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[27] Keano to get good reception
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
at Shelbourne on Saturday

Shelbourne's chief executive Ollie Byrne

"I don't think there will be any problem at all. Roy will get a wonderful reception. 
Fans understand football, and these things happen. There's no point going back over 
what happened.  Roy has to get on with his life and Mick McCarthy and the 
international team have to get on with theirs.  The past is dead, so let's forget 
about it. It gives United a chance to let all their fans in Ireland see them and it 
will be a fun day. They have huge appeal in Ireland and so does Roy Keane."

[26] More Gilberto claims
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Athletic Mineiro president Ricardo Guimaraes on Gilberto Silva.

"The only ones to make serious offers have been English clubs and the Turks from 
Fenerbahce.  The best one we have had has come from Manchester United."

[25] Kenyon on our New Number 2
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"What we have this time, which we didn't last year, is a bit of certainty. "I think 
everybody, maybe including ourselves, under-estimated the impact of the situation at 
the start of last season. It was all about us having nine players whose contracts were 
running out, Roy Keane going, the manager going. That's all been sorted out, as well 
as the David Beckham situation. One of the major factors behind category as the 
others. Winning the championship again is a critical target. We want to do better in 
the FA Cup and there's that elusive Champions League again. That doesn't hold any 
fears for us. Last year all the focus was on Alex in his final season and winning it 
at Hampden. It didn't happen but this year the final is at Old Trafford and winning it 
there would be no less a feat, perhaps even more of one for our fans."our success has 
been that Alex has always had a good No 2, the best in the country. He had Archie 
Knox, then Brian Kidd and then Steve McClaren. We missed Steve,!
 certainly and there was disruption. But now we have Carlos and there's no doubt that 
Carlos is in the same mould"


[24] Kenyon on Veron
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"When we brought Veron it wasn't about a one-season thing. Juan is a Manchester United 
player. There has been a huge amount of speculation about him, but none of it has come 
from us. It's ill-founded. We all know that it isn't easy to settle into English 
football, but nobody will tell me he isn't a world-class player, by any standards. 
Everybody saw what happened at Arsenal with Robert Pires, how difficult he found it in 
his first year and how well he played last season. I believe, absolutely, that Juan 
can make the same impact for us this year."

[23] Kenyon - improve at the back
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We all accepted the defence, and in particular the centre of the defence, was the 
area we needed to strengthen. Getting the defence right was very much the priority. If 
you look at the size of our squad, it's not about having to bring in lots of players. 
It's about quality rather than quantity. We don't have to bring in five or six 
players, as Liverpool are talking about doing. The strength in depth is already there 
for us. We're only looking to bring in the players who will improve what we have. If 
you're looking to sign those world-class players, it always takes longer than if 
you're just bringing in a utility player. There is no panicking with us. It's about 
getting in the best players. We don't believe in buying players for one season or to 
get us over a short-term situation. It's about making sure we get players who are the 
right age and are going to continue to give us what we need for a few seasons, not 
just one campaign."

[22] Cuddly Pete on club finances
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
 "We're cash-rich and work on a well-resourced basis. That's helped us to do as well 
as we have over the past decade, on and off the pitch. But at a time like this, when 
money is tighter than it has been for a long time, that comes into its own. The 
transfer market is as tight as it has ever been. That's been driven by the biggest 
clubs in what have traditionally been the biggest-spending countries - Italy and Spain 
- not having the money they've had in the past. The consequence of that is that there 
hasn't been a lot of activity by normal standards, with clubs looking to sell rather 
than to buy. We're not in that position. Clearly we're not going to over-spend. Then 
again, in the market-place as it is there's no need to do that, because the players 
are already there on the market."

