Hello Nginx,
I have these lines:
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $our_x_forwarded_for;
satisfy any;
Hey guys,
Once i have nginx installed with php fastcgi. Is it possible to preppend
a php script to be executed when serving any request? (similar to apache
prepend function). If yes could I please have an example. Thanks
nginx mailing list
Iam trying to whitelist some IPs in the geo #connlimit1 so that the
limit_conn doesnt apply to it. For some reason its not working... those
ips are always being limited. I must be doing something obviously wrong
guidance appreciated.
server {
geo $connlimit1 {
default 1;
Hello nginx!
Iam trying to identify all my visitors based on their continent region,
i want to log this info in each log entry. There is no geoip database
for continent region so I want to map manually the countries within
their regions.
I already have the GeoIP db loaded, and an example map
Hello !
I run nginx as a reverse proxy and send requests to an upstream server,
the problem is according to my logs sometimes i start seeing this:
[499] [-] [0] [11602] [xx.126.55.81] [GET /weblogin/ HTTP/1.1]
[504] [-] [0] [11602] [xx.126.55.81] [GET /weblogin/ HTTP/1.1]
The first field
Hello nginx,
Iam wondering if there is anyway to bind a specific IP as the outbound
IP to contact the backend server for a nginx instance? I serve many
instances in a single machine and all of them using the default IP of
the server is messy.
Hello !
Iam wondering if there is any way to add a custom header/footer to the
output of the STATUS page?
location /status { stub_status on; }
I tried a couple of thigns but for some reason apparently it got ignored.
nginx mailing list
Hello Nginx
I understand that nginx when uses as a reverse proxy does not allow me
to poll for stats regarding the amount of connections/requests sent to
backend servers. Id like to know if there is creative way I can do this
without parsing the logs ? I want to do this almost as a live feed and