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[38] RN exclusive - game in Cyprus
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
Forget what you read in the People. The club have told RN that there is no truth in 
the story and the game, as UEFA said immediately after the draw, will be played in 

[37] Keane to answer FA questions
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
His agent Michael Kennedy

"Roy will be responding and sending in his observations. It will be done in 
conjunction with the club in due course."

[36] Rewriting history
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
Vinne Jones, forgetting all those games against Eric and Robbo where he would just, 
well, hide

“I wrote my book to get a few quid, but if I was on the money he was on, I’d never 
have done it. There is so much mystery about Roy. Say he got £700,000, does he need 
it? Niall Quinn had a testimonial and gave the money away.  I did my first interview 
for £250 and I got slaughtered for it. And when I read it I was fuming. I don’t 
believe that Roy’s skin is that thick that he is not letting the problem get to him. I 
used to read things that made me think that I had let myself down in the interview. 
Roy must read things and question why he’d done it. By the time he pays tax and his 
agent takes his percentage, what’s left? Is it worth all this shit? All this about Roy 
wanting to do people, he never did that. He ain’t a Jimmy Case or Graeme Souness. They 
would come and f***ing sort you out. I would go in and go bash, but I wasn’t good 
enough to do someone on purpose. Roy is so much bigger and brighter than to come out 
and say what he did.  Everyone is saying what a hard man he is.!
 I never had any problems with Roy Keane. You didn’t even know Roy was on the park 
when I played. 

It would have been no good Roy having a ruck with me, as I’d have had Fash and all the 
boys with me. If you wanted a ruck, you’d need a load with you as well. If it went off 
properly now, like it did in the old days, Roy would be standing on his own. What’s 
Beckham going to do in the tunnel? We had it against Man United with Viv Anderson. 
Fash has gone ‘right, we’re up for it’ — he’s having a row with Anderson. Next minute, 
none of them wanted to know. That’s the difference.”

Er not quite as Robbo and Viv answered back if memory serves us right.

[35] McAteer plays it safe
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"It was a full-blooded encounter with plenty of physical contact and everybody who saw 
the game can make up their own mind about what happened."

[34] Tomorrow's ref 
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
is Mike Riley

[33] Records to be broken
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
If they start it'll be Giggsy's 350 league game for United tomorrow and Ruud's 50th 

[32] Mark Lawrenson on keano
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"The problem for Manchester United now is that they are going to lose Roy Keane for 
three games and you cannot afford to lose world class players. With great players 
sometimes you have to take the bad alongside the good.  But I don't know what is 
happening with Roy Keane at the moment. "There seem to be two different people - the 
one who plays football and the one away from football who wants to go round and upset 
everyone. It's unfortunate for him because he is a top-class player.  If you asked all 
the Premiership managers 'would you like him?' then they would all want to take him"

[31] FA on Keano
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"It is likely that there will be some movement on the first situation (the book) 
probably by the end of the week.  But as far as what happened at Sunderland, like any 
other red card the FA will do nothing until we have seen the referee's report on what 

[30] Schmeichel on Derby Day
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"I don't think there will be a problem. There's always been bad blood, but not too 
bad, between the clubs. "There is always a lot of rivalry, I felt it was in good 
spirits. There is obviously competition between the clubs but I don't think it is as 
bad as in some other cities."

[29] Schmeichel on life at siddy
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"I could never play for Manchester United again because it is too hard. They have 
games twice every week and that drains you. To play for a Premiership side you have to 
play up to that level every time. In every career you have a peak and in my case it 
was when I could play 65 games at virtually the same level every year, that's when I 
peaked. I can still play up to that level but now I can perhaps only do it 40 times a 
year. I hope people understand why I came back to Manchester. It's difficult when 
people ask me why I keep playing and say I should have finished in 1999 when we won 
the treble.  But this is my life, I love to play football."

[28] More Becks on baby
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"It's always nervous having children but it's the most beautiful thing in the world. 
Romeo's gorgeous. Victoria's great. She's sitting up in bed and the family are here."

[27] Escude on deal falling apart
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"I'm disappointed of course, because I really wanted to go to Manchester United. I'm 
ambitious and I wanted to discover something else, to go one gear up in my career. 
It's a little bit too much. Now Rennes have won and I've lost and Manchester United 
cannot have the player they wanted. Now I'm going to work hard and try to help the 
club and make the best possible season."

