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[36] O'Shea on injury
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I'm very pleased to get back into the squad again and to be included again. It was 
disappointing getting injured after getting in and playing two games and then it 
happening at the start of the third game. But these things happen. I've got to get on 
with it. There's no point looking back; I've got to look forward and not look back.''

[35] O'Shea wants to be in Ireland World Cup squad
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
"It's very important for me, and I hope to be in the senior team for Ireland. It could 
be a possibility if I get a few more games. I think that could sway the decision in my 
favour. You never know. It's still far away, but I still have it in the back of my 
mind. It's going to be a great World Cup, and to be involved in it would be a dream 
come true."

[34] Utd take youngster on trial
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
He'll have to drop the Mickeys tag - but then again so was Ole I suppose and look at 
him now!

>From MEN

'MANCHESTER United have handed a trial to Cambridge youngster Sylvan Ebanks-Blake.

The teenager played for United’s Under-17 side on Saturday, scoring in a 3-0 win over 

Ebanks-Blake is a Liverpool supporter but will be hoping to do enough to earn a 
professional contract at Old Trafford.'

[33] Ole on Spurs bid for him
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Despite all the competition there has been, there was never a moment when I wanted to 
leave Old Trafford. Obviously when Tottenham came in for me I had to think twice about 
it because the deal was made but I stuck it out because I thought I’d get my chance.’’

[32] Ole on his fellow strikers
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
‘‘Obviously with Andy Cole going it gives me more opportunities to play games. Diego 
Forlan has arrived and he looks sharp in training. He is a good striker so it will be 
interesting to watch him. So the competition is still there. The name of the game at a 
club like United is competition. You just have to make the managers decision very 
difficult. I have never looked at being fourth choice or, for instance, Dwight and 
Andy being ahead of me. That was never how I viewed it. I have never looked beyond the 
next match and my ambition to become a better player while I still have plenty to 

[31] Ole on his long run in the side
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
‘‘It’s not uncommon for me to have a run in the side but I am more confident and 
stronger to cope with a long sequence now than ever before. Playing on a more regular 
basis now has given me the strength to sustain a run. That has come by playing more 
matches. If you do that and you get through the first matches then you become more 
match fit and sharper. That’s why I am feeling good now. If it is two months since 
your last game or something like that then you are bound to tire towards the end and 
maybe not do yourself justice. But playing regular you get used to the rhythm."

[30] United comment on Yorke-Boro no go
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Paddy Harverson, said: "If Middlesbrough say they've pulled out that's up to them. We 
will not be commenting further."

[29] Robbo's daughter attacker in court
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'A 20-year-old man has admitted attacking the daughter of former Middlesbrough 
football manager Bryan Robson.

Mark Bregazzi was drunk after a session on pints of snakebite and vodka shots on a 
night out in Durhamy when he assaulted 21-year-old Claire Robson, a court was told.

Miss Robson suffered a gash to her face which needed 10 stitches when she was 
head-butted by Bregazzi as she tried to book a taxi in the early hours of Sunday, 
January 20, said prosecutor Ian White.'

[29] Red Perspective
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
On Bolton

Ruud was obviously getting quite frustrated at not being able to find the back of the 
net. When he finally scored, it was pure red bliss to watch; his reaction and 
celebration told the complete story.

The guy is so obviously 100% Red, he has taken United to his heart (and I believe we 
have reciprocated). He was not only delighted to score for himself, but he seemed to 
be saying to the fans something along the lines of "Scored at last lads, I did it for 
you, I always do it for you, I love this club".

For this level of commitment to the cause, and of course the goals scored already, the 
guy was an absolute bargain buy and Fergie's patience has been well rewarded.

Dedication like this is priceless.

Also, I know it's early days and he didn't get to play for long, but Diego Forlan 
impressed me in his brief run-out. He showed hunger and, more importantly, his running 
off the ball and positional sense was a joy to behold. I hope this is a sign of things 
to come.

