Re: HTTP To TCP Conversion

2017-03-29 Thread nginxsantos
Can someone please guide me on how this can be done. I am quite familiar with nginx code. If someone can guide me how this can be achieved (passing the incoming traffic over tcp connection to tcp clients), I can pick up... Any help from the nginx team would be appreciated. Posted at Nginx Forum:

Re: HTTP To TCP Conversion

2017-03-26 Thread nginxsantos
Thanks. Is the LUA capable enough to exchange between HTTP module to TCP module? Any reference? Thanks. Santos Posted at Nginx Forum:,273098,273197#msg-273197 ___ nginx mailing list

Re: HTTP To TCP Conversion

2017-03-24 Thread nginxsantos
Thank you. Can you please share more info on this please. Posted at Nginx Forum:,273098,273181#msg-273181 ___ nginx mailing list

HTTP To TCP Conversion

2017-03-21 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, I am planning to use Nginx as a webserver to the front end of my susbcriber tasks (1:N, 1 Rest Server for N Subscriber Tasks). The communication between the Nginx and my tasks would be over TCP. So, when the Nginx receives the HTTP messages, it will parse the message and then put to those

OAuth Access token validation

2017-03-13 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, Does Nginx provide the support for verifying the access token in the incoming request from an Identity Server? Regards, Santos Posted at Nginx Forum:,272899,272899#msg-272899 ___ nginx mailing list

COAP Reverse Proxy

2017-01-13 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, Anyone has any information of using Nginx as a Reverse Proxy for COAP. Looks like Nginx does not support this. But, does any third party module support this? Thanks, Santos Posted at Nginx Forum:,271980,271980#msg-271980

Re: SSL Offloading in UDP load

2017-01-13 Thread nginxsantos
Thanks Maxim. I am looking for a scenario to load balance the LWM2M server (my backend servers would be LWM2M Servers). I am thinking of using the Nginx UDP loadbalancer for this. Now, if you look at the LW2M stack, it has DTLS over UDP. So, I was thinking if I could offload the DTLS traffic here.

SSL Offloading in UDP load

2017-01-12 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, Does the opensource Nginx support DTLS offloading when acting as an UDP loadbalancer? Thanks, Santos Posted at Nginx Forum:,271957,271957#msg-271957 ___ nginx mailing list

Parsing HTTP Response

2015-09-01 Thread nginxsantos
I have been using Tengine's health check and it does not support parsing the health check response (like what commercial Nginx provides). Is there any other third party module which I can use to parse the http health check response. Any help on this would be appreciated. Posted at Nginx Forum:

Re: Nginx sending notification

2015-08-12 Thread nginxsantos
Is there a way I can do a HTTP POST from inside Nginx? Posted at Nginx Forum:,260738,260947#msg-260947 ___ nginx mailing list

Nginx sending notification

2015-08-04 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, I want to send a notification from Nginx to another remote server when the health of any configured upstream server changes. Is there any module available for this. I was able to get that working through salt , but I need something better, Any suggestions?? Regards, Santos Posted at Nginx

Nginx LUA

2015-06-07 Thread nginxsantos
Can anyone please help me with a lua configuration which I can embedded into nginx.conf to send the following sepaately in access log. user_agent_os user_agent_browser user_agent_version At present all these fields are embedded in http_user_agent and I am writing parser to parse at the receiver

Re: TCP Connection details

2015-06-06 Thread nginxsantos
Anyone knows about this? I feel it is very important to know the network delay between LB and the US servers Posted at Nginx Forum:,258958,259412#msg-259412 ___ nginx mailing list

Re: Nginx Session Draining

2015-05-29 Thread nginxsantos
Hi this module is a part of the commercial subscription. But, looks like the open source version also supports session draining configuration I am trying to figure out how to do that any help? Posted at Nginx Forum:,259238,259263#msg-259263

Nginx Session Draining

2015-05-28 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, I read about the Nginx Session Draining feature. Looks like it is also available in the non commercial version. draining But, it does not tell me how to configure this in the upstream block. Any help? Thanks... Posted at Nginx Forum:

TCP Connection details

2015-05-18 Thread nginxsantos
I am using the Nginx as a reverse proxy and I want to find out the TCP connection information on both east and west bound connections. With the following params on the access log, I am able to get the info about the client TCP connection. Now, I want to find the RTT between Nginx and the backend


2015-05-05 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, I am trying to insert a PCRE inside a map block. But looks like { used in my code is not liked. Suppose I am doing something like this inside a map block. .{1}(?Pstring.{9}).* What is the escape character for { Please let me know. Thanks Posted at Nginx Forum:


2015-05-05 Thread nginxsantos
I tried that alrwady . I don't get errors. But, the functionality does not work. So, I am not sure if the PCRE is not liking it or something else...Still debugging. Posted at Nginx Forum:,258636,258638#msg-258638 ___


2015-05-05 Thread nginxsantos
I looked @ It sames put it inside and once I did that it is working Thank you. Posted at Nginx Forum:,258636,258649#msg-258649 ___ nginx mailing list

Conversion Scripts

2015-01-06 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, Does anyone has any scripts to convert the F5 config to Nginx (acting as a reverse proxy) config? Thanks.. Posted at Nginx Forum:,255969,255969#msg-255969 ___ nginx mailing list

Re: Compression with Caching

2014-09-02 Thread nginxsantos
Thanks I am not sure why we don't first compress and then store the same in the cache. In this way, we don't have to compress the content each time (if the client is asking for a gzipped content) before sending to client. I am not able to understand why it is currently designed thisway,

Re: Compression with Caching

2014-09-01 Thread nginxsantos
Any thoughts on this? Posted at Nginx Forum:,252885,252979#msg-252979 ___ nginx mailing list

Compression with Caching

2014-08-27 Thread nginxsantos
How can use these two together. Suppose I got an uncompressed response from the backend/webserver. I want Nginx to compress the response before storing in the cache. Looks like Nginx is first storing the response in the cache and then doing a compression before sending the response to the client.