[21] cuddly Pete returns to last season
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
."When you see the headlines talking about an "Old Trafford crisis" it rallies people 
round and ensures they give their best. I know the players are even more hungry and 
coming back to make sure they address what happened last year because that 
disappointment was acute. They are determined to prove you do not become a bad team 
just because you have one season not up to the standards you've set. I don't deny 
Arsenal their triumph, but what's remarkable is we still could have won the title 
despite losing so many games. That is an amazing thing. When you look at the squad we 
have got, they have still got their best years to come. The average age of the squad 
is 27, which means we have got all that experience plus relative youth. I'm sure 
Arsenal remember what happened the last time they won the Double. We came back with a 
vengeance the next year and took the Treble. I'm not going to say we will do the same 
again this year, but we have the squad to do that. I feel we have got as !
good a squad as we did then, with the exception that we're more experienced - so you 
could argue we're better."

[21] More Rio stuff
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by Stalker:
This from an article by Phil Mcnulty BBC sport online chief writer who was debating 
whether Rio should stay or move to Old Trafford.
This was his break-down of both sets of supporters.

Leeds United supporters idolise Ferdinand and he has often spoken about his debt to 
the Elland Road faithful since he arrived from West Ham. 

Manchester United's fans have even been criticised for their lack of passion by 
captain Roy Keane and his infamous "prawn sandwich brigade" outburst. 

This is where Leeds have an edge over Manchester United - but fans do not win medals 
for world-class footballers and ultimately other considerations will decide. 

[20] cuddly Pete on transfers
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Alex has been thinking all summer about getting back with the squad and strengthening 
the defence and he is confident the quality is there to redress the balance from last 
year. When you look at the squad we've got, they've still got their best years to 
come. The average age of the squad is 27, which means we've got all that experience 
plus relative youth."

[19] cuddly Pete compares Fergie to rattle snake
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
sort of

 "He loves to answer people, to prove the critics wrong. He's done that every time 
people have doubted him. There's no doubt Alex was disappointed at what happened last 
year we all were. He's not used to finishing third in the league and going out of 
Europe the way we did. He has his standards and demands everybody lives up to them. We 
know we had the skill and capability to do a lot better than that. It hurt all of us 
and only adds to the determination to put that right by winning things this season."

[18] Fergie on his own channel
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
To be interviewed by MUTV on August 12th

Peter Brookes, MUTV's managing director

"Sir Alex rarely does in-depth broadcast interviews. This is a great opportunity for 
United fans worldwide to put a question to Sir Alex before the start of the season 
when United hope to get back to the very top again."                                   

[18] Reserve pre-season game
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:


[17] Taylor denies move
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by Stalker:
>From Ananova
Ronny no-go 
Graham Taylor has dismissed reports linking Aston Villa with Ronny Johnsen. Taylor 
told Aston Villa's official website''The simple fact is that he's not training with 
us. We haven't spoken to him and we've got no plans to do so.''

[16] Ronny considers Villa move
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:

"It's obviously an interesting club. I don't count on anything but of course something 
can happen."

Straight to the point. Sort of. Maybe.

[15] And you are who exactly?
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Birmingham  chairman David Gold.

"If we give Manchester United a good hiding, that will be priceless. I just hope that, 
if it happens, their boss Alex Ferguson will give us our due. He really doesn't have a 
lot of grace. He'll tell you all about why his team got beaten and find 16 reasons why 
it happened. You don't hear him say that the other team might have played better."

[14] Ruud fired up
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We've got to go out and prove ourselves when the new season starts. We're confident 
we can do it with the players we have got. Arsenal are a good side and probably 
deserved to win the title. We lost six games at home and know that's not good enough"

[13] More from Rio
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Money isn't the issue here. I won't lie and say you don't think about it a bit but 
it's not the be-all and end-all. It is a long way down the list and besides I'm being 
paid good money at Leeds. I said last week that winning things was my main motivation 
and that I'm getting impatient for silverware. Mr Venables knows that. I am a 
footballer and to me winning trophies is why we do this. The rewards a footballer 
enjoys are great but I think everyone knows how much I love the game itself.  I know 
it's coming down to the wire now and that I have to have an answer for everybody's 
sake. But if anyone says they know what it will be they are wrong because I honestly 
don't know myself."