Finally, is it just me, or does Forlan look like a thinner version of Gerard 
Depardieu? :>)

by gary

[28] Souness goes Dads Army
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
"If you smack someone in the mouth you have to go. That's what he did so he should 
have been sent off. I saw it, you saw my reaction. Arsene Wenger didn't think he had 
done anything wrong. Maybe football is different in France. Arsenal are a top team, 
but they don't like it up them."

[27] Roeder on Di Canio
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We have such a small squad that we didn't want to lose him in the first place. And 
I'd have thought the move was history now. I'm pleased he is still with us and he did 
some clever things here."

[26] Di Canio snarls
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
 "I know that West Ham desperately want to sell me, they desperately want me to leave 
the club. I never asked to leave but they want to sell me to bring money into the 
club, maybe to buy other players. The situation is clear, I do not want to leave. That 
is a fact. I want to play here and this is not my problem. I signed a contract a few 
years ago and have always said I want to stay. It is absolute rubbish to say I want to 
join Manchester United. This is not my problem and I can relax."

[25] Fresh misconduct charges
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From the FA to  Patrick Vieira, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink and Alan Smith and Mark 
>Viduka for various forms of violent conduct.

[24] Tip of the day
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Non Utd related but last in the series of The Sopranos, tonight, channel 4 at 10.30pm. 
If you haven't found Tony yet, do so.

And check out the official site for some great, cheap Tony inspired gear. Plug over - 
see the light.

[23] Arsenal statement on Parlour tickets
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We can confirm Ray Parlour purchased tickets for the Liverpool fixture, some of which 
he gave to an acquaintance in good faith.  We are fully satisfied that Ray has acted 
properly. However, misuse of tickets is something the club take very seriously and in 
light of this information, a full investigation will be carried out."

They ended with a mate of Parlour's and were then sold for £50 each - nothing odd 
there then.

[22] What the man who was hit by the coin said
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
One of the men (there were two) who Carragher hit says:

Mr Smart: "It's a cop out. If I had done that in the street I would be prosecuted. 
It's ridiculous that he is getting away with it. Football players have no set of rules 
and values for anyone but themselves. I wish it had hit me in the face — then I would 
have insisted on a prosecution."

[21] Are we supposed to feel sorry
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Custis on Yorke's small demands eh!

'Yorke has been portrayed in some quarters as greedy for his £57,000-a-week wage 
demands to go to the Riverside. But the package would have worked out at less than he 
earns as a United player. Yorke is tied into sponsorship contracts which either end or 
decrease in worth if he moves to another club. Bonuses at United are also higher than 
they would be at Boro.  The Trinidad and Tobago star was looking for the shortfall to 
be made up in his Boro package — but they refused.'

[20] Battle of wills between Fergie and Yorke
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Dwight's mate Neil Custis in the SUN...

' ANGRY Alex Ferguson is ready to exile Dwight Yorke from Manchester United's 
first-team squad after the collapse of his move to Middlesbrough. 

Ferguson wanted Yorke sold this week so he could bring in Paolo Di Canio from West Ham 
before today's Champions League transfer deadline.

But Yorke refused to be pushed into a £6.25million move he did not want.

Now Ferguson is ready to make him train with United's youth and reserve players and 
has no plans to play the striker in the first team.

But this will not deter Yorke, who is determined to maintain his fitness at the top 
level and keep as sharp as he can in reserve games.'

[19] Arsenal not hard done by
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Seen this, from planetfootball.com

'However, if the Gunners feel that their crimes on the pitch are harshly punished, 
then their opponents can feel even more aggrieved. No team has seen their opposition 
given more yellow cards (47) or red cards (eight) than Wenger's team. Incredibly, 16% 
of the fouls on Arsenal players this season have resulted in cards and that is by far 
the highest proportion in the Premiership. 

To put that statistic into perspective, Manchester United, so long perceived as being 
favoured by referees, see their opponents carded in just 10% of fouls, while 
Southampton's figure - the lowest in the league - is nearer 7%. 

