Nginx Slow download over 1Gbps load !!

2016-01-30 Thread shahzaib shahzaib
Hi, We've recently shifted to FreeBSD-10 due to its robust asynchronous performance for big storage based on .mp4 files. Here is the server specs : 2 x Intel Xeon X5690 96GB DDR3 Memory 12 x 3TB SATA Raid-10 (HBA LSI-9211) ZFS FileSystem with 18TB usable space 2 x 1Gbps LACP (2Gbps Throughput) T

upstream max_fails/fail_timeout logic?

2016-01-30 Thread Thomas Nyberg
Hello I've set up an http proxy to a couple of other servers and am using max_fails and fail_time in addition to having a proxy_read_timeout to force failover in case of a read timeout. It seems to work fine, but I have two questions. 1) I'm not totally understanding the logic. I can tell that

Re: File download results in "110: Connection timed out" on nginx; Download continues until Linux Kernel 'tcp_fin_timeout' reached

2016-01-30 Thread mbukowski
Thanks a lot for the clarification. I did read the docs but the part with the sendfile and no successive writes was what i did not connect. I thought that because of "not for the transmission of the whole response" it didn't apply in that case. I tried to fix that by adding 'sendfile_max_chunk 32