[12] Rio uncertain
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I honestly don't know what I will do. But my family will play a big part in helping 
me make up my mind. I will listen to my mam Janice and dad Julian and I will talk to 
my younger brother Anton, who plays at West Ham, and my sisters. I realise this 
decision is important to a lot of people — the clubs, the fans, everyone — but in the 
end I have to do what's right for me and my family. Mr Venables never asked me to say 
whether I would be staying or not. But I could not have given him an answer there and 
then anyway because there is a lot to think about and I'm sure he understands that. He 
is a persuasive character, with a track record to back him up. He reiterated to me his 
plans for the club, how he saw the future and was very enthusiastic about everything. 
As a person and a coach he's up there among the best of them. He said the sort of 
things I expected and you can see he wants to do well. This is his chance to stamp his 
mark on a club and he wants to do everything to make i!
t a big success. He has put a few of his ideas in my head and now I want to think hard 
about them before I get back to him. But I do feel that Leeds will achieve things with 
him in charge. It's a very hard decision. The people at Leeds have been brilliant to 
me and I cannot emphasise that enough."

[11] More Ronaldinho denials
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"People are saying I will be going to Barcelona or Manchester United, but I have never 
been contacted by either club. I'm motivated for the coming season. PSG need me and I 
have four years left on my contract"

[10] More from Ridsdale
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Is Terry feeling optimistic about the outcome? Well, you know Terry. He's always 
optimistic. In Terry's meeting with Rio, he emphasised just how highly he rates him as 
a player. He also outlined very forcibly to him his vision for this club's future — a 
future in which Rio, naturally, has a leading role to play."

[9] El Til meets Rio
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:

"Terry Venables had a meeting with Rio and emphasised how highly he rates him as a 
player. He has also outlined to him his vision for the future of the club in which Rio 
has an important role to play. They had a very amicable discussion. Terry shared his 
thoughts with Rio, who has gone away to reflect on what they talked about. As far as 
I'm concerned this was nothing more dramatic than the new manager of Leeds United 
meeting his captain for a chat before going away on business, which he was committed 
to before he accepted the job with us."

[8] Fergie on Becks
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"David scored 16 goals but didn't start in 18 matches last season so that is a 
terrific return from him. He has always been a great finisher. As a youngster he was 
always scoring from any angle and from inside and outside of the box. It is good to 
see him back to that.  I said to him that in terms of improvements and making progress 
you have to add things to your game. Goalscoring was the area where I felt David could 
improve last season.  He took the challenge on board and it was much better last year. 
He became a terrific finisher again and that's good for him and for us.  He was back 
to the goalscoring form of three or four years ago and the confidence was back in and 
around the penalty box again. That's good to have as a back-up to your main strikers. 
David was absolutely flying after the mid-season rest he had. Both himself and United 
reaped the benefits.  It was a great shame that injury de-railed it all for both 
ourselves and England. If David had been fit for us in the!
 Champions League semi-final in Germany against Bayer Leverkusen then we'd have got 
through to the final and could have won it."

[7] Rio to make his mind up
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I told Mr Venables I would give him a decision on what I wanted to do within 48 
hours. There are a lot of people I want to talk to about this. I will listen to what 
my family and close friends have to say and then make up my mind. This is a huge 
dilemma for me, one I have to get my head round. Mr Venables was everything I expected 
him to be. I have so much respect for him as a manager and a coach. He spelled out all 
his plans and how much he wanted me to be part of them. But he's not a man who is 
going to get down and beg me to stay. He has too much pride for that and I wouldn't 
expect it."

[6] Red News summer offer
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Red News published 9 issues last season, of which we have limited stocks of 8 still 
available. As a special offer you can purchase ALL eight issues together with a FREE 
copy of Red News' book celebrating the Nou Camp triumph in 1999 - European Glory - all 
for the bargain price of just £13.50 including postage and packing. This is a must 
have offer so go on!

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[5] More Veron uncertainty
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Claudio Lopez

"I received a call from a club director on Thursday and he sounded me out about a move 
to Manchester United. I told him I was flattered and to link up with Juan Veron again 
would be great - but he said Veron is part of the deal. He will join Lazio while Sorin 
and I will join United. The club have arranged for us to travel to England very soon 
to discuss terms with Manchester United."