In a similar stance to Wenger's, Arsenal chairman Peter Hill-Wood has stood by his 
players stating "I don't think we're a dirty team. We are genuinely competitive". But 
the facts are that referees have not treated the Gunners as badly as their opponents 
in 2001-02, and they themselves remain the worst offenders in the Premiership.'

[18] Honkson backs Carragher let off
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Thompson said: "They are sensible and sensitive decisions. It was extremely difficult 
for everyone, but Jamie apologised, didn't try to hide, and he knows that it can't 
happen again. Jamie had a very good game for us tonight, he hasn't let things get to 
him because he's a sensible lad who understands the situation. I think there has been 
a fair bit of compassion and understanding and I think the police and FA should be 
commended for the way they have handled things."

[17] Wenger confident
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We were a little bit under pressure after Manchester United's result against Bolton - 
but we know it is in our own hands. It was a good game and when we went down to ten 
men we showed another aspect of my side, which has character, strength, belief and 
resilience. I am very, very proud of my players. My team has unbelievable mental 
strength. We have character and we want to win the game and we want to win the 
championship. I am very happy - and the media will be tonight because we got a red 

[16] Buy the current Red News - issue 83 - on Saturday
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Just £1.50, the current issue of Red News - 83 - is on sale on Saturday.

It includes
Exclusive Denis Irwin interview: on Fergie, this final season, what next, his best 
memories, the ups and downs and much, much more.
Tony Smith
Superb Des Buckley cartoons
Dirty thirty - guilty or not guilty
What happened when one of our contributors got a ticket in the Exec section at Old 
Exclusive gossip, and we mean exclusive
Exclusive translation of a Luarent Blanc interview back in France
Nantes guide by our French correspondent
Andy Cole 
A red in the home end at Villa Park and some good old fashioned Mickeys abuse!

We will definitely have sellers at the top of Sir Matt Busby Way (by Legends cafe), 
half way down Sir Matt Busby Way, the left hand side of Salford Quay bridge as you're 
approaching the ground, the bottom of the Red Cafe bridge by the main road - and 
elsewhere. Best bet is to bag yourself a copy BEFORE the game as we want to head to 
the pub quickly afterwards!

Help the cause, just £1.50 and hours of fun!

[15] Keegan in full keeganism mode
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
After they beat city 2-0 to go six points clear of some minor division - or in a 
Bitters eyes - the 'toughest league in the world' (sic)

Keegan said: "If any team is playing better football than us at the moment, I would 
pay to watch them. Our willingness and our commitment was unbelievable. There were no 
passengers on the bus. I am so proud of my team and even if we had lost 1-0 I would 
have still felt the same."

[14] Having a bet - World Cup offer
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:

Open an account with SportingOdds and they will give you a FREE £10 bet on the World 
Cup! Reigning champions France are 4/1 while tournament favourites at 7/2 are 
currently Argentina. England, with their tough qualifying group, are 12/1 whilst hosts 
Japan and Korea are 66/1 and 100/1 respectively.

Click on the link below to register:

[13] Carragher let off, part 2
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Jamie Carragher will not face an FA misconduct charge for coin-throwing.

But he will be issued with a formal police warning for throwing a pound piece into the 
crowd during Liverpool's FA Cup defeat at Arsenal. 

Carragher was sent off for violent conduct during the fourth-round tie, thereby 
earning him an automatic three-match suspension.

This means he will miss England's friendly against Holland next month as he will then 
be serving his suspension.

But with Liverpool having publicly criticised the defender and now having fined him 
£40,000, while he has apologised for his moment of madness, the FA have decided not to 
take the matter any further.

The FA confirmed that Carragher would now serve his automatic three-match ban.

An FA statement added: "In addition to the mandatory three matches, Jamie Carragher 
will also be considered unavailable for England's friendly in Holland on February 13.