Re: nginx channel

2014-06-06 Thread nginxsantos
I was not clear about the usage of ngx_channel? When each worker process is started, the function ngx_pass_open_channel is called. It is not clear to me where we do use the channels, I mean for what ? Posted at Nginx Forum:,250694,250697#msg-250697

Re: nginx channel

2014-06-06 Thread nginxsantos
Thanks Maxim. It helps... Posted at Nginx Forum:,250694,250700#msg-250700 ___ nginx mailing list

Thread support

2014-06-03 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, I am trying to run Nginx as a multi threaded application. Looking at the code it seems the initial code to support multi threaded was there. May be it got broken (as the error message says) or it was not developed to the end. Can anyone who is aware of the history of the Nginx comment about

Re: RE: Nginx with NO SSL offload

2014-05-27 Thread nginxsantos
I am still not convinced that no one faced this problem earlier. When Nginx works as a reverse proxy, is everyone doing a SSL offload for the HTTPS traffic? Posted at Nginx Forum:,250329,250406#msg-250406 ___ nginx

Re: RE: Nginx with NO SSL offload

2014-05-27 Thread nginxsantos
I am still not convinced that no one faced this problem earlier. When Nginx works as a reverse proxy, is everyone doing a SSL offload for the HTTPS traffic? Posted at Nginx Forum:,250329,250407#msg-250407 ___ nginx

Nginx with NO SSL offload

2014-05-23 Thread nginxsantos
Hi All, Is there way I configure Nginx not to do SSL offload, i.e Nginx should receive the HTTPS traffic (by listening on port 443) and forward the same to the backend server without doing an offload. I think I can do this if I setup my Nginx in TCP mode (using the third party module tcp proxy).

Re: Memcached

2014-05-17 Thread nginxsantos
Thank you. I think agentzh's memc-nginx-module module comes with little more features than the default ngx_http_memcached_module which Valentin suggested. If I download nginx, I see the ngx_http_memcached_module. So, it is not a third party module. I will evaluate and see which one to use.


2014-05-16 Thread nginxsantos
Hi: Have anyone used the thirdparty memc-nginx-module module for the memcached operation. I am interested for a memcached module. So, I am evaluating which one to use and their differences and the stability. I also came across another third party module ngx_http_enhanced_memcached_module . Can

nginx with userland tcp

2014-05-07 Thread nginxsantos
Has anyone started looking at nginx with userspace TCP. Is there any opensource TCP stack available which can work well with Nginx. Sandstorm seems to be working in user space and claiming to handle more CPS than Nginx. Posted at Nginx Forum:

Nginx as a single process

2014-04-28 Thread nginxsantos
Hi, Can anyone please help me to run nginx as a single process model (threads instead of processes). I am interested on this as I am more incline to run this with a usermode TCP like netmap-rumptcpip. Anyone has done this or investigating on this ? Thanks, Santos Posted at Nginx Forum:

Re: Nginx as a single process

2014-04-28 Thread nginxsantos
I tried to compile 1.6.0 with --with-threads. But, looks like this is no longer supported. #--with-threads=*)USE_THREADS=$value ;; #--with-threads) USE_THREADS=pthreads;; Can anyone please comment on this. Posted at Nginx Forum:

Re: memory pool allocation

2014-04-10 Thread nginxsantos
Any expert opinions??? Posted at Nginx Forum:,249161,249185#msg-249185 ___ nginx mailing list

Re: memory pool allocation

2014-04-10 Thread nginxsantos
Thank you. But, my question is when we are allocating a pool of more than one page size why are we putting the max value as one page size and then further leading to memory allocation. Posted at Nginx Forum:,249161,249189#msg-249189

Memory Pool

2014-04-09 Thread nginxsantos
Nginx when it accepts a connection, it creates a memory pool for that connection (allocating from heap). After which further memory requirement for that connection will be allocated from that pool. This is good. But, why don't we pre create the memory pools depending upon the number of

Re: SMNP monitoring support

2014-04-09 Thread nginxsantos
This module is just to monitor the status page. Is there any SNMP module which can generate some snmp alarms when certain threshold exceeds or when there is a crash? Posted at Nginx Forum:,248344,249146#msg-249146 ___

Re: Memory Pool

2014-04-09 Thread nginxsantos
Also I noticed that initially for a connection, it allocates a pool of size 256 and if that exceeds, it goes and calls ngx_palloc_large which in turn calls malloc. So, can we not allocate more in the first attempt. Posted at Nginx Forum:

Re: Memory Pool

2014-04-09 Thread nginxsantos
Thank you for the reply. I know it is simple. But, will we not get more performance benefit if we create the pools before hand. Say I will create a memory pool for the connections (for example say with 4000 entries). Everytime I need one, I will go and get it from that pool and when I free it, I

memory pool allocation

2014-04-09 Thread nginxsantos
Suppose, I am allocating a pool of greater than 4k(page size). Say for example I am calling the function ngx_create_pool with 8096. But, this function will set the max as 4095 even if it has allocated 8K. Not sure, why is it being done like this. p-max = (size NGX_MAX_ALLOC_FROM_POOL) ? size