 
headline that was blown up, which said I wanted to return to Lazio. That is just not 
the case. Lazio want me back and so there's a certain sector of the press playing 
around with that, but that's all it is: a media game in which I am very much in the 

[9] Sabre on the gossip
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
>From the Guardian

"It's normal, completely normal. That's what the press does: looks for a story or 
creates a story."

"Maybe it's because I've learnt the hard way." "This talk of Lazio, the reason I don't 
see it as important is because it's not true. Maybe Lazio are interested in my return 
but I've said this clearly: I'm happy here, very happy. Things might work out 
spectacularly well or less well for me but that doesn't change the way I see the 
institution, the team, English football and the English people who have really treated 
me well." 

[8] Head to head with the smoggies in the cup
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
>From Sky
Played 3 
Middlesbrough wins 1 
Man Utd wins 1 
Draws 1 

This will be the first Cup meeting between the two at the Riverside.

The last FA Cup meeting in Middlesbrough, came in Feb 1972 in a 5th Rnd replay. Utd 
won 3-0 with goals from George Best, Bobby Charlton and Willie Morgan.

Boro's only FA Cup win against Utd at home came in that 3rd Rnd replay in Jan 1971, 
winning 2-1.

[7] Large pinch of salt needed me thinks
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
As 'cuddly' Ken Ramsden says ( I wonder who wrote the script?)

"Fans can't just decide
to go somewhere else, like they could if they were shopping, so there's a tremendous 
moral responsibility for us to get things right."

"We want to keep our fans happy, to make their experience better, and for them to come 
back and for that they need to get value for money."

"One guy said to us that he found when he was buying a drink at half-time he often 
didn't know that the second half had started - so we started using anannouncement," 
Ramsden said. (More like it took all of half time to actually purchase one!)"We found 
out lots of little things but we also learned that the fans don't hate us as much as 
we thought.

"The fans are driving the business. For years they have told us that they want to be 
able to buy draught beer in the stadium and we've resisted. Peter[Kenyon] said 
recently that if they want it we have to make it happen."

Poor Ken. He can't get away with ignoring us like he used to!

[6] Jamie Deadcrap on scouse disease
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
"You get paid the same as always, but you haven't given the service.

"You feel like you've almost cheated a living, even though it's not for want of 

When in Rome.Etc

[5] Fergie salutes the Villa 44
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
“You only have to look back to the Villa game to see what the FA Cup is all about. You 
saw the emotions of our fans. They spilled on to the pitch a bit but it was all 

“It was the kind of scenes you’d see for big upsets like Hereford beating Newcastle. 
The fans were on the pitch for three days then!

“Our comeback was marvellous and you saw how I reacted. It was an impulsive moment but 
the pictures of it illustrate how much emotion this competition generates.”

[4] Fergie on the smoggies
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
“After a bad start to the season, Middlesbrough picked up and did well but, in the 
last few weeks, they’ve stopped scoring.

“I think Steve’s proved he knows what he is doing in the transfer market. For example, 
Gareth Southgate was a very good buy.”

[3] Fergie encourages Boro to splash the cash on Yorkie
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
“Steve has obviously not got the funds he thought he’d get. But chairman Steve Gibson 
will know better than anyone the only place to make money is in the Premiership.

“I read the other day if you go down it can cost you £20million. So I just hope Steve 
gets the funds to help them survive.”

[2] The S*n on Keano
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
At least that's the headline, as they claim that Utd have offered Keano £80k a week to 
stay at OT for another 4 years. This is then seen as a snub to Becks, who they claim 
has only been offered £70k a week.

They also claim that Keano will be offered on option of a coaching role after he 
retires as part of the deal with a view to becoming manager.

I bet tea cup manufacturers are licking their lips!

[1] Fergie on Becks contract
Posted Saturday, January 26, 2002 by tb:
"Peter Kenyon is dealing with that and I just hope everything is sorted out because I 
know David wants to stay."

"I'm sure it will come to a settlement."

[45] Having a bet on us to win at Boro
Posted Friday, January 25, 2002 by bar-knee:
Then go through


[44] Brown back in our squad
Posted Friday, January 25, 2002 by bar-knee:
Remember Charlie is suspended for them.

Butt in for Becks if he doesn't recover from his thigh injury. Ole back in.

Manchester United (from): Barthez, P Neville, Blanc, G Neville, Silvestre, Beckham, 
Keane, Veron, Scholes, Giggs, van Nistelrooy, Butt, Solskjaer, Brown, O'Shea, 
Chadwick, Carroll.

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