"This is due to the domestic suspension commencing from February 10. Any player 
suspended domestically for violent conduct will not be considered for England friendly 
matches while serving such a suspension.

"Furthermore, Liverpool FC today confirmed they have fined Carragher £40,000 and made 
him aware of his responsibilities following the incident in which he threw a coin back 
into the crowd at Highbury.

"The FA would like to make clear that they welcome Liverpool's actions and have also 
taken into account the fact that the player apologised immediately after the match on 

"Additionally, he historically holds a very good disciplinary record. The decision has 
been taken following consultation with the Metropolitan Police. No further action of 
any kind will follow his suspension."

The FA had the power to bring a misconduct charge against Carragher, which could have 
extended his suspension up to six games and wrecked much of his remaining season.

However, his fulsome apology allied to Liverpool's swift action in fining him the 
maximum amount possible of two weeks' wages weighed significantly in the minds of 
those at the FA's Soho Square headquarters.'

[12] Top of the table
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
                            P   W       D       L       F       A       W       D      
 L       F       A       GD      Pts
Man Utd       25        8       1       4       31      14      7       2       3      
 29      20      26      48
Arsenal        24       5       3       3       23      19      8       5       0      
 26      10      20      47
Newcastle         24    7       1       3       19      12      7       3       3      
 26      18      15      46
Liverpool            25 6       4       2       15      10      7       3       3      
 19      14      10      46
Leeds             24    5       5       1       20      11      6       4       3      
 15      12      12      42
Chelsea       24        6       4       2       26      12      4       6       2      
 16      11      19      40

[11] Carragher let off
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Jamie Carragher will be given a formal police warning for throwing a coin at Arsenal 
fans during a match.

The 24-year-old defender hurled the pound coin back into the crowd at Highbury after 
it was thrown at him during the FA Cup clash on Sunday.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed Carragher will be issued a formal warning for the 
offence and no further action will be taken.

A spokesman said: "All the facts of the case have been considered. The two people who 
allegedly received injuries have declined to make allegations.

"The only outstanding matter is the throwing of an object under the Football Offences 

"In light of all the circumstances it has been decided that a formal warning will be 

Formal warnings are verbal warnings which are different to police cautions in that 
they do not require an acceptance of responsibility by the culprit.'

[10] Results
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Aston Villa     0       0       Everton
Blackburn Rovers        2       3       Arsenal
Chelsea 2       0       Leeds United
Ipswich Town    1       0       Fulham
Liverpool       1       0       Leicester City
Southampton     2       0       West Ham
Tottenham Hotspur       1       3       Newcastle United

[9] Ruud on Ole
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
"It's fantastic. The way he has performed this season is amazing. He has scored goals 
all season, and all credit to Ole. His hat-trick won the game for us, and it was 

[8] Ole - we got blasting before the Bolton game
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
:"The manager said a few strong words before the game, and we needed to show everyone 
:that we were capable of winning. It was important that we won the game really, we had 
:to get back to winning ways. Those two defeats in a row against Liverpool and 
:Middlesbrough were not nice. Those were games that we would have loved to have won. 
:But we can't do anything about that now and we have to look forward. We've got 
:Sunderland on Saturday - and that's very, very important because we need to get some 
:wins together. Every game is going to be important now," he said. We just hope we can 
:stay at the top now. It's not a matter of saying 'Well, it's early days, it's better 
:to be top later on'. We're at the top now and we have to try and stay there."

[7] Boro - Yorke no go
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Boro spokesperson

"The two clubs agreed a fee and United gave us permission to talk to Dwight. We were 
able to offer him what we believe was a very attractive package to join us. 
Unfortunately, it would appear the offer did not meet Dwight's aspirations. The club 
has therefore withdrawn its bid. The search for good players to boost the team remains 
the manager's number one priority."