[26] Frank Stapleton on Forlan
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"Diego has got good pace and his delivery of the ball is excellent.  To me he looks 
more comfortable in a wide position. When he plays up front he appears to lack a 
little physical presence.  However, it can't be easy for him. People have made 
comparisons with Garry Birtles. But at the time Garry had already proven himself with 
Nottingham Forest. Diego has to prove himself in this country and he's got to do it in 
a different culture to what he's been used to.  He's got to deal with the pressure of 
playing a club this size and maybe that is the biggest barrier for him.  His 
confidence must be low not having scored but I'm sure once he does he will have made a 
psychological breakthrough. There is a big opportunity for him at the club now there 
are only three strikers.  He has to score goals to break into the team and try to oust 
Van Nistelrooy and Solskjaer.  The opportunity is there for him to grasp the nettle."

[25] More spin
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
The Mirror report that

'ROY KEANE will be fined two weeks' wages for his latest red-card shame after Sir Alex 
Ferguson last night made a dramatic U-turn and publicly condemned the Manchester 
United skipper.'

failing to convey that a two week fine is natural club proceedure after every sending 

[24] Fergie on McClaren and Boro
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"We regularly ring one another and have a chat. As we experienced last year, they make 
life tough here. They are difficult to break down and defend very well. We are hoping 
we can keep up our recent level of performance because that is what we are here to do. 
I think at the end of the day Steve has proved himself. He got them to the FA Cup 
semi-final and he was really unlucky because they could have beaten Arsenal that day. 
I think the league is shaping as though it is going to be really hard this year. There 
are a lot of teams who are fighting and battling to survive. People ask who might be 
relegated this season and I don't see anyone who stands out. They have all got their 
qualities and they are all fighters."

[23] Mail claim
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
from an anonymous source in the Daily Mail that

"Roy was calling Jason everything under the sun," said the mystery player. "Jason just 
told him to put it in his next book but then Roy kept saying: 'I'll have you'.

"The elbow came out of nowhere. Jason went down and tried to get straight back up and 
gestured to the referee not to send him off but he had the card out straight away."

Of course McAteer was the saint in all this, blah de bloody blah

[22] Woodgate and Bowyer in for England
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
In Sven's latest squad.

James (West Ham), Robinson (Leeds); Mills (Leeds), Ashley Cole (Arsenal), Bridge 
(Southampton), Ferdinand (Man Utd), Southgate (Middlesbrough), Woodgate (Leeds); 
Beckham (Man Utd), Butt (Man Utd), Dyer (Newcastle), Sinclair (West Ham), Murphy 
(Liverpool), Gerrard (Liverpool), Hargreaves (Bayern Munich), Bowyer (Leeds), J Cole 
(West Ham), Owen (Liverpool), Heskey (Liverpool), Smith (Leeds).

[21] Becks on new baby
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"It's just a name we love"

[20] Vieira red card stands
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
D'Urso having looking at both bookings yesterday says the sending off still stands.

[19] Butt back tomorrow
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:

Carroll, P Neville, Blanc, Ferdinand, Silvestre, Beckham, Veron, Keane, Butt, Giggs, 
van Nistelrooy, Solskjaer, Forlan, Tierney, O'Shea, Ricardo.

Silvestre to have late fitness test

[18] Keane to miss
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
Leeds, Tottenham and Charlton games

[17] Euro away travel
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:

Manchester United are to play Maccabi Haifa on the holiday isle of Cyprus. Euroworld 
Travel have a number of package holiday options available. From Self Catering to 5* 
All Inclusive

Ring Louise today for the best holiday bargains to Cyprus.

Euroworld travel 0870 330 0400

If making a booking please remember to mention Red News and let us know at  

[16] Get on this
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:

Richard Kurt's 'Despatches from Old Trafford' has been adapted for the stage and opens 
tonight September 2nd at the Chester's Gateway theatre for six nights before setting 
off on a tour of English and Irish provincial theatres.

The book was subtitled 'A Red-Eye View of United 1993-1996' and the play brings the 
narrative right up to date with a retrospective on the Ferguson Years and a journey 
through the major events that have shaped United's history.

Richard's writings are well-regarded amongst United fans for dealing with all things 
United in the language of ordinary supporters and the play is no different, free from 
the gloss and syrupy coating so often applied by the marketing men and TV documentary 

Sometimes comic, sometimes tragic but always passionate and dramatic United! is a must 
see for every hardcore Red, free from 'celebrity red' cameos explaining how they 
'leapt from the sofa as Cantona scored'.

>From Billy Meredith; Dennis Viollet; Munich; Paddy Crerand; the arrival of Cantona 
>through to The Treble and Roy Keane each stage in the journey is a celebration of 
>what it is to be a United fan.

Check the web site for tour dates

[15] Fortunate news
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
Quinton has been given a new work permit by the Dept of Employment.