[4] More El Til on Rio
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We know he wants to win things, we know he wants to be at the top. Well, I'll tell 
him he is at the top playing for Leeds United.

"This is a great club, a huge club - that's underlined by the reception I've received 
this week - and I do not want him to go anywhere else. I believe he belongs here.

"If a player joins a club that's constantly winning things, it's like latching on to 
someone else's achievements.

"Rio has a chance here of being involved in something that's new, and that's far more 
exciting - shaping the entire future of this club.

"That's the way players become legends. I want Rio's name to always be associated with 
a great Leeds team and it's my job to make that happen."

"Rio's still very young and there's still plenty of time for him to do other things. 
But sometimes it's pay-back time.

"People may not believe this of me, but I believe if you spend a lot of money on 
someone, like Leeds did on Rio, then they are entitled to pay-back time. By that I 
don't mean money, I mean honouring the contract.

"I do not want him to go anywhere. He has a contract and I think it's fair that 
contract is honoured - otherwise what's the point in having them?"

[3] Order a RN sub online
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
Thanks to our new link with the safe, simple to use and world wide massively known 
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[2] Good take on Keano
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by bar-knee:
'Few are the intelligent people who will jump out of an airborne plane without a 
parachute strapped tightly to their back. Likewise you won't get many Einstein's 
looking to become part of the big brother household. Cheating on Halle Berry is hardly 
the definition of genius. But lifetime membership of the Cretins club is the reward 
awaiting any Irish person who feels the need to boo Irelands greatest sportsman.

It will happen, though. Some beer-bellied madman-believing he is a wit, when in 
reality he is a half wit will hurl abuse at Keane. And like bleating sheep others will 
join in.

That Keane was left in the wings while lesser men stepped onto the world cup stage was 
sad. Sad for the player and sad for the nation.

But those who believe he let his country down will be happy only when Bertie Ahern 
goes a step further than Tony Blair and decriminalizes Class A drugs. These people 
have clearly been popping hallucinogenic pills on a regular basis.

Keane raged against inadequate Irish preparations. He demanded professional facilities 
and a professional approach. As any focused athlete should.

Remember his initial gripe: Reared on a culture of excellence, he simply could not 
believe that, just days before the World Cup, Ireland were training on a pitch with 
more bumps and curves than an edition of playboy.  

He subsequently flipped when he was confronted by McCarthy, in front of 30 other 
people, over the content of a newspaper interview. McCarthy should never have called 
that meeting. He should never have sent Keane home. And he should never have made his 
return conditional on an apology. The bottom line is that Keane suffered because he 
cared, he was demonized because he would not allow his standards to dip. Even if he 
had simply decided not to go to Japan because he disliked raw fish, Keane owed nothing 
to anybody. He is so heavily in credit with Irish football that he could blow a 
million euro of goodwill every day between now and his 65th birthday and not have to 
worry about making an appearance in Stubbs gazette.  

Ireland reached the World Cup because of the United skipper. Strip the team of his 
colossal performances against Portugal and Holland and his superhuman 90 minutes in 
Cyprus and it would have been the US CUP again. Football may be a team game, but team 
Ireland were carried to the Far East on a Cork tidal wave.  

The above is an extract from an article by Roy Curtis  from the Sunday World  a 
leading Irish national Sunday paper 

[1] Thanks ...
Posted Monday, July 15, 2002 by redend:
.. to all those who took a minute to register on  
http://www.qksrv.net/click-795737-8151655 ebay through our link/banner ad.

We've paid for another new server hosting deal out of this which will give us yet more 
bandwidth. We are f*cking MASSIVE.

If just 10% of our readers spent a minute registering we'd cover our hosting overheads 
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Also anyone registering could* win a date with one of the Manchester nurses who met 
the RN team in Blackpool -  as recently pictured on the  
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Alternatively RN mingers Red Viper (who claims to have scored 20 already this year 
after narrowly avoiding a permanent transfer) or Stalker may be available for the 
really sick amongst you. (The availability of the RN editor goes without saying, so I 

* not


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