[6] Flowers of Manchester
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
The Sunderland match on 2nd Feb is the closest to the 44th anniversary of the Munich 
disaster. As we did last year a group of fans will be gathering under the Munich 
memorial at the NE corner of the ground to sing 'The Flowers and Forever' at 2 pm. 
Never forgotten.

[5] Guess what?
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Arsenal had another player sent off - and Bergkamp managed to stay on the pitch in the 
3-2 win over Blackburn despite elbowing a Rovers player. When asked what he thought of 
the Bergkamp elbow, Wenger, quite uniquely, said: "I didn't see it". Get that man to 
specsavers, now.

[4] Forlan song
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From the Red Viper, via Boylie

'Thanks to Boylie (I think) for the chorus and respect to Dwight for a season and a 
half of pure magic and two and a half where both his form and magic wand dipped a 
little too frequently.

Now strikers may come and strikers may go
Sparky Hughes and Andy Cole
United strikers make history
Cole's return was a joy to see

Choccy McLair, Pe-ar-son
Jimmy Greenhoff and Stapleton
Norman Whiteside didn't have pace
But everywhere, he was f**king ace

Eric The King leads every attack
And the Porno King ain't coming back
For eighteen months he was f**king class
The rest of the time he shagged Jordan's arse 

Now we've got a striker
There are none keener
>From Uraguay

He's better than Dwight
It's plain to see
He's got bad hair
Like Pod-borsky

Forlan come
And he wanna score goals

Forlan come
And he wanna score goals

[3] Ole gets his ball - Red News exclusive
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by bar-knee:
Ole got his ball back - Red News can reveal. But despite a hefty hoof from Paul 
Scholes, the ball didn't end up in the crowd as was suggested at first and on SKy.

Let Tony explain the initial 'boot':

'Funnily enough I watched Scholes boot it away at the end, and knowing it should have 
been Ole's I watched where it went. It didn't go into the crowd, but fell at the feet 
of a policeman to the left of the goal as we looked. Instead of putting it back on the 
pitch the policeman just kicked it to one side, and it was just rolling round the 
running track. No United supporter could have reached it - it must have been picked up 
by a ball boy or steward.'

So what happened next?

Well Albert the kit man went looking for it straight after the game - we don't know 
whether he was the finder or not but  certainly  not the keeper as RN can reveal that 
Ole left the stadium clutching the ball that all the team had signed.

A happy ending.

[2] Choccy on 'brilliant' Ole
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by redend:

Brian McClair's latest column on 4thegame.com:

"In the modern game he is unique - he's happy, he never moans, he is always trying to 
improve, he works hard and he is quite brilliant at his job of scoring goals.

"As a specialist, as someone who knows exactly what he is good at, Ole spends hours, 
and I mean hours, working in front of an empty goal refining the art of goal scoring.

"He will work on every possible angle. He will work with his right foot, then his 
left, and then his right and so on. Ole will drive shots from distance, turn and shoot 
from every part of the box. Think of an angle, think of every conceivable way of being 
able to get the ball over the line and he'll practice it - and on his own.

"Ole's dedication is exceptional. He is totally focussed on the job of scoring.

Click here to read the gushing comments in full:

Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by redend:

Alex Plypin: 

It's been a long time coming, but I had a feeling that last weekend's results would 
prompt a scurrying from under long-static stones from the berties. Having watched 
their game on Sunday - a half-decent performance against another yo-yo side - I was 
mainly struck by the knicker-wetting over their first goal. I seem to recall The 
Ginger Prince doing something better from a Beck's corner at Bradford not long ago, 
and that was regarded as a regulation tap-in! 
The gloats did not last long, as they soon started to bleat about not being able to 
enjoy their success for longer than 2 minutes - you'd think that that would be more 
than long enough for the tickers of most - as the blue bandwagon heads north to their 
eventual conquerers. I know that I said it in '68 as well, but the maggots will 
probably sort them out this time.
Its great to see that Bertie Magoo has managed to get his rant on today's teletext.
The media treatment of the Eric - carragher incidents?  No change there, then!    