[14] Congrats
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
to Becks and Posh who had their second son yesterday. Romeo Beckham. Where's Romeo 

[13]Was Fergie stitched up?
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by redend:
Did ITV stitch up Fergie on the Keano footage for the post-match interview? This 
wouldn't surprise me - but if its true someone at ITV is going to get the hair dryer 
(on blow torch setting) applied to the genitals.

Posted by 'Smoothtastic' on the  http://www.rednews.co.uk/forum/RED.php RED FORUM 
under the thread titled: "Was Fergie stitched up?"

After watching the highlights of the game on Sunday morning Fergie's post match 
comments about the elbow were fairly categoric: that no elbow was used, merely an arm 
coming across the chest. Now I'm all for him defending the players 100% against the 
usual ABU onslaught, but having seen the replay from the angle behind the players, 
Fergie's comments sounded a little to much like whinging to me.
It now transpires (see today's news item) that Fergie has now 
admitted it was an elbow and that the replay angle he was shown from which to base his 
post match comments, was not the same one given to the viewer's.

Well, well, well. How convenient is that. ITV show him what looks like an innocuous 
flaying arm. The viewer sees the true picture with the proper angle. Fergie comes out 
with no elbow at all when all the viewers can clearly see it was. Fergie comes across 
as a whinger with 'Wenger like' eyesight. Another million Fergie bashing articles are 
written, and the whole ABU nation can go to bed happy.

Of course ITV didn't mean that to happen, did they? Fergie mate, tell them to stick 
the post match interviews up their arse, at least until they show you the correct 

[12] It's just open season now
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
Don the hard hats lads, it's back to they've all got it in for us mode. Do they not 
realise that actually is good for United?

This from the Telegraph

'Keane tends to reserve his praise for players like Laurent Blanc, ignoring the 
reality that the ageing Frenchman is not the answer to United's defensive problems, or 
past favourites like Eric Cantona, overlooking the reality that the old seagull 
sorcerer consistently failed in Europe.'

[11] Order a Red News sub online
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
Thanks to our new link with the safe, simple to use and world wide massively known 
paypal you can now order your 10 issue subscription to Red News the fanzine via credit 
card payment, ordering online from wherever you live in the world, getting the mag to 
your door.

To order the 10 issue sub to be sent to a UK address click on


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And those philanthropists out there can help with our costs by making an online 
donation via paypal. Doesn't matter how small the amount is, every bit helps with the 
costs of the site - thanks. click on. 


[10] There are no less than
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
7 different articles on Keane in the Telegraph
6 in the SUN
5 in the Mirror

fax your views, vote on Keane...all angles are covered by the salivating fourth estate.

When the seagulls follow the trawler time again lads.

So to be honest today we just can't be bothered to print some nomarks view on Keane. 
Some ex-pro who plays the holier than thou card or a journo with a point to prove 
because Keane has never liked him. Keane was wrong to lift his arm. But he hasn't 
murdered anyone and the sooner the press get this tiny little item called 
'perspective' into their agenda the better.

We ask again, what would they do without us.

[9] A Red Perspective
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
It's amazing how many ABUS come out of the window after something like this. I search 
all summer for one when we win the league and they hide like insects under rocks 
avoiding me in the streets so I can gloat. But when we lose or get the bad press - 
'how ya doing', desperate to talk about it.

Well as I went out today to the shops, a Bluenose beckoned me over. 

"What about Keane eh?"

"Yeah, from Cork, signed for Forest for £3.75m, wears the Number 16 shirt."

With that I walked off, and with that, for once, the ABU gobshite was silenced.

Try it yourself...

Peter Shaw

[8] Again from days ago Keane interview
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"Who did well last season? Ruud and Becks. That's it."

[7] Now this is just bollocks
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
If you ask me they both seemed to walk off smiling ironically at their sending offs 
but the SUN saw it differently for Keane and Vieira

'Keane, still facing legal action and a disrepute charge over the revelations in his 
autobiography, went off snarling and cursing as his long-running feud with former 
Republic of Ireland team-mate McAteer boiled over. But Vieira was all smiles despite 
his 49th-minute dismissal for a lunge at Chelsea's Danish winger Jesper Gronkjaer.'

[6] Lou Macari on sending off
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"You can't afford to lift an elbow. It is difficult to say how much contact there was 
but he was foolish showing intent. He was the dominant player in midfield but one 
moment of madness has cost him dearly. The referee was in a good position and he 
prevented something happening earlier when he jumped up. He knew what the Jason 
McAteer situation was. It isn't something which has happened overnight and I thought 
he would have been craftier and got his revenge another way. If you get the chance to 
put in a really decent tackle you do it but when you are a marked man you have to put 
up with the aggravation. The book has become a monster and I can't understand why he 
has written it. After a couple of years at the top these guys are multi-millionaires. 
Now he has left himself wide open to any kind of criticism."