[23] Thanks and appeal
Posted Wednesday, January 30, 2002 by bar-knee:
Thanks for all your words of support and encouragement towards www.rednews.co.uk

If you have any ideas, contributions or suggestions on how the site can improve just 
let us know. Remember we're not the Professionals - bloody hell, whatever happened to 
Bodie and Doyle - just a bunch of United fans. To help the www.rednews.co.uk cause 
we'd like to say if you are ordering any books or videos or fancy having a bet use our 
affiliate links located to the right side of the news - amazon, blackstar or sporting 

There is a misconception that simply clicking on a site provides the site itself with 
valuable contributions to the expensive running of the site but that isn't the case. 
Helping us through our ads does help us however and in doing so means we can plan 
ahead to bring you even more news, exclusives and ABU abuse.

Public service announcement over. Thanks for listening and we hope you don't mind the 
pleas to help the cause every so often.

[22] MEN take on Fergie dig
Posted Wednesday, January 30, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'Ferguson’s words clearly show his displeasure at Yorke and his agent Tony Stephens, 
but they could also have a knock-on effect on David Beckham. The England captain also 
uses Stephens as an agent and so Ferguson’s words could have an impact on the player’s 
on-going contract negotiations.'

[21] Ole - we need run
Posted Wednesday, January 30, 2002 by bar-knee:
‘‘The win was important. After two defeats in a row we needed to show everyone we were 
capable of winning again. Saturday was disappointing at the Riverside. We’d have loved 
a cup run and we had to look at ourselves after the performance at Middlesbrough. It 
wasn’t good enough. This was more like Manchester United but we can still play better 
than this. We need to put another run together now.’

[20] Ole on his three
Posted Wednesday, January 30, 2002 by bar-knee:
‘‘I got a goal with my first chance and that makes a big difference to a striker. It 
is important to take the first chance. In a derby match it is always going to be tight 
if you don’t take your chances. We took our first opportunity and that made the 
difference. It’s my first hat trick of the season and I hope there is more to come. I 
didn’t think about hat tricks when I’d got two. You just think about the next chance. 
If you start thinking about hat tricks you are focusing on the wrong things."

[19] Ole thanks Giggs and Becks
Posted Wednesday, January 30, 2002 by bar-knee:
‘‘The first and last goals were fantastic. Ryan Giggs at full speed can’t be easy to 
mark and it was just about getting into the right position for my first goal. To see 
Giggsy flying down the wing like he does makes football fun to watch. He is fantastic 
when he runs at people. He’s amazing and you don’t want to be a full back in that 
situation. With Giggs in the side we are always capable of counter attacking. I just 
had to run and hope the ball got there for my second and it arrived from David. Becks 
is a great provider of crosses and he set my second and third up brilliantly.’’

[18] Buy the current Red News - issue 83 - on Saturday
Posted Wednesday, January 30, 2002 by bar-knee:
Just £1.50, the current issue of Red News - 83 - is on sale on Saturday.

It includes

Exclusive Denis Irwin interview: on Fergie, this final season, what next, his best 
memories, the ups and downs and much, much more.
Tony Smith
Superb Des Buckley cartoons
Dirty thirty - guilty or not guilty
What happened when one of our contributors got a ticket in the Exec section at Old 
Exclusive gossip, and we mean exclusive
Exclusive translation of a Luarent Blanc interview back in France
Nantes guide by our French correspondent
Andy Cole 
A red in the home end at Villa Park and some good old fashioned Mickeys abuse!

We will definitely have sellers at the top of Sir Matt Busby Way (by Legends cafe), 
half way down Sir Matt Busby Way, the left hand side of Salford Quay bridge as you're 
approaching the ground, the bottom of the Red Cafe bridge by the main road - and 
elsewhere. Best bet is to bag yourself a copy BEFORE the game as we want to head to 
the pub quickly afterwards!

Help the cause, just £1.50 and hours of fun!

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