[5] Keane on England's World Cup defeat
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
In an interview he did days ago

"The best thing that happened to England was Seaman letting that goal in because he 
took the heat. You analyse that game —menagainstboys.Some England players were more 
interested in swapping their shirts at the end. It was obvious. England were overawed 
by Brazil, who only had 10 players. You could see England's body language at the end: 
'We've done OK, haven't we? Got to the quarter-finals'. England should expect to be in 
the semi-finals or final every time. Come on lads, wake up! I spoke to Nicky Butt 
about them concentrating on swapping tops. He didn't disagree with me."

[4] Fergie says it was a red card
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
First time he goes public with criticism.

"Roy is the first United player to be sent off for this offence and I have said 
recently the use of the elbow is a growing problem in our game. We won't appeal, the 
referee had no choice but to send him off. The replay I was shown immediately after 
the match was misleading. When I saw the TV pictures from a different angle, I saw the 
referee had no choice. If I had someone elbowing, I'd do something about it. But I've 
never had a player who has intentionally done it in a game, because they know how I 
feel about it — it is a coward's way of playing. I still think it was petty rather 
than grievous."

[2] Get the current Red News tomorrow
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
Issue 87 is the current Red News on sale for the Boro game. Just £1.50. Catch an 
exclusive short chat with Eric Cantona. An indepth look at our new Number 2. Keano, 
Gossip. The World Cup, the Commonwealth games, we've got it all. Oh and a bit about 
someone called Rio.

[1] Peter Reid on Saturday
Posted Monday, September 2, 2002 by db:
"For 25 minutes, I didn't think we wanted to be part of a tremendous game  because we 
stood off and watched them. You can show Manchester United respect, but if you give 
them that much time  and space, you're going to get murdered.  Twenty five minutes 
into the game, we started to get among them and then for  an hour, it was a really 
good contest."

[31] The £800,000 a year man sticks in his oar in again
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
Gordon Taylor again not looking after the interests of one of his players, Keano, again

"You just don't want to see players winding each other up and revisiting old issues. 
People should put the past behind them, the sporting field shouldn't become a 
battlefield for revenge and recrimination. This is a general appeal to all players 
that they shouldn't be winding each other up on the pitch. We have 3,000 members and 
we don't want player v player problems. I don't want difficult situations like Denis 
Wise and Callum Davidson, Keane and McAteer and Keane and Alfie Haaland. I said at the 
time that it was a bad time to publish a book, it was not the best time to re-open old 
wounds. The Irish problem now looks to be impinging on the domestic game. Is this 
going to happen every time Roy comes up against one of his Irish colleagues?"

[30] Fergie on Keane injury
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
"He has felt his hip for a while. The problem is what to do about it. He could go on 
for the rest of the season if he has the odd injection and treatment. It's possible he 
could stagger on until the end of the season by regathering himself as only he can do 
but we are actually taking it game to game at the moment. It will always be the 
player's decision but when you look at Freddie Ljungberg and Robbie Fowler you are 
talking two to three months out."

[29] Nesta joins
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
AC Milan, and Lazio now say they can pay us what they owe for the Stam deal

[28] Fergie on Gary Nev
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
and behind closed door game

"Gary did alright and I'd say he's two to three weeks away from being fit."

[27] More from Monkey
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
Peter Reid

"You can't raise your arms or elbows on the field, but I had clashes in my career as a 
player, Keane has had his, and so has McAteer. But I'm not going to get involved with 
what Quinny had to say. I'm not going to write a book about the incident!"

[26] Gordon McQueen on sending off
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
"It was a sending-off offence. Sir Alex is right when he says Roy did not smash 
McAteer in the face but he raised his arm and had to go. The referee was 100 per cent 

[25] More Fergie on sending off
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
"Roy had been kicked earlier and the ref did nothing about it. That boiled it all up a 
bit. I've watched the incident several times and he did not swing his elbow. He put 
his arm across - is that a sending-off offence? I will have to look at it again but 
people will look at it and judge for themselves."

[24] Don't book that trip to Cyprus yet?
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
>From the People

'Manchester United are considering an amazing trip to Israel in the Champions League 
as a thank-you to their fans in the Middle East.

Despite the nightmare security fears - and the fact that UEFA have banned all clubs 
travelling to the war-torn land - there are powerful people working within Old 
Trafford who want United to play Maccabi Haifa in their own country.

The game, scheduled for late October, is due to be played in Cyprus but middle men - 
including top agent Pini Zahavi - are trying to broker a way for United to head for 
Israel instead.

Old Trafford director and solicitor Maurice Watkins is looking into the possibility.

He is a close friend of Zahavi, the man who brought Rio Ferdinand to Manchester from 
Leeds, and the pair are lobbying to see if the idea can go ahead.

Boss Sir Alex Ferguson will be consulted and the players would also have to have their 
say in the decision. Once those feelings are known there may be an approach to UEFA.

Chelsea went to Israel last season, although many stars stayed behind. But since then 
UEFA have refused to sanction matches in the country because of the threat of bombings.

The choice of venue for the game is being keenly debated.

Maccabi Haifa have switched their matches to the capital Tel Aviv in the past and that 
would be their choice again.

And they still have time on their side to see if the move can be pulled off.'

[23] Glasses anyone?
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
The Observer match report somehow forgets to mention the McAteer foul

'There was a brief flare-up between the two late in the second half, but nothing 
untoward until the final minute, when Keane stupidly felled McAteer with a cowardly 
elbow. '

So two crushing kicks is 'nothing untoward'. Right.

[22] Becks to be Dad
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
today for the 2nd time according to the People

[21] Keane doesn't want to meet McCarthy again
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
"Nah. And I hope I don't. I'd tell him where to go. I wouldn't go out of my way to, 
but if he was passing, like. Not in a million years (would I share a drink with him). 
I hope I don't come across as bitter and twisted but that man can rot in hell for all 
I care. I don't feel any guilt about saying that at all because he deserves it. He 
deserves it. f*ck him. f*cking tosser"

[20] Keane on fellow Irish players in Far East
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
"For Quinn and Staunton to sit in that press conference...I mean, I know they have to 
back Mick but, even if it was a day later. But not 15 minutes. I'm thinking what 
planet are you on? Players should stick together. To tell you the truth, I can live 
with what Mick had to say, but I was more hurt by the players. Steve Staunton sitting 
there, I could not believe. I'd never heard anything like it in my life. The stuff I 
could tell you about Staunton. And him about me. People in greenhouses should not 
throw stones"

[19] Keane did not use the c word
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
to McCarthy - he did not call him an English c**t in the Far East

"No. No way. I have to live in England, and to be accused of saying that sort of 
thing, it's not nice for my wife and family. But, they let that run too. The FAI could 
have killed that, and Mick could have killed that."

[18] Keane on Bayer defeat
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
"I mean, I know everyone's different but... I see them (team) in the bar afterwards, 
and I'm like, why aren't they bothered? Why aren't they hurting? Winds me up....I did 
say my piece after that game.'

[17] Keane on desire in team
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
>From Observer

for full interview check out


He speaks constantly of his 'fear of falling into the comfort zone', and is 
disappointed that the attitude is not shared by others. Even his team-mates, don't 
they possess that same will to win?

'Without a doubt, they don't.'

[16] Keane on not drinking
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
In the Observer

'Aye. I've not had a drink for a while. It was affecting my knee. I spoke to the 
medical people at United. Especially when it was contract time, the talks, you know, I 
knew they'd be checking on my knee.'

His concern and canniness paid off when Keane recently signed a new contract, reported 
to be worth more than £4m a year. He has no qualms over the club's concern about his 

'It's the most natural thing in the world for the club to check about my knee. The 
medical people said there was a problem with me going out. And there was, I knew 
alcohol affected it. I'd come in the next day and I couldn't move for my knee. I was 
doing stuff I shouldn't have been doing. Not necessarily dancing, jumping over daft 
hedges and cars and that. But even standing at the bar for four or five hours is not 
going to help your knee. It's a selfish thing with me. If I look after myself, I'll be 
in the game longer, I'll get more money out of it.'

[15] Keano on sending offs
Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002 by db:
In the Observer

check out


I ask if the injury, and its protracted aftermath, was the low point of his 
tempestuous career. He shakes his head. 'No. The sending-offs were. For sure.'

Hardly surprisingly Keane's supremely aggressive style has brought him more than his 
fair share of red cards - 10 in all. More surprising is how he feels about them. 
'People think, "ah well, it's Roy Keane", but they really do affect me. They really 

Particularly the last one, nearly a year ago at Newcastle. Then the former England 
international Alan Shearer wound Keane up, and he took the bait.

'Shearer won, hands down,' he laughs, shaking his head, 'That was my own fault. 

Keane's disgust with himself was such that Ferguson had to talk him out of retiring 
from the game. Is 

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